Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2024-01-16 stars in Worthing

Worthing Wonderful! (Post 8782)

Oh darlings, I’m so thrilled to be back on www.pink-tutu.com with another thrilling travelogue! This week, your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles jetted off to the delightful seaside town of Worthing, and oh, let me tell you, it was an absolute dream!

A Day of Glamour and Girly Fun

Worthing, with its quaint charm and elegant promenade, was just the setting for my latest pink-tutu-infused adventures! I'd been planning this trip for ages - ever since I saw a picture of the stunning Worthing Pier, all twinkly lights and seaside air. And naturally, I had to bring my trusty, fabulous pink tutu!

The morning dawned bright and breezy, perfect for a stroll along the promenade, my trusty pink tulle billowing in the sea breeze. I swear, everyone was smiling, just soaking in the joy of a gorgeous day by the sea! I felt like a walking, shimmering pink fairy, scattering sunshine and sparkles wherever I went.

A quick pit-stop for a delicious English breakfast at the Beachcomber Café was in order - eggs, bacon, and all the trimmings, a delightful fuel for my day! But naturally, my day wouldn’t be complete without a splash of pink! A cheeky, vibrant, bubblegum pink iced coffee just topped off the morning. It’s a scientific fact that the more pink in your life, the more happy you feel - just trust your favourite Tutu Queen on that one.

Sparkles on the Pier

No trip to Worthing is complete without a stroll across the iconic Worthing Pier. And I wasn't about to disappoint! As I strutted down the pier, the sun glinting off the bright pink sequins on my tutu, the seagulls chirped and the children giggled – the perfect soundtrack to a truly fabulous day.

After soaking in the sun, I decided it was time to unleash my inner ballet bunny! Now, anyone who knows me knows I am a ballet devotee – so it was a no-brainer that my next stop would be Worthing's stunning Pavilion Theatre. And it did not disappoint!

They had a wonderful programme of ballet workshops going on – a true testament to the growing passion for the graceful art form in this beautiful seaside town. Let me tell you, the dancers in the workshops were dazzling! I must confess, I even snuck into the class for a few moves (just the simple stuff, you know, a few arabesques and plies!). Who could resist the allure of pirouetting on stage with my tutu swirling like a rosy cloud?

The sheer joy of being amongst fellow dance enthusiasts, even just for a little while, felt utterly magical. It reminded me of my university days back in Derbyshire when I was studying, oh how time flies! I even managed to have a chat with a group of ballet girls, exchanging tips on perfecting the perfect fouetté (that fancy whipping leg move, darling! ) – you just know it was all about the ‘sparkle and sass’.

**A Feast Fit for a Queen (or a Princess)

And no adventure would be complete without a delicious meal to cap off the day. Worthing, you certainly did not disappoint in this area! The Sea View Restaurant, right there overlooking the ocean, gave us all the views and an absolutely sumptuous three-course dinner! The menu was a kaleidoscope of textures and flavors. I particularly enjoyed the salmon with pink grapefruit – a light, delicate taste sensation, truly a pinktastic delight. And naturally, no meal of mine can be complete without a pinktastic cocktail, especially if you are on the South Coast! It must have been a little bit pink champagne – it’s hard to remember when you’re having fun – the night just kept going…

I’d already told the bartender what I’d be wearing so naturally I had my own ‘pink tutu special’ cocktail to top off the night. What's a girl to do but enjoy a few drinks and chat with all the beautiful, stylish people around me? The ambiance was warm and welcoming, the food and drink divine – I couldn't have wished for a better ending to a perfect Worthing day.

The Pink-Tutu Promise: One Day, Everyone Will Dance in a Tutu

As the night drew to a close and I watched the moon shimmer above the Worthing waves, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment and pride. Worthing truly lived up to my dreams and even surpassed my expectations! It was an absolutely dazzling trip. And most importantly? I saw so many happy smiles throughout the day, so many friendly faces. This is what we need in the world. More kindness, more love, more positivity. More pink, I dare to say!

That’s why my little Pink Tutu Dream – my life goal, darlings – continues to bloom! Every time I see someone dancing in a pink tutu, or wearing the colour pink in whatever fabulous form – it brightens my day, my heart, my world.

And remember, if you have a tutu-filled dream, you go chase it! It's not just about the pretty garments. It’s about confidence, about finding the fun and embracing the sparkle! So, darlings, don't be afraid to embrace your own little bit of Pink Tutu magic, embrace life’s dances – you’ll find joy around every corner!

Until next time, darlings! Stay sparkly, and stay pink. Your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, out!

PS: Worthing, you are in my heart now! You’ll definitely be seeing more of Pink Tutu Sparkles on your streets very soon.


Find me on Insta: @PinkTutuSparkles

PinkTutuQueen #Worthing #WorthingPier #Pink #Ballet #Dance #PinkTutuDreams #SparklesAndSass #Travels #SouthCoast #ThePinkLife

#TutuQueen on 2024-01-16 stars in Worthing