Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-04-17 stars in Bloxwich

Bloxwich! My Tutu-tastic Adventure!

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to bring a sprinkle of glitter to your day, and trust me, Bloxwich has been nothing short of sensational! This is blog post number 8508, and as usual, I’m buzzing with excitement to share my adventures with you!

Now, I know what you're thinking: Bloxwich? Seriously, Pink Tutu? I can almost hear you saying, "It’s not exactly Paris, is it?" But my lovelies, remember, for this Pink Tutu Queen, every town holds the promise of new adventures, new smiles, and the opportunity to spread a little bit of pink tutu love!

Bloxwich welcomed me with open arms – and a few confused looks, naturally! They hadn't exactly had a tutu-clad drag queen sashay down their high street before, but they embraced me with an enthusiastic 'alright love!' that warmed this queen’s heart.

Getting to Bloxwich, was half the fun. A trusty train journey (oh, I do love the romantic charm of those carriage windows) from my Derbyshire home, took me through charming English countryside. The landscape was bursting with vibrant green, the kind of emerald only seen in fairytales! I practically dreamt in ballet-pink tulle as I watched the scenery zoom past.

The moment I stepped onto the station platform in Bloxwich, I could feel a change in the air. The local folk, bless their hearts, were curious, and I’m sure a few had a good old chuckle at my flamboyant getup. I saw a cheeky twinkle in their eyes as I confidently strutted out of the station. It was this warm sense of acceptance that instantly set the tone for a truly fab Bloxwich experience!

The venue where I was booked to perform, a bustling pub with a "rock and roll" vibe called the "Purple Parrot," was brimming with warmth and cheer. A small but excited crowd, who I suspect might have popped in just for a glimpse of the pink tutu phenomenon, greeted me with enthusiastic cheers.

My stage performance was pure bliss, the sort of freedom I get to express only as Pink Tutu Sparkles. My energy was infectious, and the crowd responded in kind, joining in my twirls, dips and dance moves, with the sort of genuine appreciation only possible when you're completely yourself!

Now, this Pink Tutu Queen never travels without a fabulous shopping spree. So, after the gig, naturally, I had to indulge in a spot of retail therapy at Bloxwich’s independent shops. I was so excited to find a charming little vintage store, packed with treasures. You should have seen me hunting for the perfect feather boa and glittering headbands. And just imagine my joy when I discovered the most divine pair of lavender heels with shimmering sequins.

Bloxwich is more than just charming pubs and curious locals; it has a history too! After a fabulous breakfast at a local cafe (with the most amazing strawberry and cream scone I've ever tasted!), I explored Bloxwich’s intriguing heritage. A quaint museum nestled on a sleepy street captivated me. The museum, brimming with stories of Bloxwich’s history, made me feel deeply connected to the place.

Speaking of feeling connected, Bloxwich has a strong community spirit, The locals welcomed me with warmth and kindness, genuinely excited about the vibrant energy I brought to their town. It was so heartwarming, really!

A local ballet school, with pink-tulle streamers decorating its entrance (you know me, I couldn't resist the charm!) invited me for an afternoon ballet class! How could I say no? So there I was, twirling and leaping with a group of eager dancers. We may have had a few chuckles (what can I say, Pink Tutu Sparkles, a bit more...showy than a typical ballet dancer!), but they welcomed my enthusiasm. I’m thinking this might be the start of a beautiful ballet-pink partnership!

As evening descended on Bloxwich, I took a relaxing walk through a beautiful park. Lush green meadows, dotted with colourful flowerbeds, painted the most stunning sunset over Bloxwich. You know me, darling, I just had to grab my little compact mirror and strike a pose – with a perfect backdrop for my Instagram followers.

The highlight of the night? Dinner at a little Italian restaurant tucked away in a side street. The owner, an absolute sweetheart, whipped me up a divine plate of pasta – all pink and sprinkled with glitter of course (sorry not sorry!). I even persuaded him to let me write "Pink Tutu Sparkles was here!" in chalk on the restaurant wall, right below their ‘Trattoria da Bruno' sign!

Bloxwich truly left an indelible mark on this Pink Tutu Queen’s heart. You see, it’s not about the size of the town or its glitzy status, darling. It’s about the warm embraces, the open hearts, and the little sparks of joy that come from unexpected places. I know you might not all embrace the tutu life as enthusiastically as me, but just remember this: every place you visit holds the magic of new connections and the possibility to embrace a little bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles. So, darlings, get out there, explore, embrace the joy of discovery, and let’s paint the world pink, one tutu at a time!

Love always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S My trip to Bloxwich wouldn’t have been possible without the generous folks at the "Purple Parrot!" And a massive thank you to all my fabulous followers who sent love and support. Don’t forget to check out my fabulous photos on Pink Tutu Sparkles Instagram page! And if you're ever in Bloxwich, be sure to give "The Purple Parrot," the local vintage store, the ballet school and, of course, Trattoria da Bruno a visit – you won’t regret it!

P.P.S Be sure to follow my blog! Every day, I'm sharing new stories, fun facts, and all the glamorous details of my life as Pink Tutu Sparkles. It’s your daily dose of pink tutu bliss! www.pink-tutu.com Don't forget, my lovelies, the world is your stage and a pink tutu is your magic ticket to shine! Let's sparkle together!

#TutuQueen on 2023-04-17 stars in Bloxwich