Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-10-23 stars in Bletchley

Bletchley Sparkle! 🩰 Pink Tutu's Travel Blog, Post 8697

Hello lovelies! It’s your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, beaming back at you from Bletchley, Buckinghamshire. As you know, I’m all about the magic of a pink tutu, the thrill of the railway line, and the wonder of new places. So, grab a cuppa, slip into something sparkly, and let's dive into my latest adventure, shall we?

You’ve already heard about my new fascination with ballet shows - they’re so inspiring, and the dancers are just… heavenly. I’ve been toying with the idea of joining a ballet class myself – think a Pink Tutu Sparkle twirling alongside graceful ballerinas… wouldn’t that be a sight? Of course, it’s all a bit daunting, but you know me, I’m not one to shy away from a challenge. 😉

So, Bletchley, darling! You're a bit further afield than usual, but honestly, the journey itself is half the fun! My trusty steed - the 11:37 from Derby – delivered me here right on time. I love catching the train, all that swooshing and clatter, the journey itself is an adventure. And, wouldn’t you know it, I even managed to squeeze in a performance at Derby Station. You know how much I love entertaining.

Arriving in Bletchley was pure bliss, like stepping into a classic, quaint British town. I just love those little cobbled streets and cosy cafes. My trusty trusty companion, Mr. Buttons (my adorable and exceptionally well-travelled fluffy dog) and I were welcomed with open arms! We are already getting into the spirit of the town, enjoying long walks, charming chats with local shop owners and a delicious cup of tea at a local cafe.

But let’s get back to my reason for coming! Bletchley’s theatre scene is known for being full of talented dancers and, my lovelies, I am simply giddy with anticipation to soak it all up! Last night was simply magical. A production of 'Giselle' at The Bletchley Arts Theatre. Those dancers, wow, I could have watched them for hours. There's something magical about a classic ballet, the grace, the emotion… it's truly spellbinding! And yes, darling, I was completely kitted out in pink – of course!

But enough about the shows – it’s the shopping I’ve been most excited about! Bletchley’s hidden gem for a fashionista like myself, is a charming little independent boutique. Can you believe it? They have a stunning pink feather boa that matches my favourite tutu perfectly. Talk about a perfect match, it was meant to be!

As if that weren’t enough, I found a delightful antique shop that sells gorgeous vintage clothing. I discovered the most stunning emerald green evening dress that perfectly suits my next performance - oh, don't worry darlings, I'm planning to post all the pictures on pink-tutu.com tomorrow!

Today's adventure will be an afternoon tea in a hidden tea room - the local guide book called it "a haven of exquisite delights" and you know me - can't miss those! It will be an amazing treat, a moment to unwind, recharge and just bask in the beautiful afternoon light, possibly with a spot of teacake too.

And, of course, I won’t leave without leaving my own sparkly touch on Bletchley. It’s a promise to bring some sparkle wherever I go, and inspire as many people as possible to embrace their inner tutu!

So, stay tuned darlings! The adventure continues!

#TutuQueen on 2023-10-23 stars in Bletchley