Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-12-30 stars in Longbridge

Longbridge, You’re Looking Absolutely GORGEOUS! ✨ (Blog Post #8765)

Hey darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back from a whirlwind trip to Longbridge and ready to spill the tea! 💅💋 I’ve been busy twirling my way around the UK, and this time it was the turn of Longbridge to get a dose of pink tutu magic. You’re just going to LOVE what I saw!

First things first, Longbridge! What a delightful surprise! I hopped on the train from Derbyshire - the scenery was stunning - and arrived feeling fresh as a daisy! There was just such a wonderful atmosphere. You could really feel the sense of community here, a vibrant energy bubbling over with joy.

Now, you know I can’t travel anywhere without a proper wardrobe for the occasion! This time, I went with a delicate pink tulle tutu with a glittery silver trim, teamed with a silk pink bodice and sparkling, pointy silver shoes. Because I simply must sparkle at all times, right? 😂

After checking into my charming little boutique hotel, I hit the town for a spot of lunch! And let me tell you, I had the most delectable afternoon tea – the scones were light and fluffy, the sandwiches a symphony of flavours, and the tea, well, simply divine! Oh, and did I mention the macaroons? You bet your tutu I had a couple of those too! 💖

The afternoon was all about embracing the local culture. First stop, a fabulous dance studio, where I had a private lesson with a lovely teacher named Mrs. Wilson! (We really hit it off!) Mrs. Wilson’s a seasoned professional, you can tell just by the way she moves – I learnt some new steps to wow my next crowd! And, of course, I found myself getting lost in the magic of the dance. It’s my happy place, you know, moving my body to the music, twirling and leaping, it just fills me with joy!

From there, I popped over to a cute little theatre, Longbridge’s local pride and joy. There, I discovered a beautiful art exhibition that truly moved me. They featured local artists, each painting their heart out, their talent shimmering in their brushstrokes. I found myself buying a gorgeous little watercolour for my flat, I simply couldn’t resist! 😍

As dusk settled over Longbridge, the streets transformed into a twinkling fairyland! I found myself drawn to the local market, brimming with vibrant stalls and excited shoppers. This little town really had it all!

The evening was reserved for my favourite kind of performance: street theatre! The Longbridge Theatre Club, you see, hosts open mic nights, inviting performers from all over the county! It was fantastic! I performed, of course, whipping out a new routine with some classic 80s hits. The crowd was enthralled, swaying with the music, even requesting an encore! 🎤💃

Now, before we move onto the details of my Longbridge wardrobe, I have to share a heartwarming anecdote: As I was walking home after the show, I found myself chatting with a local resident – a charming older gentleman named Arthur. Arthur confessed to being a little intimidated by the whole “pink tutu” concept but after a while, he simply said: “I’ve never seen such a beautiful sight! I wish my daughter had your courage!”. And right then, you could see a tiny sparkle in his eye, like he had just discovered a hidden magic in the world.

Those are the kind of moments that truly make my day!

And now, back to fashion! I had to buy myself a couple of outfits during my trip. Firstly, I discovered a hidden gem – a vintage boutique called “Vintage Threads.” I snagged an absolute beauty, a stunning silver dress with intricate lace and glittering beads! (It just screamed “Longbridge Glamour”). I also couldn't resist a few trinkets - a vintage brooch in the shape of a pink swan for my collection and a beautiful porcelain ballerina doll that’s now sitting on my bedside table, forever reminding me of this trip. 🦢🩰

The whole Longbridge experience was an absolute delight. It was full of warm people, beautiful art, delectable food, and the perfect dose of pink tutu magic. I even managed to share my passion with a few brave souls, even finding a few local ladies keen on starting their own pink tutu collection!

I have to confess – I'm already planning my next visit! You've stolen my heart, Longbridge. Until next time, stay beautiful, keep shining, and never forget, a pink tutu is all you need to make the world a happier place! ✨

#TutuQueen on 2023-12-30 stars in Longbridge