Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-03-09 stars in Bexleyheath

Bexleyheath Beckons! Pink Tutu Sparkles' Tutu-tastic Adventure (Post #8469)

Hello my gorgeous tutu-loving lovelies! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you another sparkling installment from my whimsical world of pink, sparkles, and tutus. Today's adventure takes me to Bexleyheath, a town that holds a special place in my heart, as it was here that I first saw the magic of dance performed live. And of course, no Tutu Queen ever embarks on a journey without her signature pink tutu!

Let's rewind for a moment... As a little lass (okay, maybe I wasn't quite a lass when I donned that first tutu), I used to dream of twirling across the stage, my pink tulle skirt billowing around me like a cloud of sugary goodness. Back then, I was just a wee Derbyshire lad, Alex by name, dreaming big dreams while surrounded by sheep and rolling hills. The only stage I knew then was the stage in the local village hall, where I once played a particularly sprightly tree in a school play. But fate (and a particularly persuasive charity drive) led me to a university ballet club, where I stumbled upon a magical pile of tutus. Now, as any true Tutu Queen knows, one simply cannot resist the allure of a good, pink tutu! So I bravely tried it on, and let me tell you, the feeling of a fluffy pink skirt swirling around me was pure magic! From that moment on, my love for tutus blossomed.

That university experience shaped me, not only by igniting my passion for dance, but also for all things pink and fluffy. In those student days, I discovered the extraordinary power of tutus to inspire, empower, and bring a touch of magic to the mundane. I became a champion for tutus, tirelessly promoting the joy and fun of twirling around in a beautiful pink tulle. That, dear friends, is the true mission of the Tutu Queen: to share the magic of tutus with the world!

After completing my studies in a world far removed from the dazzling realm of tutus (it was a science degree, what can I say? But let's not forget, I do spend my days testing fabrics in my lab, which gives me a particular appreciation for how materials can look and feel!). After graduation, the universe led me to a new calling – the intoxicating world of drag. That's where Pink Tutu Sparkles was born, ready to take on the world (in pink, of course!).

Now, back to Bexleyheath. You see, I have fond memories of watching a wonderful ballet production here when I was a young lad (I can still vividly remember the tutus – pure inspiration!). So it was with a happy heart that I embarked on my train journey today, feeling the familiar thrill of anticipation that comes with every new adventure.

As always, my trusty pink tutu (in a delightful shade of Flamingo Pink, I might add) travelled with me. No self-respecting Tutu Queen would ever be caught dead without her signature piece of sartorial magic! This time, my tutu has a very special new addition: a gorgeous sash of glittering silver sequins that sparkles like a million stars! I think it perfectly reflects the magic of Bexleyheath.

Before my big performance at The Venue tonight, I decided to wander the charming streets of Bexleyheath and soak up the atmosphere. I’ve already found some fabulous shops filled with amazing clothes (perfect for a Tutu Queen on the go!), and I am obsessed with the adorable antique stores where I unearthed some fabulous treasures, including a beautiful silver brooch that I’ll definitely be wearing on stage later!

After a spot of afternoon tea at the charming Cafe Soleil (their homemade Victoria sponge is divine!), I was ready for a bit of culture. A trip to the Broadway Theatre wouldn't be complete without a visit to the stunning art gallery. And believe me, Bexleyheath didn’t disappoint. I fell in love with a stunning portrait by a local artist that captures the beauty of this vibrant town, as seen through the lens of a pink-loving, tutu-wearing queen. The colours are bold, and the composition reminds me of the graceful movements of a ballerina (just like me!). I have a feeling that this masterpiece is going to be the inspiration for a very special performance later on, and I simply cannot wait to showcase it to the Bexleyheath audience.

Now, to set the scene for the evening, I spent a lovely afternoon with some friends at the charming local cafe, catching up on life and laughter. Bexleyheath has such a welcoming community, it reminds me of Derbyshire, just with a bit more glamour! (Though, the Derbyshire sheep are pretty cute – who am I kidding, there’s no competing with a dazzling pink tutu!).

This evening is going to be spectacular! The Venue in Bexleyheath is ready for a night of pure magic. It's my favourite place in the world (apart from my comfy bed back in Derbyshire) – the perfect spot to show the town just how much magic a pink tutu can bring to any occasion. I can't wait to share my love of dance and my signature pink tutu with my fabulous audience! It’s going to be a night of sparkles, laughs, and perhaps a few twirls (and a very pink surprise for the crowd, just wait until they see it!).

As I take to the stage, feeling the twinkle lights dance in my eyes, and the thump of the music beating in my heart, I'll remember my own journey and why I'm on this journey, wearing a tutu. It’s not just a costume for me. It's about finding the courage to embrace your individuality, spread joy, and bring a little sparkle to the world. That’s the magic of the tutu, my dears! So, I urge you all: Wear a tutu, wear pink, be fearless! It’s a truly beautiful thing to see someone embrace their authentic selves and show their hearts to the world!

This has been Pink Tutu Sparkles reporting from Bexleyheath! Join me for more tutu-tastic adventures on my website, www.pink-tutu.com. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram (@pinktutusporkles) for even more fun updates and to see where the Tutu Queen is going next! Now go forth and spread the joy of tutus!

#TutuQueen on 2023-03-09 stars in Bexleyheath