
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-07-05 stars in Burnley

Burnley: The Town Where Pink Tutus Met Lavender Fields

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing gal, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, back with you on another dazzling adventure! Today's post marks an exciting number - 8587! That's right, a record-breaking amount of shimmering fun on www.pink-tutu.com. And for this journey, my dear friends, we're heading north to Burnley.

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Burnley? Is there a ballet there? Can you even get a good cappuccino?". The answer to all is, surprisingly, a resounding YES! Burnley, with its industrial charm and Victorian history, might not be your typical 'pink tutu' location. But hold onto your tiaras, because it was the most unexpectedly delightful stop on my tour so far.

But first, let me spill the tea on how I ended up in Burnley. This time, dear readers, it wasn't a horse-drawn carriage. You see, Burnley wasn't on my usual travel itinerary. The trusty 'Pink Tutu Express', aka the 16:34 train from Derbyshire, brought me here, but the journey had a rather unique catalyst - a lovely lady named Daphne.

Daphne is a real ray of sunshine, a woman who, if she saw a cloud, would probably grab her knitting needles and stitch it into a sunshine-shaped hat. She contacted me, you see, through the website. Daphne is the founder of the Burnley Arts Collective, an organisation dedicated to bringing the arts, especially dance, to the local community. And as you can imagine, I just couldn't resist a challenge like this.

We all know my favourite colour is pink (it's literally a superpower!), but my second favourite shade is that stunning, lavender-grey that graces a rainy sky just before a summer storm. And Burnley, darling, was the lavender field to my pink tutu. The town itself felt like a storybook waiting to be written. The red brick houses, their chimneys poking at the sky, looked like gingerbread houses.

Arriving in Burnley, I had to pinch myself to ensure this wasn't some fancy-dress dream! There I was, surrounded by cobblestones, historic buildings, and more flowers than I could shake a feathered boa at! I even spotted a friendly ginger cat chilling outside a pub called The Rusty Nail - it just added to the charming ambiance.

So, how did Burnley meet its "pink tutu" fate? Well, I joined the Burnley Arts Collective for a fundraising event. Imagine this, darlings, me, strutting down a cobbled street, surrounded by eager audience members who'd never seen a tutu, let alone a pink one, in real life. The sheer awe on their faces, the way they were gasping at each feather-tastic twirl. Oh, it was divine!

Of course, we did have to tailor my act slightly to Burnley's sensibilities. There wasn't quite as much drag culture here, but I adapted my repertoire, replacing the cheeky disco tunes with a more mellow repertoire, a mix of classical ballets and classic disco classics. But make no mistake, darlings, this was a proper 'Pink Tutu Sparkles' experience.

But, the absolute highlight was Daphne, a whirlwind of positivity and dedication. I learned so much from her, the way she tirelessly championed arts education in the local community.

We organised workshops with the children of Burnley. They, naturally, were captivated by the pink tutu! The children giggled, giggled, giggled - and it filled my heart with the greatest joy! We talked about art, life, dreams, and, of course, the universal love of pink. We created beautiful tutu creations, turning discarded fabrics into whimsical, brightly colored masterpieces. You know, the children really outdid themselves with their creativity. I think I even saw a tutu crafted from old newspaper, covered in glitter, that was so incredibly imaginative. It even sported a newspaper feather boa, simply delightful.

You see, Burnley, for all its humble exterior, was brimming with talent. Seeing children, eyes sparkling with imagination, was truly inspiring. One boy, called Charlie, was particularly enthralled by the tutu. I spent an afternoon helping him learn a ballet routine, even adding some pink feather embellishments to his hair.

You see, the beauty of a pink tutu isn't just about the colour or the fancy feathers. It's about confidence, self-expression, and the sheer joy of embracing what makes you unique. The whole experience, darlings, was so heart-warming. You wouldn't believe the kindness of strangers. A local bakery even gifted me a box of pink macarons - pure delight!

Of course, it wouldn't be a 'Pink Tutu Sparkles' adventure without a trip to the theatre, would it? This time, the local amateur dramatic society was showcasing a play about a young girl who dreamed of becoming a ballerina. I must confess, I shed a little tear. I felt like it was a play written for my own soul. The performance, I must tell you, was phenomenal.

In Burnley, my pink tutu journey became about spreading joy, sparking inspiration, and realizing the importance of fostering creativity in every corner of the world. Even if it is as far away from a pink tutuโ€™s home as Burnley. I truly believe, my darlings, that we all have the potential to be fabulous, like my friend Charlie and that stunning pink newspaper tutu! Burnley is a true testament to that!

And so, my dearest readers, I leave Burnley with a newfound love for this vibrant town, its generous residents, and its breathtaking beauty. Oh, and of course, the delicious scones and cream. It's a reminder that even the most unexpected places can offer moments of sheer magic. And in case you were wondering, my 'pink tutu' vision continues, spreading a rainbow of joy wherever I go!

Remember, darlings, always be fabulous, always embrace the extraordinary, and most importantly, wear pink tutus whenever possible.

Stay fabulous, stay pink!


Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

P.S Don't forget to catch the latest post at www.pink-tutu.com, and keep a lookout for me on your local stage - you never know where my pink tutu adventures might take me! You know, maybe the next place will be the North Pole - I'll definitely be wearing a fur-trimmed pink tutu if I go there, just you wait!

#TutuQueen on 2023-07-05 stars in Burnley