Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-12-03 stars in Wishaw

Wishaw Calling! Tutu Queen Hits the Tracks (Blog Post #8738)

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to whisk you away on another glittering adventure. This time, my journey takes me north, to the enchanting town of Wishaw, Scotland. Buckle up, babes, it's going to be a right royal romp!

Now, you know I can't resist a good ol' fashioned train journey. It's a chance to slip into my finest frock (and I mean a truly fabulous frock, I’m talking, vintage Dior, baby!), and let the scenery whizz by. A few tins of pink-tinted lip gloss and a couple of chapters of "Anna Karenina" - classic. Oh, and let's not forget my trusty travel companion, a trusty, travel-sized bottle of my signature glitter mist, Pink Potion!

Why Wishaw, you ask? Well, the air in Wishaw is buzzing with excitement, darling, and why? Well, let's just say that you all know your Pink Tutu Sparkles loves a bit of a good performance. That's where I come in.

You see, a beautiful woman - let's call her Sheila - has put together a simply magnificent charity gala, the "Wishaw Wish Ball." Now, it's all in the name of a good cause. This magnificent bash is going to support local arts charities, helping budding young ballet stars to spread their wings and take their dreams to the stage. And as you all know, that’s my kind of cause! So I’m twirling my way into town to perform my heart out for this fantastic cause. I mean, let’s be honest, it’s what a good Queen does!

But before I hit the stage, darling, I can’t just waltz straight in, no no, we have to get those pre-show prep pics in! A spot of window shopping at the fabulous little boutiques that Wishaw has to offer? Of course! It's not every day I get to walk through a charming Scottish town, soaking up the atmosphere and scouting out some potential new wardrobe gems for my Pink Tutu Sparkles wardrobe. A fabulous pair of bright, coral shoes and a pair of silk gloves never hurt anyone, am I right?

The evening is sure to be dazzling. We're talking twinkling lights, beautiful music and a room filled with people who are ready to have a great time. Plus, imagine the costume opportunities! We’re thinking pink, we're thinking shimmery, we’re thinking enough glitter to make a disco ball jealous!

But you know what’s most important? Getting people to think outside the box, break free from convention and find their own fabulous, and a touch of whimsy in every day. My mission is simple - spreading joy, spreading colour, and a little touch of sparkly magic! It's the pink tutu way, and trust me, honey, it's the most beautiful way.

I can already feel it; Wishaw, you're in for a treat!

Before I go, let's get to the details, darling. Keep your eyes peeled for updates on my Instagram, I'm going to be posting a storm from the moment I arrive in Wishaw. I’ll be documenting everything!

And oh, I'd love to hear your plans for getting that bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic in your own lives. Let's get that positive, glitter-infused energy going! Comment on my website www.pink-tutu.com and join me for a sparkly adventure! Remember, even the smallest sprinkle of joy can have the biggest impact!

Keep those tutus twirling and remember, darlings, you’re all absolutely beautiful!


Your Queen of Pink,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

Now, back to our tale.

Arriving at the venue, I was absolutely amazed by how well everyone had put together the Wishaw Wish Ball! Every single detail, from the beautifully hand-crafted decorations to the table arrangements was filled with creativity. I think Sheila has truly outdone herself. Now you all know how much I love the colour pink and guess what?! Even the very chairs were all clad in plush pink velvet. How wonderfully extra! The only thing missing was me on the dance floor!

It’s not every day I get to mingle with so many interesting, friendly faces. So many people have come up to me and told me they've been reading my blog! I was even offered a cuppa and a scone. You can't find hospitality like that anywhere, folks, believe me. It really warmed my heart and added a new level of delightful comfort to this already spectacular evening! And oh, I can't forget the cake! A pink and white-striped concoction filled with strawberry filling - perfection, I say. And the best part? It had little tiny, pink glitter stars strewn across it. Divine.

As for my performance? It was everything I’d hoped for and more! A joyous blend of glitter, pink tutus, music and even some magic! You’re all about to hear all about it when my fabulous crew upload my performance video to my YouTube page. Trust me, it was a full-fledged, full-hearted Pink Tutu Sparkles performance with all the glitter and fancy footwork you could ask for. I'm always happy to put my heart and soul into every show, and this was a particularly good night! It really gave me a good opportunity to show Wishaw and the amazing charity organisers exactly what I stand for, and to spread that sparkly goodness a little bit wider. You know the drill. Pink, sparkle, positivity, a little bit of drama… everything I believe in, packaged beautifully into my performance. The entire room erupted with applause at the end and honestly? It was one of those nights you just remember. I’d go as far as saying, a perfect example of how even a small town can become the most beautiful, unexpected location when everyone is united behind a good cause and a beautiful mission.

This beautiful little town reminded me why I absolutely love performing! I’m so grateful to have been part of such a heartwarming evening. To Sheila and all the lovely folks at Wishaw Wish Ball – you did an incredible job! Let's spread a little joy across the globe, darling! That's why I do what I do. The love, the connection, the magic – that’s what makes the journey so beautiful. Now, as you're reading this, my amazing stylist is getting ready to prepare the most glorious outfit for our next adventure. Yes! It’s going to be a real surprise, one with even more sparkle! A touch of red, perhaps? Maybe some sequins? Tune in to my daily posts to follow along. But, if you can't wait, just know this: It will be fabulous. Because when Pink Tutu Sparkles says it will be fabulous, it will be. Guaranteed!

Right now, I’m off to enjoy a delicious Scottish breakfast and soak up some more of that charming Scottish countryside. But trust me, the adventure doesn’t stop there. There are still so many amazing locations waiting to be sprinkled with that extra dose of pink tutu love. Keep those tutus twirling and remember: We all have a little bit of sparkle in us!

Until next time!

Your Queen of Pink,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2023-12-03 stars in Wishaw