Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-04-01 stars in Ashington

Ashington! Pink Tutu Sparkles' Journey to the North East - Blog Post #8492

Oh my darlings, what a glorious weekend it's been! This pink tutu has been waltzing its way up North, all the way to the charming town of Ashington, and let me tell you, it's been an absolute blast! It's not often I get to take a trip by train, but I must say, watching the countryside whizz by with a cuppa in hand, my sequined bag nestled next to me, well, it's almost as magical as being onstage!

Now, you know me, I adore a good journey, and getting to Ashington felt like stepping into a whole new world. The air was fresh, the people were so friendly, and I just loved the vibe of the place! My sparkly high heels clicked and clacked on the cobbles as I walked, drawing admiring glances from everyone I passed, especially the children, who were practically squealing with excitement! You see, my aim in life, besides looking absolutely fabulous in my pink tutus, is to bring joy to the world, and spreading smiles is a vital part of that!

My first stop was the stunning Ashington Arts Centre, a vibrant, colourful space filled with creative energy. They even had a fantastic little art shop, where I discovered the most darling little hand-painted ballerina magnets, absolutely perfect for my dressing room! Now, I know I shouldn't get distracted, but who can resist such a beautiful treat for my beloved pink tutu wardrobe?

But I digress! As you all know, I was in Ashington to perform, and oh, was I in my element! The venue, a lovely little theatre, was packed, and I just felt the love in the air as the lights dimmed and the music began. I strutted onstage in a custom-designed fuchsia tutu that literally shimmered like a rainbow, paired with a shocking pink bodice adorned with dazzling sequins, and a matching feathered headdress. The audience cheered, whooped, and danced along as I belted out my signature song, a playful, vibrant rendition of "Let's Go Fly a Kite" - a true homage to the joy and beauty of childhood!

Of course, I couldn’t visit Ashington without indulging in some delicious local treats. They're known for their scrumptious bakery delights, and let me tell you, a little pitstop for a raspberry éclair was exactly what my taste buds needed after all that dancing!

My favourite part of the day, though? After my performance, I was approached by this adorable little girl, no older than six. She looked at me wide-eyed, wearing the most charming little blush pink tutu, and asked if I would teach her some ballet moves. Well, how could I resist? So, we spent a delightful twenty minutes practicing our pirouettes and relevés. The sparkle in her eyes as she nailed her first perfect turn will stay with me forever! It just goes to show you, even the smallest act of kindness, of spreading a bit of pink tutu magic, can have the biggest impact.

Now, my lovely darlings, it's time to wrap up this fabulous blog post! Ashington, you’ve been a whirlwind of pink tutu joy! I can't wait to see you all again soon, but for now, it's back to the lab for me, working on my secret, revolutionary fabric formula that will finally revolutionise the tutu industry! Don’t worry, I'm sure I’ll be rocking a brand new creation when I return! Until next time, my loves, keep sparkling, and never, ever be afraid to embrace your inner pink tutu queen!

Keep the tutu love alive, Pink Tutu Sparkles



#TutuQueen on 2023-04-01 stars in Ashington