Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2024-01-20 stars in Derby

Derby Daze: Tutu Queen in the City of Dreams! 💖🩰

Helloooo darlings! It’s your favourite Pink Tutu Queen, Alex, bringing you post number 8786 straight from the heart of Derby! I'm so excited to share this week’s adventure with you, and it's going to be a sparkly, swishy one, I can promise you!

Derby is known for its history, its heritage, its...horses?! Ok, I'll admit it: I'm not sure about the horse bit just yet. But I did hear a rumour that there's a famous Derby Day at Epsom Downs that I'd love to go to! (Horse-themed tutus anyone?) And trust me, if I ever get my hands on a fluffy, pink-feather boa, there will be some serious show stopping going on.

Speaking of horses, that brings us to the mode of transport! You know I love a good train journey and Derby is definitely within tutu-trot distance from my humble abode. It's not just about getting there; it's the journey itself! A chance to admire the changing landscape, a perfect excuse to whip out my signature pink nail polish, and you just know I'll have my sparkly ear rings on full-tilt for maximum train carriage glamour. Oh, and don't even get me started on the snacks!

But enough about me, let’s talk about the star of the show – Derby itself! This historical city, with its cobbled streets, beautiful architecture, and that fabulous Market Place, had me mesmerized right from the start. I did a bit of digging and apparently, it’s the only city in England to boast a cathedral in the centre of town! I mean, talk about some divine inspiration! Can you picture a better place to launch a major Tutu Reformation, darling? Just picture it - the city is buzzing with the glorious pinks and peaches of tutus, floating around every corner! Sighs wistfully, twirls and envisions pink dreams coming true.

Oh, and the shopping was divine! A kaleidoscope of vintage finds and independent boutiques… let’s just say my credit card needed a little break! But, let’s face it, how could I leave Derby without some pink goodies to add to my tutu wardrobe? (Secret confession, darlings: I even picked up a new pink feather boa. Yes, the horse theme is slowly evolving…!).

Now, let’s dive into the real reason I was here: the theatre! I stumbled upon this gem of a performance space, a real hidden treasure! (Ahem, that might have involved a lot of Pink Tutu-led searching, but hey, the journey is just as important as the destination! Right?) It was absolutely stunning – the whole place was lit up in a fabulous, almost-pink, lighting that just begged for a tutu or two (or, perhaps, many) to appear on the stage. Of course, this Pink Tutu Queen couldn't let down such a glorious opportunity, so… well, let's just say my show that night was absolutely electric! The crowd loved it, they were totally enthralled! They roared for more tutus, darling! (And, you know, I obliged.)

The theatre is an absolutely vital part of any tutu-loving drag queen’s life, don’t you agree? It’s where imagination takes flight, where magic is born! And Derby's theatre scene really took my breath away! And the best bit? The audience seemed to have grasped my own Tutu Gospel, embracing pink with open arms! I mean, can you blame them? After all, you just can't help but feel a little bit more joyful when you’re surrounded by tutus. And with that extra sparkle of joy, life suddenly gets a whole lot more magical!

And here's the most surprising part - the ballet scene! Did you know Derby has its own dedicated ballet school? It's all about those delicate movements, graceful forms and intricate steps. Oh, don't think for a second that I didn’t drop in for a class. Now, I won't claim to be the next Margot Fonteyn - though I do think I've got a natural aptitude for tutu-tastic choreography! You see, there’s a special magic in taking a step back, taking time for self-reflection, and just enjoying the feeling of being completely immersed in something that gives you so much joy! And let me tell you, that feeling is simply magnificent!

Of course, no trip would be complete without a little bit of local cuisine. (Sorry, my lovelies, the chips-and-gravy-to-tutu-combo just hasn’t materialized yet. But, maybe next time!). This time, the local fare brought a different kind of magic to my trip. Oh, darling, I must confess that, after a couple of pints and a delicious (and very pink) strawberry sorbet, I got to talking to the locals. And that, my dears, was an experience I won’t be forgetting any time soon! Their enthusiasm for Derby, their passion for life - it was simply infectious. I truly felt that spirit of "pink positivity" we’re trying to cultivate.

My days in Derby were a whirl of sparkly tutus, bright lights, amazing performances, delicious snacks, and a real sense of belonging! It was a tutu-rific adventure, one I'll be remembering for years to come! So, whether you're a tutu fanatic like me or you're just starting to dip your toes (pun totally intended) into the world of pink, Derby is a must-see destination. Trust me on this one, darling! And while you’re at it, maybe consider adding a little pink tutu to your wardrobe too? Because life, my lovelies, is too short for grey! 💖🩰

Until next time! Stay sparkly!


Your Pink Tutu Queen, Alex www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2024-01-20 stars in Derby