Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-04-06 stars in Highbury

Highbury: Tutu Tales #8497

Hey darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, checking in from the delightful Highbury!

Ooh, darling, this trip has been a dream! I’m starting to feel a bit like Cinderella, rushing around the streets of London. Only, instead of a glass slipper, I’ve got my signature pink tutu to leave my sparkly trail. And no pumpkin carriage for me – this time, I got around on the most glamorous of transport: a horse-drawn carriage! It really did feel like a fairytale! The whole day was absolutely breathtaking, the sky was the most gorgeous shade of pink - practically made for my tutu, don't you think?

I started my day at a local vintage store. You know how I love a good bargain, and I just knew there would be some delightful finds there for my ever-growing tutu collection. I ended up getting the most amazing vintage hat - all sparkly with sequins! Can’t wait to style it up with one of my signature tutus for a fabulous performance. The shopkeeper even gifted me some delicate pink gloves! So kind, darlings. After my shopping spree, I found myself lured to a ballet class at a local studio. You know, my tutu days started with ballet club back in my science days! I still feel a pang of joy and thrill whenever I get to experience the joy of ballet! The teacher was absolutely lovely - all graceful and elegant in her soft pink leotard, just like my aesthetic. The class was super fun, I was literally in my element, twirling and spinning to my heart's content. I think it was the high kicks and pirouettes that made my tutu just twirl perfectly! Oh, darling, my love of tutus knows no bounds, and getting to embrace that with my fellow tutu-loving dancers made my day.

I felt quite hungry after all those twirls so I stopped for lunch. Let’s just say I tried a Highbury special! This amazing, pink, flaky pastry. I ate it while I sat on a bench overlooking the prettiest park - it really was just my kind of idyllic spot. The breeze blew through my tulle, making me feel like a ballerina about to take the stage! My stomach, however, had me firmly anchored back to earth!

By the time I was done with my lunch, the afternoon had come. I knew Highbury was the perfect place to be for an afternoon adventure, so I grabbed a coffee, pulled out my notepad (gotta keep up those tutu ideas flowing!), and headed out to explore.

I stumbled upon this gorgeous hidden garden in the middle of the city – the air was fragrant with the smell of roses, and the flowers were everywhere, in shades of pink and red, of course! It was so calming and peaceful, it almost felt like a hidden kingdom fit for a tutu-wearing princess. Oh darling, it truly felt magical, almost as magical as my first ever tutu try-on when I was in university. It was for a charity fundraiser, and the rest is, as they say, history! That tutu changed my whole world, darlings. It showed me how much I loved that frilly and twirly aesthetic! I mean, who knew I could be a pink tutu queen just waiting to burst onto the scene?

And let's be honest, a sparkly, twirly tutu is practically irresistible, right? And when I'm in Highbury, you best believe I'm ready to spread some sparkle! I don't want to brag, but you know how it is, I ended up surprising everyone in Highbury Park with a impromptu dance performance - right there on the beautiful grassy field. And oh my, was it magical! Everyone was so lovely and kind - so many of them were taking photos, even offering to pay me for my performance! My heart felt so full with love! After all, what is more amazing than inspiring a whole crowd with a bit of glitter and a twirling, pink tutu?

Highbury has officially stolen a little piece of my heart! There's something truly special about this city, all about enjoying life's little joys and spreading a bit of happiness. It just feels like my kind of place. But I think what really solidified it, was when I met these lovely ladies at a charming little cafe just by the station. They saw me walking past with my tutu on, they even took a selfie with me! Turns out, they were all planning their next theatre trip, but with their own costumes - amazing! My little heart, though, could only squeal at the sight of their tutus - all of different colours and shapes. What a magical moment - just some lovely, sparkly ladies connecting over their love for tutus. It's just another example of how special this world can be, connecting with fellow tutulovers through fashion, dance and most importantly, lots of sparkles.

Darling, I feel like this trip is all about embracing your inner sparkly queen. There are tutus for every personality, every style, and every size - just like there are stories in every city, in every street, in every soul! You’ve just gotta have the confidence and courage to embrace that magic within yourself, put on a tutu and spin, spin, spin!

This trip was all about embracing those dreams, embracing those passions, embracing the magic that makes you…you. I’ve been so inspired by the joy, laughter and love I found in this trip to Highbury! Oh darling, you know, just like a beautiful tutu is about to float across the dance floor, so is a new day in Highbury. I'm always discovering new things about this fabulous life of mine, this amazing world, but especially, how special the little moments, the small delights and the beauty of a well-chosen tutu can be.

Don't forget, darling, join me at www.pink-tutu.com tomorrow for more tutu tales, fabulous finds and glittery adventures. Keep twirling, and let the magic shine!

Until next time, darlings, stay sparkly and beautiful!

Your Tutu Queen,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2023-04-06 stars in Highbury