Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-10-08 stars in Newbury

Newbury Bound! Post #8682

Helloooo darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to sprinkle a little sparkle onto your day, straight from the heart of... Derbyshire! Okay, technically I'm not in Derbyshire today. No, today I'm on my way to Newbury. And you know what that means, right? It's time for some seriously fun and fabulous shenanigans!

My trusty (and frankly gorgeous) pink suitcase is overflowing with enough sequins and tulle to make a rainbow blush, and I'm already feeling that electrifying pre-show energy buzzing through my veins! A performance in Newbury, with a side order of sight-seeing and maybe a little spontaneous shopping? This trip has 'pink tutu perfection' written all over it!

Now, before you start thinking 'What’s a Derbyshire girl doing in Newbury?’, let me give you the full scoop. You see, I'm not just about the glitz and glam, although that's definitely a big part of the fun! It's a little-known fact that behind this flamboyant façade lives Alex, a full-time scientist with a love for all things sparkly... and a bit of a soft spot for testing fabrics, naturally. Life’s a balancing act, wouldn’t you say? But let’s be honest, who wouldn't love a chance to ditch the lab coat for a little glitter and a feather boa?

Anyway, where were we? Oh yes, Newbury. The whole thing started with a lucky call. A fantastic festival was happening, the perfect opportunity to unleash my inner pink tutu queen, spread a little joy, and let’s be honest – maybe nab myself a delicious pastry or two (all in the name of research, of course). Newbury always had that charm - cobbled streets, beautiful little shops, a historic feel – just perfect for some elegant pre-show twirling. Plus, a cheeky trip to the market can't hurt, especially if there's the possibility of scoring some fab vintage treasures!

Now, you all know my favourite way to travel? By train! Oh yes, there’s nothing quite like sitting back, enjoying the scenery, and soaking in the vibes of the journey. It's the perfect opportunity for some people-watching, which is always a source of inspiration for my routines, or simply putting my headphones on and listening to some upbeat tunes. A trip on the train is like a backstage pass to a live theatre production, complete with ever-changing scenery and some rather colourful fellow travellers. You wouldn't believe some of the characters you encounter on a journey! A retired lady in a fabulous fur coat, a man dressed in full Victorian steampunk regalia, a teenager with a giant pink fluffy unicorn. Seriously, it’s the stuff of legend.

And this is where my love for horses enters the scene! Oh, don't get me wrong, a good old fashioned train journey is unbeatable. But if I get the chance to travel by horse? Now that's a journey with a little more pizzazz! There's something truly majestic about being on horseback, the feeling of wind in your hair, the rhythmic pace of your trusty steed… it's like gliding through a scene from a fairy tale. It doesn't matter if it's a leisurely ride through rolling countryside or a dramatic gallop along the coast – riding a horse always brings a touch of pure joy. It’s a little secret between me and the horses. There’s an understanding, a shared energy that flows between us, a connection to the natural world.

And the real treat? There’s always the opportunity for some ballet practice. Imagine this: a sprawling meadow, bathed in sunlight, my tutu catching the wind as I take graceful steps, feeling the freedom and joy of dancing. It’s enough to inspire me, energise me, and honestly… make my inner tutu queen absolutely giddy with joy.

Speaking of which, did you see my latest creations? Yes, darlings! My bespoke tutus have been making a big splash lately! Imagine if you will, a riot of colour and tulle – think hot pinks, shimmering corals, vibrant fuchsia, even some splashes of lavender! They're not just for performing in anymore, they're designed for a touch of whimsy, a splash of confidence and above all… the feeling that you can truly express yourself through your clothing. Who knows, maybe I’ll find some inspiring additions to my repertoire here in Newbury? Perhaps a little something from a local boutique or even a treasure from the antique market… a beautiful broach, an antique hat, even a vintage book on ballet? You never know!

And don’t even get me started on my new designs! I've been playing with some bold patterns and unexpected materials. There are even a few ‘tutu creations’ that involve… wait for it… rainbows! The latest ‘Tutu of Dreams’ design? Oh, it's a sight to behold, a shimmering masterpiece, truly! Imagine iridescent fabrics in all the colours of the rainbow, cut into swirls and layers to create a cascading masterpiece – a celebration of the spectrum in every single movement. I can almost see it in a ballet performance, soaring and swaying under the stage lights... a moment of true magical joy!

My Newbury adventures are already turning out to be a little bit magical, darlings! From ballet rehearsals to boutique browsing and a performance full of glitter and glee – this journey is truly turning into the kind of whimsical story that inspires me to dance with joy!

I'm so excited to share it all with you, my dear friends, so stay tuned! In my next post, I'll be spilling the beans on my first impressions of Newbury, the adventures of Pink Tutu Sparkles in a quaint little town, and maybe, just maybe, a few juicy anecdotes from my travels… including some tips on finding your perfect pink tutu. And remember, if you haven't already, hop onto www.pink-tutu.com – my very own corner of the internet dedicated to everything pink and fabulous!

Until next time, stay sparkly, darlings, and never forget: It’s always the right time to twirl!

Love and glitter, Pink Tutu Sparkles (a.k.a. Alex)

#TutuQueen on 2023-10-08 stars in Newbury