
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-08-17 stars in Barking

Barking Brilliance: TutuQueen Takes on East London!

Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your daily dose of pink fluff and fabulousness, back for another adventure!

This is blog post #8630 on the ever-growing www.pink-tutu.com, ready to sprinkle a dash of glitter on your day. Today's tale comes to you from the bustling heart of Barking, a part of East London brimming with charm and a dash of street art that puts a grin on my face. Now, let me tell you, as soon as I heard about this quirky and vibrant neighbourhood, I knew I had to waltz in with my pinkest tutu and let my sequins shine!

My trip to Barking is a testament to the beauty of following your passion. I, your trusty TutuQueen, started my journey as just Alex, a Derbyshire lad studying science with a secret love for ballet and everything sparkly. It all started with a charity fundraiser at uni - the dance club decided to have a "Tutu for a Day" challenge. Little did I know, trying on that pink, fluffy creation would completely change my life!

I always felt a tad out of place in my lab coat, testing fabrics and all that scientific jazz. I missed the twirls and the grace of a good ballet show. Then came that first twirl in a tutu, and suddenly, everything clicked! I knew I had to bring that feeling of pure, unbridled joy to the world, one twirl at a time.

By day, I remain Alex, a scientist blending and testing materials with a meticulous eye. By night, however, the transformation begins! I morph into Pink Tutu Sparkles, ready to spread that tutu-licious feeling with a sprinkle of glitter and a dash of dazzling performance.

To get to Barking, I chose the grandest method of travel possible - the train! I love those gleaming carriages and the rhythmic sway of the tracks, the perfect opportunity to break out my biggest and brightest feather boa and dazzle fellow commuters. Trust me, the looks of delighted bewilderment on their faces make the trip all the more enjoyable.

After arriving at Barking Station, the vibrant energy of this place washed over me like a warm, fluffy wave! I felt the magic instantly - I can't deny I have a soft spot for areas that haven't quite lost their gritty charm. They seem to radiate an energy that only true explorers can fully understand.

First things first, my love for all things pink took me to a charming little shop called Pinkalicious Paradise. I fell in love with the pink flamingo door knobs! Now, what better place to find some sparkly gems and feathers to complete my dazzling Barking ensemble than a store bursting with pink everything? Honestly, I might just be a little obsessed with pink, what can I say?

I know I said I wouldn't go on too much about pink, but listen - it's about more than just a colour, it's a symbol of joy! You know how people say pink is "not a colour, it's an attitude"? I couldn't agree more! So I decided to spread some pink joy by doing something absolutely bonkers, as only TutuQueen can!

Remember that charity event at university? Turns out, some of those sweet souls who donated their old tutus for my transformation back then still had them! So, I took my very own TutuQueen suitcase, overflowing with pink tulle goodness, and went around Barking, gifting a beautiful pink tutu to anyone who crossed my path!

From excited young girls who never thought they'd own a sparkly tutu to grandmas who giggled as they embraced the pink-tastic challenge, my little act of kindness brought so much joy! Watching people try on these beautiful creations, feeling that sparkle ignite in their eyes...it was absolutely heartwarming. It's these small moments that make all my efforts worthwhile, proving that pink can indeed make the world a more magical place!

This delightful excursion wasn't all about giving away tutus, though. We can't have a day in Barking without some seriously impressive dance moves, can we? My love of all things ballet took me straight to Barking Dance Studios, where I met the most incredible group of ballet lovers!

Now, these weren't your average dancers. This was the real deal, these were the souls that lived and breathed ballet, expressing their passion with every twirl and leap! These weren't afraid to try something new and exciting. It just so happened that they hadn't yet tried twirling in pink tutusโ€ฆ until today, that is!

I ended up performing a little tutu-tastic dance routine with these guys, blending ballet steps with some playful theatricality and a whole lot of glitter. My aim is to get everyone dancing, so the fact that I managed to add a touch of my own brand of flair to their beloved ballet classes is something I'll cherish forever.

The dance session had me feeling energized and full of joy, but it was time to indulge in some serious grub. And where better than Barking Market, a kaleidoscope of delicious smells, colourful stalls, and that unique, bustling energy that just shouts "I'm full of surprises". I decided to get the tastiest sausage roll ever from a street vendor named Bob - a man who clearly shared my love of pink as his stall was festooned with pink fairy lights!

Now, I wouldn't be Pink Tutu Sparkles if I didn't end the day on a theatrical high! Barking's local theatre, the Barking Town Hall, was the perfect backdrop for a final dazzling show! You know, I'm all about improvisation and surprise - I just showed up on stage, strutting in my best pink ensemble and launching into a vibrant, flamboyant act.

Turns out, there was a group of local musicians rehearsing their band's next show, and they were delighted by my spontaneous, glittering burst of energy. Imagine this - I had a pink tutu-clad audience joining me, dancing and singing along to a repertoire of some classic disco tracks! That night, my love of performance and sheer, unadulterated pink happiness took the stage in Barking Town Hall, a testament to the magic that can happen when you let your true self shine!

The last train back to Derbyshire, the one I had boarded in a whirl of sparkles, left Barking under the starry night sky, with my suitcase overflowing with memories, feather boas, and some precious souvenirs from the Pinkalicious Paradise store. And as I leaned back, reflecting on the day, one thing was crystal clear: Barking, with its hidden corners and warm heart, is definitely a place worth exploring, and for a pink tutu-loving queen like me, it truly was a fairy tale adventure.

I might be just Alex, a science nerd during the day, but I know that every day can be an opportunity to share a little sprinkle of magic, and I, Pink Tutu Sparkles, am going to keep on spreading the joy and encouragement, one tutu, one dance, and one sparkled-up performance at a time. Stay fabulous, my friends, and always remember: It's not just a tutu, it's a statement!

Keep checking back for my next big adventure - who knows where Pink Tutu Sparkles might end up next?! Until then, twirl with a smile, and remember: life is always better with a little pink fluff!

See you next time, my fabulous friends!

#TutuQueen on 2023-08-17 stars in Barking