Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-07-03 stars in Edmonton

Edmonton Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Flies North, Post #8585!

Hello my lovely tutu-loving darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here!

Can you believe it's already July?! Time really does fly when you're chasing your dreams, and I am SO excited to share my latest adventure with you - a trip to the amazing city of Edmonton, Canada!

I know what you're thinking, "Edmonton? Why Edmonton?" Well, darlings, it all began with a little whisper of fate… a tweet from a lovely local theatre, inviting Pink Tutu Sparkles to grace their stage. The offer was simply too good to refuse, especially when they mentioned a brand new pink tulle curtain, practically begging for a sparkly, twirling extravaganza!

But before we get to the glittery stage, let's talk about the journey. This time, Pink Tutu Sparkles decided to take the scenic route, boarding a majestic Canadian train. Now, I'm a firm believer that travel is half the adventure. Who needs boring planes and airports when you can sip on tea, munch on delicious sandwiches (the cucumber and cream cheese are truly divine, darling!), and gaze out the window at rolling fields and majestic mountains? The journey itself felt like a fairytale!

When I arrived in Edmonton, the city was a welcoming hug of excitement! I loved the vibrant energy and the friendly people. As a total clothes fanatic, I simply had to pop into the quirky boutique downtown, “Sew Fancy." It's full of whimsical outfits and the most beautiful fabrics - some of the silky chiffons are like butter, darling. The lovely lady there, Beatrice, even gifted me a gorgeous feather boa! Talk about perfect travel accessories!

Now, let’s dive into the magic of the theatre. It's called The Majestic, and let me tell you, it’s exactly as the name suggests. The stage lights, the plush velvet seats, and the scent of old-world charm... I felt like I was transported back to a bygone era! But even better, the entire team was absolutely wonderful! They made me feel right at home.

The show itself was pure magic. I think my twirls were a little more energetic than usual, thanks to that divine new curtain. I was so busy enjoying the performance that I completely forgot about my pre-show nerves! And guess what, darlings? I even added a little ballet sequence to my act, just to give the audience something truly special! The crowd roared with approval!

After the performance, it was time to treat myself to a real Canadian delicacy - poutine! Imagine: crispy fries, loaded with rich gravy, and topped with gooey cheese curds. Delicious! The Edmonton food scene is truly a delight. I might even consider living here, darlings - just to be able to get poutine at least once a week.

But no matter where I travel, one thing remains constant: spreading the love for pink tutus! Everyone deserves to feel like a princess, right? Whether it's twirling through the streets of Edmonton, striking a pose at a fancy tea party, or adding a splash of pink to a mundane Monday, Pink Tutu Sparkles is here to inspire you to unleash your inner tutu-lover!

Oh, and I nearly forgot! Edmonton is the most gorgeous city for a picnic! I took a walk in the city park - the green grass, the dappled shade under the trees, it felt positively idyllic! I brought my usual picnic basket full of cream teas - and imagine my surprise when I found that everyone was happily munching on pink candy floss, shaped like tutus! What a truly delightful city this is, my lovelies.

So, that was my fabulous time in Edmonton! Stay tuned, darlings, because I'm off on a brand new adventure. This time, I'll be getting back to nature… and riding a horse, naturally! Who needs planes or trains when you can ride on the back of a magnificent steed?

Until next time, keep spreading the pink tutu love and always remember, darlings: every day is a day for a pink tutu.

With a big twirl and a splash of pink,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2023-07-03 stars in Edmonton