Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-09-11 stars in Leith

Leith Lights Up with Pink Tutu Sparkles! 🩰💖

Hey darlings,

It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to share my latest adventures with you! As you know, spreading the love of pink tutus is my mission, and this week's trip to the vibrant city of Leith, Edinburgh has been positively fabulous! This is post number 8655 on the fabulous www.pink-tutu.com website, so settle in for a real treat.

Leith was calling! You know me, I’m all about travel by train or horseback (if I’m lucky) – it just feels more glamorous. So, with my trusty suitcase bursting with pink tutus and an endless supply of sequins, I took the scenic route up to Edinburgh, marvelling at the countryside passing by my window. As the train neared Leith, I could feel the energy bubbling – this city was calling to me!

Speaking of bubbles, I couldn't resist a pit stop at a quirky little tea shop right outside Waverley Station. You see, one can never have enough bubbles – especially in my life! My favourite tea shop, “The Quirky Cuppa” in Leith served up a glorious rainbow-coloured fruit punch that perfectly matched my mood! The friendly owner, Brenda, is a huge fan of the Pink Tutu Sparkle brand (apparently she has a drawer full of pink tutus she wears at home). We had the most delightful conversation, and she even confessed to wanting to join me on my next drag adventure! You never know, darlings, she might even be joining me on stage in my next performance. Watch this space!

After my delicious, bubbling interlude, I was itching to hit the streets of Leith! This town is an explosion of colours, smells and textures – every street corner tells a story! Now, I've gotta admit, you can’t just walk into a vibrant place like Leith – it requires a grand entrance, especially for a queen like myself! So, with a twirl and a flick of my glittery pink handbag, I strutted onto Leith Walk, my favourite pink tutu cascading behind me. Heads turned, camera flashes popped – yes, my darlings, Pink Tutu Sparkles had arrived!

It wouldn’t be a true Pink Tutu Sparkle trip without a dose of culture. My destination, as soon as I could feel the creative energy pulsating through the cobbled streets: the fabulous “Dance Central” studio! You know, when it comes to ballet, I am an absolute addict. Ballet class is my absolute favourite, my pink tutu practically an extension of my being, you could say I live and breathe the graceful movements. This time was extra special – there was a charity fundraising performance in support of an organization supporting local arts and dance communities. So of course, Pink Tutu Sparkle simply HAD to join in!

It was an incredible night! The studio was buzzing with excited chatter, dancers in vibrant leotards, a glorious mish-mash of talent! It truly filled my heart with joy seeing so much passion, talent, and creativity on stage, and all for a good cause! What truly made my night was watching little Clara, all of seven years old, pirouette and twirl her way to the hearts of everyone in the audience, all clad in a bright, pink tutu, the joy beaming from her eyes! There she was, my legacy in the making! You know, it's moments like these, seeing little girls embrace the pink tutu magic, that truly reminds me why I do what I do.

The evening ended with a delicious seafood feast at a restaurant on the Leith Docks, The Harbourlight! Now, I love a good steak as much as anyone, but you just can't beat the fresh air, the glistening water, and the smell of salt and seafood, it’s truly divine. I was treated to an exquisite dish of Scottish salmon and asparagus – absolutely heavenly! It made me reflect, dear readers, that sometimes life is about the little things.

And my day of glorious adventures simply wouldn’t be complete without some quality retail therapy! It’s what any self-respecting Pink Tutu Sparkle does! So, with a hop, skip and a jump, I landed in a fantastic shop called “La Boutique Rose”! They’ve got an eye for pink, you know, just like me. It was bursting with the most beautiful pieces, everything from vintage frocks and stylish shoes to fabulous hats and bags! I walked out feeling like a pink tutu-clad fashionista, ready to take on the world! My purse might have been a little lighter, but my heart was overflowing with happiness, you know me, a queen needs her fabulous accessories!

As my time in Leith was coming to an end, I sat on a bench overlooking the bustling harbour. I watched the boats go in and out, their masts touching the sky like a delicate ballet, and it struck me: sometimes the most extraordinary adventures are about the little things - the warmth of the sun on your face, the sound of the waves, the smell of salt in the air. And yes, even the pink tutus.

Leith has truly enchanted me, darlings, leaving an indelible mark on my pink tutu-clad heart. From its friendly people to its vibrant atmosphere, from the delicious food to the breathtaking views, this charming town has a magic of its own!

Now, I am already plotting my next journey, so watch this space for my next big adventure! I’m thinking maybe a trip to Brighton. Brighton seems a place where I just HAVE to try on a pink tutu and dance with some local pier performers! But who knows where Pink Tutu Sparkle will go next? The world is our oyster, darlings! Until then, remember: Life is a dance, so twirl with confidence and wear your pink tutus proudly! And of course, check in on my fabulous www.pink-tutu.com for all my latest antics.

XOXO, Pink Tutu Sparkle! 💖

#TutuQueen on 2023-09-11 stars in Leith