
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-06-02 stars in Romford

Romford! It's Pink Tutu Time! šŸ©°āœØšŸ’–

Hello, darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, signing in from the fabulous Romford! šŸŽ‰ You can check out my epic Romford adventures on my Pink-Tutu website - www.pink-tutu.com, blog post number 8554! You know me, I love to spread the joy of tutus and I just couldn't resist a little pink sparkle in this charming town.

Right, letā€™s get this blog post rocking like a Pink Tutu-clad ballet star. First, a quick recap of my journey here. I opted for the grand adventure of a train journey. Oh, I love trains! It allows you to watch the world go by and people-watch, soaking up the dayā€™s colours, all from a comfy seat! Did I mention there's always a little cheeky Prosecco to enjoy too? šŸ¤«

But enough about the journey, the real excitement is here in Romford! I'm truly loving the atmosphere here. Romford is like a fairytale, complete with charming little shops and a beautiful historic market square! It just had to be my Pink Tutu HQ.

I simply had to suss out the fashion scene in Romford! Of course, I couldn't go without a trip to the high street to try and find a few new additions to my Pink Tutu Wardrobe. It's hard work, I know. šŸ¤£

Now, I don't like to judge, but it took some convincing for my friends, Chloe and Kelly, to leave the comfortable, cozy cafĆ© with all its delicious pastries behind to join me for my fashion adventure. You see, my girls arenā€™t exactly 'pink tutu' fans (yet, ha!), they have their own unique, sassy style, more ā€œLondon chicā€, but they are absolutely supportive! In the end, I convinced them with a good cup of strong, milky tea - just the way I like it.

The hunt began! My favourite shop in the town was "Simply Gorgeous," a quirky, colourful little shop full of pretty clothes! We stumbled across the most fabulous pastel pink top. It would look fantastic paired with my favourite tutu, wouldn't you say? It's absolutely divine, wouldn't you agree? And Chloe was even tempted by a pair of glittery hot pink heels. You heard that right! Pink is contagious and these girls were practically caught up in my pink-tutu magic!

As my inner voice loves to chime in ā€œMore pink! More pink!ā€, I was excited about the prospect of going to Romfordā€™s wonderful Theatre. Imagine, the glamour, the stage lights, the audience gasping in awe at the spectacle! Oh darling, it was an absolute dream! The performance was brilliant. The ballerinas, so elegant in their swirling tutus and leaps, really brought it home. I even dabbled in a few ā€œPink Tutu Sparklesā€ inspired moves. I swear I saw a few tutus amongst the audience! Now that is true inspiration! I absolutely must return, for my Pink Tutu Sparkles show - Pink Tutu, Pink Dreams!

Later that night, the fun continued at a glamorous and glitzy Drag event in the townā€™s beautiful market square. Oh, the people! The outfits! The dancing! I just love that kind of energy. There was so much sparkle and glitz. And as fate would have it, one of the drag performers - oh how hilarious! - was actually wearing a pink tutu! Of course, it was just begging for a Pink Tutu Sparklesā€™ seal of approval! My inner Pink Tutu enthusiast just erupted.

That evening, I felt like the queen of the entire world. (I guess I could technically claim that title as Queen of all Things Pink, no?) Itā€™s simply too much for this fabulous blogger to contain. Iā€™m telling you darling, the energy here was truly intoxicating. Romford was rocking my world, literally! I couldn't help but sing and dance all night, leaving a trail of Pink Tutu sparkle and joy!

Here are my highlights of this magical Pink Tutu adventure:

  • The absolutely divine pink top from Simply Gorgeous - a must-have for every pink enthusiast, just saying! (Think: ā€œPink Tutu Sparklesā€™ approved!ā€)
  • The ballet performance was just so beautiful.
  • The drag event in the market square had a really wonderful atmosphere!

Romford, you've definitely made it onto my pink tutu world map! Iā€™m definitely coming back to your wonderful town to spread a little pink love and to add some more sparkle! This just proves you never know where the Pink Tutu spirit will strike next! Itā€™s certainly going to be a fantastic summer for Pink Tutu! Until next time, darlings!

A Little Bit About Me

For all my darling Pink Tutu followers, you probably know my story, but hereā€™s a quick re-cap: You'll never believe what happened! Back when I was in Derbyshire, working on a Science Degree (can you imagine - Pink Tutu Sparkles, scientist by day! But donā€™t you worry, my night was packed with sparkly magic!) I decided to take a plunge and join the Universityā€™s ballet club. Now, I always loved to dance but never dreamed of ballet! For the University's charity fundraiser, the ballerinas had to get people to donate to dress them up as something sparkly, I said, "sign me up!". I had my heart set on a beautiful pink tulle tutu and it changed my life! It made me realize my calling. From that moment, Pink Tutu Sparkles was born! A pink tutu? Pure magic! Now I am on a mission to convince every single person in the world to wear pink. What do you say? Youā€™re coming with me on this mission, right? šŸ˜‰šŸ’–

#TutuQueen on 2023-06-02 stars in Romford