Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-07-16 stars in South Shields

South Shields Sparkle: Post #8598

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, ready to sprinkle some glitter on your Saturday. Today's blog is all about my absolutely fabulous trip to South Shields! I know, you're probably thinking "South Shields? But, darling, what on earth could be going on in that part of the world?"

Well, let me tell you, South Shields was a proper little gem. It was the kind of day that just fills your soul with sunshine, even though it was a bit cloudy when I arrived!

And how did I arrive? By train, of course! That's how a true queen travels, it’s all about the journey. Now, I can’t lie, I’m actually quite partial to a little gallop on a horse - you know, a bit of a trot by carriage - but alas, it wasn't practical this time around. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love that sort of dramatic arrival, especially when you get all dressed up, but it just wasn't happening for South Shields. And really, a train ride just gives you a chance to people watch, so glamorous.

Now, you all know how much I love me a good shopping spree, and South Shields did not disappoint. You can always find some hidden gems in the independent boutiques there, and I must admit, I absolutely fell head-over-heels in love with a beautiful lavender silk shawl in a little shop called 'The Emporium of Delights.' Naturally, it ended up coming home with me - it's a must-have accessory for any pink tutu wearing queen, no?

Of course, the real reason for my trip was the chance to perform! This town has got some serious theatrical history, you know. The Queen’s Hall Theatre, a real classic! Now, I might have missed my chance at a dramatic entrance, I’ve never tried a grand arrival on stage before, always a little nervous, you know, I might forget the choreography or forget my entrance line. But my South Shields show went off without a hitch, I was on stage in the blink of an eye, a little twinkle of pink in a spotlight. My crowd, oh my! It was the best audience a queen could ask for. Full of energy and laughter, and they even loved the new dance I was trying out - I even got some little darlings joining in with me. Nothing beats getting a whole venue swaying with your performance.

So, let's talk about my outfit! It was a total masterpiece. My designer (oh darling, you should know who she is by now, but no need to give away my secrets, it’s a top secret project and you all have to wait for my fabulous announcement!) put together the most gorgeous pastel pink number, layers upon layers of shimmering tulle, think fairytale princess meets intergalactic warrior. This show stopping outfit, was my secret weapon, the most wonderful way to end this whole performance extravaganza. It had everything - shimmer, sparkle, feathers, the perfect dose of drama.

And as usual, the crowd went wild for my finale. You see, when the pink tutus come out, there is no one that can resist their magic, everyone starts to move, and get caught up in a whirl of sparkle. That’s why I work so hard, because when that feeling hits you can’t resist and there are only good vibes around. That’s my ambition: everyone wearing a pink tutu. This year I have a tour organised that is touring right across the British Isles, all through Scotland, and even down through Wales, I will be there on a train and in a pink tutu and getting as many of you as I can to have a try of it. I think everyone can feel amazing wearing pink, it makes everyone smile, and I don’t mean a forced, I can’t be bothered, or smile for a picture, it’s more of a, I love wearing pink and can’t wait to do this again and again, sort of smile.

South Shields was a true fairytale come to life. It was the perfect escape from the daily grind, and a fantastic reminder why I do what I do. You see, darling, spreading joy and laughter, one sparkly tutu at a time, that’s what it's all about! And that's what I plan on continuing to do, right here, on my little blog, day after day.

Oh, before I forget, don't forget to head over to www.pink-tutu.com to check out more fabulous pics from my South Shields performance, and a glimpse into my shopping spree, of course. And leave me a comment below telling me about your favourite pink tutu moments, let’s keep the pink love flowing!

See you soon, and remember: be brave, be bold, and be unapologetically sparkly!

Yours always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles,
(or Alex, if you must!)

#TutuQueen on 2023-07-16 stars in South Shields