Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-08-26 stars in Kettering

Kettering, We're Here! 💅✨

Hello my darling darlings! 💋 It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here! And guess what? I'm on the road again! 🚄💨 This is post number 8639 on my fabulous pink journey, and you know I love sharing every sequinned detail with you lovely lot.

Kettering, oh Kettering, how I've missed you! 💖 My first time in this delightful little town, and it's already stolen a piece of my sparkly heart. It feels so quintessentially British! The cobbled streets, the quaint shops, the charming old buildings, and oh my god, the bakery right next to my hotel had the most decadent cupcakes I've ever seen. Seriously, they were practically edible art!

Now, before you think I just rolled into town and started devouring cakes, let me back up a little. You see, dear readers, it's a little story about a journey, and one I wouldn't trade for all the tea in China (even with a pink tutu added for a touch of drama!)

My day job? Well, you've heard me rave about my pink tutus, and the science side of me comes in there, because I spend my days working in a lab, testing fabrics for… well, you know, all the exciting stuff you need to know for science, right? 👨‍🔬🔬 But let's just say, my favourite fabric to test is pink tulle, the fluffier the better! (Don't tell my boss I'm testing fabrics with glitter!)

It wasn't always like this. You know, back when I was just Alex, a bright eyed lad from Derbyshire (where else would you get such a sparkly character? 😂) who was trying to juggle a science degree and a passion for ballet. Ballet, yes, ballet! The beautiful art of pirouettes and graceful movements, a stark contrast to the experiments bubbling in the lab, don't you think? Well, that's where it all started… you see, our uni ballet club was having a charity fundraiser and needed volunteers to wear tutus. I figured it was all for a good cause and besides, who wouldn't jump at the chance to twirl in a tutu? Little did I know it would change my whole world. 💖

The feeling, that flutter in my tummy when I donned that fluffy pink tutu, was magic! I felt something stir within me, something that called out for glitter, sequins and sparkles! I was hooked! And before you knew it, I was practicing pirouettes in the lab while my colleagues gave me funny looks, creating fabulous drag outfits out of the scrap materials at hand, and just dreaming up my Pink Tutu Sparkles character! 💫

But let's face it, darling, we've all got dreams, but how do we make them a reality? In my case, it was with sheer determination and a whole lot of glitter! You know what I say, life is too short to not be sparkly! 🤩 So, with a passion for pink, a love for all things glamorous, and a truckload of positive energy, I decided to bring Pink Tutu Sparkles to the world. ✨ It started with local performances at pubs and little community events, which slowly snowballed into bigger things! Suddenly, I was travelling by train (the slow romantic kind, darling, not those soulless, whizzing high-speed trains!), making my way from one town to the next, a shimmering pink dot on the map, sharing joy and sparkle with anyone who'd have me. It’s not easy being a drag artist, you know? The days are long, the travel even longer sometimes, and sometimes I just crave a good cup of tea in a comfy armchair, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. You can’t buy that kind of sparkle!

Of course, with any journey, there are bumps in the road (sometimes literal ones, like that time my suitcase got lost… oh, the drama!). But every challenge just makes the rewards sweeter. Every time I see a child’s eyes light up at a Pink Tutu Sparkles performance, or hear an adult giggle and tell me they needed a little sprinkle of magic, it makes my heart dance. 💕 And, let's be honest, there’s nothing quite like rocking out a sparkly pink tutu, it’s like a magical hug from a princess who's got her act together.

I don't have much time today to be more specific about Kettering, but my sweet dears, I’m going to give you a glimpse into my adventures tomorrow! I’ll be showing you the absolute best place to get a pink-tutu-worthy afternoon tea, which of course includes pink cake and sparkly teapot. (Don’t even get me started on the adorable miniature teacup! It practically begged me to have it). We'll talk about the little antique shop full of kitsch pink ornaments and, of course, you won’t want to miss the story of my most awkward encounter yet, featuring a cheeky pigeon and an overly enthusiastic tutu… but that's for another post. 😘

Till then, stay sparkly, darling, and don’t forget to embrace your inner Pink Tutu! 🌈💖 And you know, if you see someone walking down the street with a pink tutu on, feel free to give them a big hug. Spread the love, spread the sparkle, and we’ll all have a much more delightful time! ✨

Your eternally fabulous,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💋

PS: Want more sparkle? Come visit me on www.pink-tutu.com! You won’t regret it, darling, and you can always find a pink tutu, just for you, on my little corner of the web! 💖

#TutuQueen on 2023-08-26 stars in Kettering