
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-07-24 stars in Uxbridge

Uxbridge: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On the Home Counties!

Hello, my darlings! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back for post number 8606, and oh my, let me tell you, I've got a tale to tell about my latest adventures! This week, I've been spreading the pink tutu love all the way to the lovely town of Uxbridge, just a hop, skip, and a twirl from good ol' Derbyshire.

Now, you might be wondering, why Uxbridge, you ask? Well, darlings, I always have to follow the call of the performance! This little town, tucked away in the heart of the Home Counties, hosted the Uxbridge Midsummer Fair, a gloriously chaotic whirl of food stalls, craft stalls, and (you guessed it) a stage where yours truly, Pink Tutu Sparkles, got to strut my stuff!

Travelling in Style

The journey, my dears, was part of the adventure, naturally. I love travelling by train. It allows me to indulge my fashion cravings and do some serious people-watching! And this trip? I was feeling very pink. I donned a breathtakingly vibrant fuchsia pink dress with a shimmering tulle skirt that flowed like a pink dream, paired with my signature white platform heels, sparkling like disco balls in the sunlight. My signature pink tutu, of course, made a special appearance.

On the train, I settled in to catch up on all things fabulous: the latest ballet shows in London, the newest pink fashion trends from Paris, and the news on the global tutus scene. Did you know there's a Tutu convention in Japan now? We're going global, babes! I was so caught up in the fun of the journey, I almost forgot my signature giant pink hair bow!

Pink Tutu Sparkle Power!

I'll be honest, darlings, performing in the fairgrounds was a wee bit different from my usual ballet or theater performances. You have the music and dancing with all those stage lights... and then there's the fairground, full of people wanting candy floss, winning prizes on the hook-a-duck stall, and gawking at the acrobatics. It was all so wonderful and vibrant. The energy in that space was palpable, and it was infectious, I can tell you!

I, Pink Tutu Sparkles, did what I do best: brought a little bit of glitter and sparkle to the crowds! My set was a joyous explosion of pink and glittery glamour, with some seriously dazzling moves inspired by ballet, circus, and all things bright.

Tutu-fied Crowds

There was such a beautiful energy amongst the crowd, my dears! It was the kind of energy you just want to soak up and give back! Children were absolutely thrilled, waving pink pompoms and asking for photos (of course, I obliged!), and some brave men, inspired by the sheer spectacle, were even sporting tutus themselves! They were a sight for sore eyes!

After my performance, it was time to mingle, and mingle we did, darlings. From a delightful grandmother praising my pink wig to a group of teenage girls swooning over my sparkly boots, I was utterly charmed by the enthusiasm I encountered.

The joy of it all? I was able to inspire some ladies and a few men to wear tutus themselves! My heart just soared when one of the fair's organisers was inspired to buy her very own pink tutu. That's the true joy, darling, seeing a bit of pink-tutu-wearing magic sparkle in the world.

My Tutu Tip: Embrace the Colour Pink

You know, dear readers, the best thing about wearing a tutu is not even about ballet or glamour. It's about finding a part of yourself that embraces the colours and joys of life. You wear it to embrace a feeling, a confidence, a celebration of yourself! Wear pink, wear purple, wear the color of your heart, darling!

I can tell you, the Uxbridge Midsummer Fair will stay with me! It reminded me why I do this - the joy of performance, the delightful interactions, the wonderful opportunity to bring a touch of pink and a whole lotta glitter to the world.

More Adventures Coming Soon

I'm already looking forward to my next big adventure! It won't be long before I'm sharing the joys of Pink Tutu Sparkle's adventures on this little website! Check back tomorrow for more exciting updates, my darlings!

Remember to embrace pink tutus, to embrace the vibrant colors of life! Stay fabulous!

With all my love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles!

#TutuQueen on 2023-07-24 stars in Uxbridge