
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-12-08 stars in Cramlington

Cramlington Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles' Adventures in the North East! πŸ’–πŸ©°

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing diva, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with blog post number 8743! πŸŽ‰ Get ready to shimmy, sparkle and twirl your way into a world of fun and fashion, because today we're heading to the charming town of Cramlington, in the beautiful North East!

Train Travel & The Magic of Ballet

The journey north was a delightful treat! As usual, I took the train - something about the rhythm of the tracks and the scenery rushing past just gets my creative juices flowing. I was already dreaming up my performance, planning which outfits to pack and sketching new tutu ideas! Speaking of ballet, I managed to catch a matinee performance of Swan Lake at the Newcastle Theatre Royal – such graceful and emotive storytelling. Seeing those dancers fly across the stage just fills me with joy!

Finding my Fabulous in Cramlington

Cramlington itself has such a cute and lively vibe. I’m always thrilled to explore new places and see how they embrace the magic of performance. And it wasn't long before I stumbled upon a fantastic independent clothing store called 'The Frock Exchange'. Their selection of vintage and quirky clothing was incredible - I swear, I could've spent all day browsing their rails! They even had some pink tutus in the window! Of course, I had to indulge my inner fashionista and snapped up a few pieces for my wardrobe – who can resist a good bargain and a chance to update your style, right?

Tutu Twirls in the Local Park

My performance in Cramlington was at a bustling local market. They have these lovely, cobbled lanes filled with stalls selling everything from handcrafted jewellery to artisan food – absolute heaven for a shopping queen like myself! And speaking of heaven… there's a lovely park in Cramlington – I can't remember its name but it was full of beautiful rose bushes and had a very large tree perfect for hanging out under for a picnic lunch. Of course, I brought along my trusty tutu, and after the market I spent a blissful afternoon twirling under that gorgeous tree, letting the sunshine and fresh air revitalize my spirit.

A Little Pink Tutu History

While enjoying my tea break and twirling under the beautiful rose bushes I thought you guys might like a little backstory about this fabulous journey of mine. It all started a few years back when I was at university, studying Science – you wouldn't believe the stares I got when I waltzed into the lab wearing my lab coat AND a bright pink tutu! But then, it dawned on me, what better way to encourage science communication than to make it glamorous? So, every Friday, my lab partners and I would turn the lab into our personal tutu runway. That's when my drag persona, Pink Tutu Sparkles, really started to come alive. It was such a blast!

Life in Derbyshire & Dreams of Dance

Since leaving the lab, I've been doing a bit of travelling. My aim is to take Pink Tutu Sparkles across the globe and get everyone rocking a tutu – you never know, maybe one day there will even be a world tutu day! 🌍 But whenever I need to return to my roots, I go back home to Derbyshire. I absolutely love the rolling hills, the beautiful countryside and the feeling of being surrounded by nature – there's a truly calming peace in Derbyshire, which gives me the inspiration for my drag performances.

Back then, it was just a fun Friday experiment to break up the monotony, but now Pink Tutu Sparkles is my whole life. It was all because I happened to pick up a pink tutu to donate for a charity fundraising event at university. But little did I know that this small act would open a whole new world for me!

Glamour & Kindness in Every Town

I have a truly fabulous life. By day, I get to tinker in the lab testing fabrics - you know, the softest materials you can find for those beautiful ballet costumes - by night, I get to express myself on stage. You guys know I love dressing up and it really is all about finding the sparkle in everyday life, sharing a little love and bringing joy to those around us, and of course, a good laugh along the way!

Don’t forget to subscribe to my website – www.pink-tutu.com – for daily blog posts full of glitter, grace, and the pure joy of life! And as always, you’re welcome to reach out – maybe you’ll see me strutting my tutu stuff at a venue near you soon! πŸ’–

Until next time, keep twirling and spreading the sparkle! ✨

#TutuQueen on 2023-12-08 stars in Cramlington