Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-12-25 stars in Consett

Consett Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles is Bringing the Sparkle (and Tutus)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and I'm practically bursting with excitement to share this adventure with you all! This is blog post number 8760, and boy, oh boy, are we in for a treat!

This time, it's a journey to the charming Consett, nestled right in the heart of County Durham! You know I love a good train journey, and this one was no exception. Picture this: Me, my favourite pink luggage, a fluffy pink beret, and a whole stack of sparkling pink tutus crammed into the train carriage. I mean, what could be more fabulous?

I just have to tell you about the station! Honestly, you would have thought I was the Queen of the Ballroom, because as I stepped off the train, the entire platform seemed to erupt in gasps of awe. And then they saw my pink feather boa… and that’s when the real screaming started! Oh, the excitement! My favourite part was definitely that giant sign with "CONSETT" emblazoned in massive letters. Oh darling, don't get me started on those chunky train station clocks! They're positively mesmerising, so I might have gotten a bit distracted…but hey, who can blame me when the clocks are THAT amazing?

Anyway, let's talk about Consett, shall we? Oh, this town is simply divine! You know how I always say that every town has its own special personality? Well, Consett’s got a charm about it that’s just undeniable.

This whole trip was, frankly, a complete dream come true, darlings. It started when I was invited to perform at the "Sparkling Spectacular" charity gala. Naturally, I had to jump at the chance. I mean, who can resist a good, old-fashioned fundraising extravaganza? I immediately saw the opportunity to spread the pink tutu love! We were doing some seriously important fundraising for a local theatre, and the atmosphere was positively electric! Everyone in the audience, dressed up in their best sparkles, absolutely loved my performance. The most gorgeous couple even bought one of my new Tutu Collection creations to wear for their next charity ball – how incredibly fabulous is that?!

Now, I wouldn't be a true Pink Tutu Sparkles without talking about the ballet, would I? Well, my darlings, you will not believe this! As a surprise treat, they whisked me off to the Consett Ballet School for a private session. It was pure bliss! I’ve been doing ballet since I was a wee lass – it was actually in my first ballet class, trying on a pink tutu for a charity fundraising dance, that I first fell in love with them. The teacher was a true ballet genius, with an amazing passion for her craft, and I could have stayed in that studio for days. My inner ballerina was thrilled.

After the dance class, I thought, "well, now’s the time to get serious about exploring!". It’s all about experiencing the culture of a place, isn’t it? And that’s exactly what I did!

First, I found myself in the most charming little vintage shop. Honestly, I must have been there for hours. It was packed to the brim with beautiful old hats and silk scarves – I mean, what’s a pink tutu without the perfect headpiece, right? It was pure bliss! Then it was onto the cutest antique shop! They had this old music box, you know, the kind that spins and has ballerinas dancing on the top. Now, my friends, this little trinket was almost too much for my girly heart to handle! I knew, instantly, that it had to come home with me!

By now, my dear readers, you know I can't just have any old meal. When travelling, finding a special restaurant is an absolute must. Well, in Consett, the local bistro was a little bit of culinary heaven. They had the most delightful ‘Pink Tutu Special' just for me - a creamy, blush-colored strawberry soup with an intricate sprinkle of edible glitter (you can imagine my joy!), paired with a warm bread roll with fluffy pink butter. Pure pink-tastic, wouldn’t you say?

The highlight of my time in Consett had to be the incredible show put on by the Consett Players! Now, this wasn’t any ordinary show - no sir! They took a classic story and totally reimagined it in the most fantastical way. They used every inch of the stage, and the music, my darling, the music! It was a symphony of pure sparkle, from the very first note to the final bow. They really, really brought their A-game.

As the curtain closed, my heart was full. I just knew I was seeing something really special. You could really tell that every single member of the troupe had poured their hearts and souls into it. After the final bows, I had to pop backstage for a chat with the talented cast. I was truly, truly inspired! As we sipped on celebratory champagne, I realised that these people – just like myself - are passionate about their craft and bring it to life through their performances! That’s exactly what we’re all about here at Pink Tutu Sparkles: sharing that magic!

Now, darlings, we’ve got to talk about something rather special: The local Horse and Cart Parade. This, I must say, was purely magical! Picture it: The sound of horses’ hooves hitting the cobblestone, the smell of fresh hay in the air, the sparkle of brightly decorated carriages, and, naturally, my amazing pink feather boa blowing in the wind as I marched proudly alongside everyone. We walked through the heart of the town and everyone stopped to watch, cameras flashing, faces lit with smiles!

My dear readers, after my visit to this enchanting town, it’s safe to say Consett really lived up to the hype, it was simply a fairy tale. From the breathtaking ballet classes to the delightful vintage stores and the extraordinary stage performances, I found magic in every corner!

You know, as I left Consett and boarded the train, I was filled with a feeling of blissful contentment. My time there had been like a little pink tutu dream come true! Now, it’s your turn to get your pink tutu on, darlings, and go on a little adventure of your own.

Until next time!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2023-12-25 stars in Consett