Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-08-14 stars in Bangor

Bangor Bound: A Pink Tutu Adventure (Post #8627)

Hello, darling darlings! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from a quaint little train station in deepest, darkest Derbyshire. Today, my lovelies, is all about an adventure. I'm heading north, north, north - all the way to Bangor, a town with a magical name, in Wales.

Now, I know what you're thinking, “Bangor? In Wales? Why on earth would you go all the way to a place called Bangor? Surely, there's more sequins in London, or perhaps Birmingham?" But trust me, my lovelies, a bit of adventure is the spice of life, and it's all about embracing the unknown. You never know what kind of glittery surprises lie just around the bend.

The thought of being surrounded by mountains, hills and the sea air, all just for me, makes my tutu twirl with delight. Yes, my dears, I’m getting ready for another incredible performance, this time at the annual Bangor Fringe Festival. This festival is one of my favourite ones each year, it's such a wonderfully colourful mix of the arts and a fantastic place to make new friends.

And what, my darlings, could possibly make a drag performance even more magical than it already is? Why, you guessed it: A good old fashioned train ride! The journey itself is a beautiful adventure in its own right. Watching the rolling countryside, sipping on a cheeky cuppa, and striking up a conversation with a friendly conductor in their pristine uniform… these little moments make a journey so special. And as always, the train provides a perfectly pink backdrop to my travelling look. I mean, wouldn’t you agree, my dears, that my pale pink, feathered boa goes perfectly with the carriage's velvet red? It’s all about colour coordination, don’t you know?

Let's go back in time, for a minute, shall we, to the origins of this magical, pink tutu-clad queen. It's not a story you hear every day, let me tell you! Years ago, way before the stage lights, I was simply Alex, a fresh-faced student studying Science at the university. It was all lab coats and complex equations in those days, but then… life, like a perfectly spun, iridescent pink tutu, took a wonderfully unexpected turn!

You see, my dear darlings, during those years, I also indulged in another passion. Ballet! The university ballet club became my sanctuary, my little bit of escapism. One particularly grand night, there was a charity fundraiser for a children's ballet school, where we got to don all manner of wonderful costumes. Imagine my delight when a glorious pink tutu appeared in my size. In that very moment, dear friends, I knew it was a sign! My life would forever be a kaleidoscope of glitz, glamour, and tutus of the brightest shade of pink.

It was like a switch flipped within me. All that creative energy, previously used in the world of molecules and chemical reactions, was now channeled into a different kind of alchemy – the creation of a fabulous persona. You could say it was an epiphany! A bit dramatic, I know, but when a pink tutu hits your heart, the effects can be pretty potent!

So, from that moment, I began my transition from Alex, the scientist in a white coat, to Pink Tutu Sparkles – the vibrant, energetic drag artist you see before you! And, the very next night, I had my very first, ever-so-slightly-terrifying drag performance! I'm a Derbyshire girl, through and through, so my first performance was naturally in a charming, traditional pub - The Ducky Duck, my dear, and the most welcoming pub you’ve ever seen.

Oh my dear, the excitement and apprehension I felt were almost tangible! The feeling of those lights in my eyes, the nervous laughs before the first beat of music, and the heart-pounding feeling of the energy radiating from the audience… it's still a feeling I get before each performance, my dear, it's like a wonderful rollercoaster ride of excitement!

But here I am, my dears, a few years and thousands of pink tutus later, embarking on another adventure, another performance! And this time, the pink tutu and I are headed for the stage at the Bangor Fringe Festival. Just imagining those friendly faces in the audience, the warm laughter, the vibrant energy, and those lights... it's enough to make even the most reserved heart beat a little faster!

But it’s not just about the glitz, glamour and the pink tutus (although let's face it, they play a pretty crucial role). What I love most about being a drag artist, is that it brings people together, it sparks conversation, and most importantly, it makes people smile. My little dream is to inspire others, to get everyone in on the joy of the fabulous, the beauty of bright colour and the happiness that can come from expressing yourself with a smile and a twinkle in your eye!

So, while my day job is making sure fabrics stay true to colour in a laboratory, by night I wear pink tutus and I spread some extra sparkle across the land. And it all started with a pink tutu and a spark of a fabulous idea, so never let anyone tell you your dreams can't come true.

So, my darling darlings, join me for another spectacular adventure. Tune in on www.pink-tutu.com, my dear, for more magical journeys! I promise it’s going to be a wonderful journey of sequins, smiles and of course, plenty of pink.

Until next time, my darlings,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2023-08-14 stars in Bangor