Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-05-12 stars in Norwich

Norwich - Pink Tutu Sparkles goes pinktastic! (Blog Post #8533)

Hey darlings! Your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles is back with a brand new blog post, and this time, we're off on an adventure to the gorgeous city of Norwich! Oh, darling, the journey was simply delightful! You know me, a big fan of travelling in style. So naturally, I opted for the romantic route, catching a scenic train journey from Derbyshire, my little home county. I did debate with myself whether to get a horse-drawn carriage for the trip. That might have been a little too theatrical even for Pink Tutu, haha! But I will say, arriving in Norwich feeling the fresh air and hearing the city coming to life was so invigorating.

Now, the reason I'm in Norwich you ask? Well, the glorious city has a little treat in store for me – a wonderful ballet show featuring none other than the dazzling "The Nutcracker"! I can't get enough of the magic and the artistry of ballet, and the iconic Christmas tale with the adorable Nutcracker and the beautiful Sugar Plum Fairy is truly my cup of tea. Imagine, pink tutus all over the stage - a dream come true for a pink-loving queen like myself!

Speaking of tutus, I've been scouring the shops in Norwich, hoping to find a new one for my repertoire! And believe me, my dear blog followers, my tutu collection is truly extensive. Let’s just say, the word ‘collection’ does not quite do it justice! You’ll be able to see all of my favourite creations, including some pink tutus with a fabulous array of sequins, tulle, and frills on my Instagram - check out my handle, @PinkTutuSparkle - It’s truly a sight to behold!

Oh darling, I’m truly having a fabulous time in Norwich! But let’s rewind a little bit to my trip to the station. Because let me tell you, the journey was a real blast! You know how much I adore everything pink, and wouldn’t you know it, I ran into the cutest pink suitcase on my way to the station. It was destiny! I just had to buy it and the cutest matching pink hat and scarf – oh the joy! You might say I looked like a pink marshmallow ready for a stylish adventure, and frankly darling, I embraced it!

You see, ever since I found my love for drag, and even more specifically, tutus, my whole world became a bit brighter. When I’m in my pink tutu, I feel unstoppable, a true symbol of joy and love for all things sparkling! Don’t get me wrong, it was a little nerve-wracking initially. As a science student at university in Derby, my idea of fashion wasn't quite…pink. It all changed when the university ballet club, which I had joined to expand my artistic side, held a charity fundraiser with the university fashion department. I decided to support the club and tried on a pink tutu for fun. It was like something clicked! I felt a confidence surge through me I’d never experienced before. Now, a few years later, here I am - Pink Tutu Sparkles - travelling around the UK in the cutest pink outfits you can imagine and spreading a message of inclusivity, self-expression, and…of course…love for tutus.

Speaking of my day job - yeah, darling, you know me, the double-life of a fabulous scientist and queen extraordinaire! During the day, I work in a laboratory where I test the strength of fabric, and by night I take to the stage. Honestly, there’s nothing more rewarding than spreading a bit of glitter and joy. You never know where you’ll find me next, dear followers! I’ve done drag shows in theatres, festivals, shopping malls, and even a fair.

My Norwich adventure started at the wonderful Norwich Theatre Royal – which truly lives up to its name – you wouldn’t believe the sheer opulence! We were a small group performing – four fabulous queens all wearing dazzling tutus of course – but what a blast we had! I felt truly like I was dancing with the stars, which was absolutely magical! But let’s be real for a moment, even more importantly – after the show, it’s time to fuel my inner diva and try out some of the amazing food the city of Norwich has to offer!

Darling, my favourite part about my trips is discovering hidden gems, especially when it comes to food. And Norwich didn’t disappoint! My little adventure took me to a sweet cafe where I savored the most delightful pastel pink cheesecake (naturally!). And, in the evening, I discovered a hidden gem - a restaurant with incredible views – serving an absolutely delicious dish. I’m keeping it secret for now because it was that special, darling! But you’ll just have to wait until my next blog post, I might give you a little hint then, maybe!

The thing I love most about travelling in this sparkly Pink Tutu Sparkles mode is meeting other incredible people who share my love for the artistic and the unusual, and especially for fabulous pink tutus! The streets of Norwich buzzed with energy, and the locals were absolutely delightful, a truly wonderful mix of trendy fashionistas and artistic souls. Every single person I met was just the nicest, they smiled, gave compliments, and even had little talks about our favourite designers - how fantastic is that? I definitely had more than one conversation about tutus - it was so refreshing and inspiring, you have no idea!

In my heart, dear readers, my ultimate goal is simple: to get everyone to wear a pink tutu! Even just for one day! What could be better than spreading love, laughter, and a whole lot of fabulous pinkness?! It’s all about finding the confidence within you and rocking your inner Sparkle, no matter your style. It’s the power of being comfortable in your own skin, and tutus are definitely one way to express it! But who knows, maybe we can find a new magical pink outfit to rock - who needs a crown when you have a perfectly good tulle-covered helmet, am I right?

This journey to Norwich was everything and more - the perfect combination of fabulousness, pink, sparkle, and kindness - everything a queen like me could dream of! But it's time to move on. My next stop will be to a gorgeous little coastal town - so many fabulous pink beach accessories to choose from! Until next time, dear readers, don't forget to stay true to your fabulous selves and, most importantly, wear pink! And if you can't find a pink tutu, well, we always can make one together. Just stay tuned to the website and my social media for a Tutu DIY soon. See you soon! Lots of love!

Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Don’t forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com for even more blog posts and photos of my Pink Tutu journey.

Pink Tutu Sparkles is a fictional character. This story is intended to be light-hearted and humorous, with a focus on positivity and celebrating personal style.

#TutuQueen on 2023-05-12 stars in Norwich