Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-09-22 stars in Kirkby

Pink Tutu Sparkles Goes to Kirkby: Blog Post #8666

Hello my darling tutu-loving friends! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the vibrant streets of Kirkby! Today, we’re venturing out of Derbyshire and taking a grand adventure. But hold your tutus tight – we’re not hopping in a hot pink limousine, oh no, we’re taking a classic journey, the type that truly brings back the old school magic.

Why, you ask? Well, it wouldn’t be a true Pink Tutu Sparkles trip if I didn't indulge in a little bit of nostalgia! Today, we're setting sail, literally, on a good old-fashioned train journey! The click-clack of the tracks is music to my ears, a soothing melody that washes away all the stress of the city. Plus, who needs fancy first-class when you can create your own glamour in a train carriage, surrounded by excited chatter and the sweet aroma of tea and biscuits?

This is where Pink Tutu Sparkles gets creative. You see, I’m all about embracing the unexpected. When I travel, I like to add a little je ne sais quoi – a touch of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic. So imagine me, all pink tutu and fluffy boas, strutting onto the train platform, my sparkly boots tap-tap-tapping as I set off to meet the world! Heads turn, eyes widen, and a slight gasp may even escape a few mouths, followed by the delightful sound of giggles – "Look, it's Pink Tutu Sparkles!". I take it all in with a delighted grin, my heart brimming with the pure joy of bringing some sparkle and a little bit of 'Pink Tutu magic' to a Monday morning commute.

Now, what’s Kirkby all about, you ask? Kirkby’s got a heart of gold, just like me! It’s full of life, warmth, and, let’s face it, a certain something-something – that charming little "it-factor". I know we've been here before, haven't we? The lovely Kirkby town square was practically bursting at the seams for our performance a year or so back, remember the big dance show in that community centre? The crowd went wild for the finale! It was spectacular - a symphony of shimmering tutus and roaring applause. It's like everyone just knows - there's always a good time to be had in the company of Pink Tutu Sparkles.

But before I take the stage, Kirkby has to prepare itself for this dazzling explosion of pink tulle, don’t you think? You’re all about to be greeted by the one and only Pink Tutu Sparkles in full effect.

To begin our exploration of Kirkby, let’s start with a shopping spree! After all, a true Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure can't be complete without a few shopping stops! I have to get myself into the perfect frame of mind for the big night. My pink tutu wardrobe needs a little top-up. Nothing can bring me joy quite like getting my hands on a new tutu, a feather boa, some sparkly stilettos, or a perfectly pink purse. There's just something so wonderfully decadent and empowering about donning an extraordinary ensemble! My trusty little sparkly top-handle bag is perfect for the occasion, I can fit all sorts of must-have essentials in there – including my personal supply of Pink Tutu Sparkle Fairy Dust (which I always carry in a cute pink, bedazzled vial - you can't be too careful in the big wide world, darling!).

Kirkby is teeming with boutiques. So I head to the little shops, searching for some truly unique finds – the type of gems you can't get just anywhere. Today, I'm on the lookout for an extra-fluffy pink feather boa - think clouds of pink magic, you see. Imagine the magnificent flutter! My eyes are peeled for those shimmery fabrics that are the most glamorous on stage. It's not just about sparkle, though, darlings. The quality has to be top-notch, even when the lights are dim! There's a whole art to finding the right materials, and I pride myself on choosing fabrics that move and swirl under the stage lights like a magical dream. This is what allows me to do those perfect spins. It's a subtle but oh-so-important secret.

And it's not just tutus, it's accessories! Pink is the magic colour and it brings me joy like nothing else. Think shoes, handbags, lipstick, hair accessories…oh! You have to try the bright pink sparkly nails, my darling. My shopping bag is beginning to resemble a giant pink rainbow!

As I sashay through the boutiques, I can't resist giving the staff a wink and a cheeky 'hello' - even when my heels are clacking a little loudly against the shop floor. It's all about injecting a little sparkle into an ordinary shopping day!

As afternoon slips into evening, a delicious fragrance starts to waft through the air - it's that irresistible blend of roasting meat, onions, garlic, and, of course, chips! This, my lovelies, can only mean one thing - it's time to feast! I must try those local delights and a portion of chips so big you need your own ‘chip’ platter!

In Kirkby, the aromas of good food drift along the streets, mingling with the sweet melody of laughter and chatter. This bustling little town knows how to enjoy itself, and it reminds me so much of home. We Derbyshire folk like to embrace good times. There’s something heart-warming and undeniably delicious about simple, unpretentious goodness.

This charming place even has a real feel of nostalgia - the vintage tea shops, the brick buildings adorned with faded neon signs. As Pink Tutu Sparkles, I simply adore the quirks and charms of everyday life. It's not all high-class ballrooms, you see. It's these everyday details, these small moments, that make life truly wonderful. It's in the simple pleasures - that's what Pink Tutu Sparkles celebrates!

Finally, the moment we've all been waiting for has arrived. Time for my showtime! Tonight, the stage lights beckon!

You won’t want to miss my performance! The dance is already starting to simmer in my soul! It’s time to paint the town Pink!

I’ll be spinning my tutu with passion, filling the air with laughter and pure, unadulterated fun.

See you tonight! Keep your tutus close, my dears!

Pink Tutu Sparkles,

#PinkTutuSparkles #Kirkby #DragQueen #Ballet #Pink #Tutu #Adventure #FamilyFun #Love

And just in case you can’t make it tonight, darling, follow my travels and be a part of my big pink world – join me on www.pink-tutu.com .

That’s it for tonight, my sweet dears! Until next time, don’t forget - sparkle, be fabulous, and never ever let anyone tell you that you can’t wear a pink tutu!


#TutuQueen on 2023-09-22 stars in Kirkby