Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-03-26 stars in Bromsgrove

Bromsgrove Bound: Pink Tutu Sparkles' 8486th Post!

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and oh, what a whirlwind of a week it's been! First, a quick update from my little Derbyshire corner: my latest batch of lab experiments is proving delightfully successful. I’ve finally managed to create a fabric that can withstand a hundred spins, leaps, and twirls, all while remaining soft and utterly fabulous. (Can’t reveal any secrets, you see… a little birdie told me patent pending!)

But as I always say, work is for the day. By night, I'm off on my own thrilling adventure – and let me tell you, this one has been quite the trip!

This past weekend saw me, your dearest Sparkles, boarding the good old fashioned train down to sunny (okay, it was a little chilly, but we won't mention that) Bromsgrove! The town itself was absolutely delightful; I even managed to snag a delicious cuppa and a cream scone at a little tea shop that had the cutest pink teapot! Naturally, I twirled around a little bit before I sat down. You wouldn't believe how much attention that garnered - such a simple gesture, but I suppose that's what Pink Tutu Sparkles is all about, isn't it? Spreading joy and inspiring the world, one twirl at a time.

As the day progressed, my attention was piqued by a charming little boutique called "Threads & Dreams." You can imagine the siren call of that shop name for a girl who loves clothes, but imagine my absolute delight when I walked in to discover rows and rows of the most magnificent, pink-hued delights! After I'd calmed down from a near-fainting spell caused by the sheer brilliance of a fluffy pink boa, I decided on a lovely pink lace jacket – perfect for a late-night performance in the heart of the bustling city.

As the evening rolled in, the excitement truly kicked off! I headed down to the Bromsgrove Arts Centre, all ready to ignite the stage. Let me tell you, these lovely folks in Bromsgrove truly know how to party! My show was a right royal romp, with twirls galore, songs that soared through the theatre, and some sparkling choreography inspired by my all-time favourite: The Nutcracker! Of course, I also took some time to encourage my audience to get involved - every single person got up on stage to try out some pink-tutu-filled dance moves! I even had one little chap, no older than five, throw on a bright pink tutu with a determined grin and whirl around the stage with me! Honestly, this little dude was the star of the show; he gave my grand finale spin a run for its money!

Before the night concluded, the theatre erupted in cheers. Everyone was enthralled! After the last song and bows, the sweet staff came up to me with smiles and compliments, praising my performances and asking me all about my inspiration and my journey in the world of drag. It always brings a warmth to my heart to see people so passionate about a little glitter and glamour.

The following day was dedicated to soaking up some local charm and delicious treats. Bromsgrove, as I mentioned, has this enchanting old town centre with shops and cobblestone streets that transport you back in time! We explored some local craft shops – I snagged myself the cutest little pink ribbon to adorn my tutu. I took a little stroll to the river, stopping along the way to admire the charming gardens and the elegant Victorian architecture that graced the town square. Of course, I couldn't possibly leave Bromsgrove without sampling some local delicacies. We popped into a little bakery, where I snagged a raspberry and almond cake - truly a heavenly concoction, especially with the delicious cup of tea that accompanied it. The staff at the bakery were delightful, even indulging my requests to incorporate more pink icing onto the cake! It was such a wonderful, little pink-tutu-approved adventure.

And what is a proper trip without a touch of theatricality? I always love to get out there and meet the local communities in my own unique way – that's where my little pink-tutu journey really shines. As a drag performer, my whole aim is to inspire, to make everyone embrace their unique, sparkly selves and maybe even try a twirl in a pink tutu, or two! The best way to spread that magic, of course, is to get out there, meet people, and spread that pink-tutu cheer. So, imagine my delight when I was invited to a local church’s fundraising event – not your typical Pink Tutu Sparkles performance, but I felt a strong sense of community and an opportunity to truly embrace what I stand for: inclusivity, kindness, and love. Of course, a church event wouldn’t be the same without a dash of sparkle – and with a nod to their local heritage, I decided to give my set a little Bromsgrove twist. I pulled out my finest purple feathered boa and let me tell you, my performance, complete with gospel-style twirling, had those ladies hooting and hollering for more!

But as always, time waits for no queen. And even my dearest Pink Tutu Sparkles, fabulous and flamboyant as I am, had to catch a train back home to the lab. That doesn’t mean the end of the adventures! My schedule is absolutely packed; I've got gigs in Manchester, Nottingham, and Birmingham coming up – so many wonderful cities and towns to see, so many hearts to touch, so many tutus to twirl! Stay tuned, darling readers, for more fabulous adventures with your favourite pink-tutu-wearing queen – until next time, remember: there's a little bit of sparkle inside all of us! Remember, I want to see you twirl! Share your pink tutu journey with me on my socials - and don’t forget to tag me on Instagram @pinktutusparkles! We’re spreading that Pink Tutu magic all over the globe – and that, darlings, is what I live for.

Until next time, stay sparkly! x Pink Tutu Sparkles www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2023-03-26 stars in Bromsgrove