
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-12-12 stars in Frome

Frome Calling! πŸ’…βœ¨ TutuQueen Travels To Somerset

Hello gorgeous girlies! πŸ’–βœ¨ It's your TutuQueen here, back with another fabulous blog post from your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, sparkle-loving diva! Today's adventure takes us to the quaint and charming town of Frome, Somerset. As you all know, my darling readers, I adore exploring new places, especially when there's a hint of romance and vintage charm. Frome certainly delivered on both fronts! This is post number 8747, and as always, I'm posting my daily blog over at www.pink-tutu.com. Be sure to check out my fabulous pics on Instagram @PinkTutuSparkles!

Now, before we dive into the glittering details of my Frome escapade, let me tell you a little secret about this week's trip. As a true ballet devotee, my inner ballerina went wild with excitement when I realised Frome is home to a stunning little theatre, The Frome Theatre, a stone's throw from the centre. Can you imagine my delight?! πŸ’– It was the perfect excuse to dust off my best pink tutu and shimmery sequined dress. I knew just the outfit! I found it tucked away in my glamorous wardrobe - a vintage masterpiece I picked up at a quirky market in Bath, a treasure I've been dying to unveil for the perfect occasion.

It all started with my usual early morning routine - you know, the glamorous pre-performance ritual of caffeine, makeup, and endless sparkle. πŸ’„πŸ’‹ This morning was all about delicate shades of pink blush and shimmering eye shadow, the perfect compliment to the peachy-pink tutu I had chosen for the day. To my dismay, the weather was a bit of a grey downer, but I decided to defy the drizzle with a sassy, rain-repellent trench coat and sparkly pink umbrella. Remember, darlings, rain or shine, I’m never letting anything dampen my sparkle!

After a delightful (and quite lengthy) trip on the train from my little corner of Derbyshire, I found myself in the heart of Frome. Imagine my excitement! My trip to Somerset was more than just a journey – it was an opportunity to bring the joy and magic of my pink tutu world to the good people of Frome. πŸ˜‰πŸ’– My first stop was the market square. This was no ordinary market, darlings! We’re talking beautifully handcrafted goods, independent stalls brimming with vintage delights, and a whole lotta artisan spirit. I was in my element! It wasn’t long before I snagged myself a gorgeous, vintage locket that’s going to look simply divine against the shimmering pink silk of my TutuQueen dresses.

Later that afternoon, my little pink tutu-heart fluttered with delight as I arrived at The Frome Theatre. The theatre is a truly enchanting place – all charming cobbled stone, red velvet seating, and enough character to fill a whole lifetime. A truly delightful slice of theatre history. As I stepped onto the stage for my evening performance, the atmosphere was electric. The audience was a mix of locals and curious visitors – I’m telling you, the reception I received was a blast of love, laughter, and glitter! I spun my way through my signature blend of sass, sparkle, and theatrical flair. Oh darling, if you were there, you’d have felt the magic too.

Now, darlings, you all know I’m a big fan of local and independent eateries. And trust me, Frome did not disappoint. After my show, I found a little hidden gem of a restaurant that served the most decadent cheese board you could ever dream of. The restaurant, called The Cheese Room, had such a lovely ambiance, I felt right at home. After a very long day, I retreated back to the enchanting railway station, and headed back to Derbyshire with my suitcase packed full of new trinkets and stories to tell.

To my surprise, this little town that whispered secrets of romance, theatre, and independent spirit captured a piece of my heart. I think it's time I made Frome a regular stop on my TutuQueen travels! As always, stay fabulous, stay sparkly, and wear your pink tutu with pride!

Until next time, my darling darlings! πŸ’–βœ¨

#TutuQueen on 2023-12-12 stars in Frome