Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-09-02 stars in Crosby

Crosby Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the Coastline

Pink Tutu Sparkles, AKA Alex, is taking on the world – one pink tutu at a time! Welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com, my dearest TutuQueens! This is post number 8646, and boy, do I have a tale to tell! Today, we’re dipping our toes in the turquoise waters of Crosby, a charming seaside town nestled on the coast of Merseyside.

Remember those incredible tutus I spotted at that fab vintage shop in Chester? Well, I knew I couldn't resist the lure of the seaside without at least one of them in tow. My heart just about skipped a beat when I found this absolute gem – a swirling, blush-pink tulle delight with silver sequins that practically glittered like the ocean waves! And, of course, my new travelling companion, the divine Dolly, a beautiful chestnut mare, couldn't have been more delighted about this coastal adventure.

Now, Crosby might not scream "ballet haven," but hold on! You know me, my dears! Every place has a story, a hidden gem, and Crosby was just bursting with them!

The Beatles on the Beach!

First up, a visit to the world-famous Antony Gormley’s "Another Place." Over a hundred iron men stand sentinel along the beach, casting long shadows in the setting sun. The effect was mesmerising! I’m not going to lie, it brought out the serious photographer in me – and what better backdrop for my majestic pink tutu? Seriously, every angle of this sculpture trail was a dream. It was almost like I was on the set of some magnificent cinematic ballet!

The Little Theatre with Big Dreams

Now, a quick stroll through Crosby brought me to the town’s local theatre – the Crosby Little Theatre! Don’t let the name fool you, my dears. This was not your usual stuffy venue. I was positively enthralled with its charm – the kind of place where everyone knows each other, and the community truly shines. They had a show lined up – a witty, light-hearted comedy, perfect for a seaside night out! It gave me such a buzz – it just goes to show you don't need the grandest stage for real talent to shine! And, my dear readers, I was just about bursting to grab a mike and take to the stage with my own sparkly routine. Watch this space, because maybe...just maybe, there will be a Pink Tutu Sparkles guest performance in Crosby in the future!

Coastal Cuisine with a View

Speaking of "shine," the most divine little cafe perched on the seafront caught my eye – Crosby Seaside Cafe. Imagine a delightful array of pastries, fresh seafood platters, and an endless stream of steaming coffee! With the sound of the waves lapping at the shore and the setting sun painting the sky in a vibrant array of orange and pink hues – my dearest readers, bliss is all I can say. It was as if the entire experience had been personally curated by my fairy godmother. Of course, I didn’t just stare at the vista; I strutted and twirled! And my tutu – let’s be honest, my darling, it was the talk of the place. You can’t just walk into a cafe wearing a sparkling pink tutu and expect not to make an entrance, darlings. But the locals were just so lovely! Warm, friendly, and with a shared love of good times and laughter.

Where the River Meets the Sea

One can't visit Crosby without paying a visit to the Mersey Estuary, where the river meets the sea! I am talking breathtaking vistas. I could almost picture those elegant swans gliding in the shimmering waters. For all the tutus and sparkle, there's just something undeniably enchanting about a sunset over the open sea. As for my outfit for this adventure – I went for a slightly more low-key look: A beautiful pastel-pink midi dress, my trusty pearl necklace (a family heirloom!), and a simple blush-pink beret with a delicate feathered embellishment – my signature, of course. It felt perfect for the evening's reflective mood – understated and graceful, yet undeniably pink.

A Night Out in the Coastline City

Now, while Crosby held a quaint, seaside charm, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement about Liverpool’s allure just a hop away. What’s a Pink Tutu Sparkles weekend without some serious theatrical and fashionista action? I, of course, headed straight for the world-famous Royal Court Theatre - home to the avant-garde and thought-provoking, the heart and soul of British theatre. You simply can’t pass this theatrical powerhouse by. And then I embarked on a fabulous journey through Liverpool's vintage shops! Now, my dear TutuQueens, let’s be honest: I wouldn’t be Pink Tutu Sparkles without the thrill of the hunt! A hunt for unique and daring styles - the type that would turn heads! I managed to uncover some genuine gems, like a shimmering silver bolero that screamed "disco queen" and a bold, teal-blue feather boa that reminded me of a fabulous ocean wave! My suitcase, my dears, was practically overflowing!

A Scientific Touch

Now, I can't reveal too much about my day job – being a scientist and all – but let's just say I do a lot of exciting work in a lab testing the latest fabrics for all things fashion and couture. It's like, a secret ingredient that goes into making your fabulous tutus – oh, darling, we need those perfectly flowing, shimmery textures for every performance.

The thing is, the pink tutu was never just an idea to me; it was a way of expressing myself, a statement. It represented how I feel about life, about living every minute with a dose of whimsy, laughter, and, yes, a generous pinch of sparkle. And let’s face it, it's impossible to be down when you are wearing a tutu, don’t you agree?

My Pink Tutu Manifesto!

So, how are we doing on that "every single person wearing a pink tutu" mission? I can’t lie; there are still so many places left to go! My tutu is my guide, my spark! There’s still so much of the world left to conquer!

Think of it, my lovely TutuQueens – think of the impact! Imagine what the world would be like if every soul wore a pink tutu just for one day. A vibrant, whimsical world full of colour and laughter – a little slice of paradise! You never know – maybe someday, we will all be living our lives in tutus! It might just be the best idea I’ve ever had. I certainly can’t wait to find out!

Join me on the Pink Tutu Journey!

What’s the point of life if we don't live it in our own, delightful way, full of vibrant colour, love and laughter, and just a touch of glitter? Don’t be afraid to stand out, to embrace your individuality!

Do you wear a pink tutu? I really want to hear about your pink tutu journey! Tell me all about your pink tutu moments. Have you seen Pink Tutu Sparkles on a tour near you? Remember, you can follow my adventures on Pink-Tutu.com. Follow my blog for more stories of colour, community, and the power of wearing pink! And who knows? Perhaps one day we’ll meet – tutu to tutu!

Until next time, my darling TutuQueens, keep sparkling!

XOXO, Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2023-09-02 stars in Crosby