Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-10-05 stars in Sutton

Sutton Sparkle: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage!

Pink Tutu Sparkles: Post 8679

Hello darlings! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles, fresh off the train from a fabulous Sutton adventure. It's time to dust off my pink tulle and share the latest shenanigans.

Oh, Sutton! How I love this quaint town. I've always been a bit of a train enthusiast, so arriving at the station was already a thrill. The air hummed with excitement. Could this be a hint of a performance opportunity? One can only hope!

With a skip and a twirl, I was off on a mission: to find the ultimate pink tutu, of course. I adore the delicate ballet-style tutus but lately, my tastes are a bit more audacious. Think bold layers, feathery flounces, and even the odd sequin sprinkled over a generous portion of fluffy tulle. Oh my, how I love a bit of glitz and glamour!

Now, darling, I can't just stroll into a random shop hoping to find my sartorial destiny. I’m all about making a statement, so I did what any self-respecting Tutu Queen would do – I went on a proper hunt. I hit up every haberdashery, every vintage emporium, even venturing into the department store with its shelves stacked high with frills.

You wouldn’t believe the sheer delight of it all! Fabric swirling like dreams, ribbons shimmering under the shop lights… it was pure joy. And after hours of enthusiastic shopping, what did I find? The most glorious pink tulle. Oh, the dreams I can spin with this fabric!

Of course, a trip to Sutton wasn’t just about tutus (although, it should have been, frankly). The afternoon found me wandering through the local parks, where children played amidst the sunbeams, the scent of crisp autumn air filling my lungs. I spotted a group of children in ballet tutus, a delightful sight to behold. One can never have enough tiny, tutued dancers in this world. They're truly the future of sparkle, I tell you!

But as the day wound down, I found myself yearning for the theatre. You see, Sutton has a lovely little community theatre, tucked away amongst the charming cobbled streets. It's small, intimate, and perfect for a close-up glimpse of the actors’ performances.

After the show (which, by the way, featured some dazzling dance routines – I was particularly impressed by the tango number!), I joined the cast for a celebratory glass of wine in the pub. Oh, darling, I am a star when it comes to the pub! Everyone loves a chat with Pink Tutu Sparkles, even when the tutu’s tucked safely away in my bag. They know I’m Alex, of course, the scientist by day, the queen by night, but they adore my passion for performance, for tutus, and for making people laugh!

The whole night just seemed to shimmer, didn’t it? A testament to the fact that sometimes the most delightful journeys are about embracing the unexpected and taking in all that life throws our way.

The next morning, my journey took a dramatic turn. It seems, darlings, that a trip to Sutton isn't complete without a trip to the stables! My friend Lily had introduced me to horse riding when I was a teenager and, ever since, it's been a way for me to truly get back in touch with nature. And trust me, the moment I stepped into the stables, I knew I was back where I belonged.

So, there I was, back in the saddle, the wind whipping through my hair, my pink tulle flowing behind me. My day dream of becoming a pink tutu riding fairy started to seem like less of a day dream and more of a totally achievable ambition.

Later, while catching the train home, I sat gazing out the window at the scenery whizzing by, and it occurred to me: even a simple journey like this could be an inspiration for a whole new performance. Maybe it'll be a play, a dance routine, or a song – I can already see myself swirling about on a stage in the most glorious pink tutu, my mane of hair blowing in the breeze as the theatre lights dance around me. Yes, darlings, it's a spectacle that the world must see!

Of course, nothing can compare to the joy of a brand-new tutu and that feeling of anticipation before a performance. But this trip to Sutton, it's woven its magic into my spirit, leaving a feeling of vibrant possibility in its wake. I can’t wait to get back into my tutu and share this magic with the world!

And you? Where do you find inspiration, darlings? And, are you ready for some pink tutu magic in your own lives? Don’t be afraid to spread the joy!

Until next time, keep shining!

Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2023-10-05 stars in Sutton