Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2024-02-14 stars in Cambridge

Cambridge Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Brings the Sparkle to the City (Blog Post #8811)

Hello my gorgeous darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you all the glitz and glamour from my latest adventure – a trip to the stunning city of Cambridge!

Now, you know I adore a good train journey, and this one didn't disappoint. All those charming little villages whizzing by, the beautiful English countryside rolling past the window... I felt like I was in a fairytale! Plus, I got to put on my most fabulous pink outfit (a new one, naturally, with an exquisite feathered boa – can't resist a little extra sparkle!), and everyone was practically swooning at my arrival on the platform.

Cambridge itself was just enchanting. Think cobblestone streets, grand university buildings with ancient history in their very walls, and enough cafes and tearooms to satisfy even the most demanding of sweet tooths. I practically inhaled all the delicious pastries I could find – the pink ones, of course, were my favourites!

But this trip was about more than just enjoying the sights. Cambridge is famed for its ballet scene, and you know what I adore? A good ballet performance! I couldn't wait to see what this city had to offer. Now, I’m no professional ballerina, mind you, though I do love my weekly ballet classes – gotta keep those legs toned and the pink tutus twirling! But seeing the skill and grace of those dancers is just breathtaking. The way they move, the stories they tell with their bodies, the sheer power and beauty… it leaves me in awe, every single time.

I saw "Swan Lake" at the Cambridge Arts Theatre, and oh, it was magical! Those swan costumes! So elegant, so detailed. The music was beautiful, and the dancers were just incredible. I could have watched them all night long. And as the final act reached its climax, I was so swept up in the emotion, I think I let out a little cry – you know, the good kind! It was like my whole body was trembling with the music, feeling the story right there in the heart of Cambridge.

After the show, I got to meet the director. It’s so important to support and celebrate these artists who give so much of themselves on stage. I told him how impressed I was by the show, and he told me about the young ballet dancers coming up through the ranks in Cambridge. The talent pool here is certainly thriving, and I just know that I’ll see a lot more amazing talent rise to the top in the years to come.

Of course, I couldn’t leave Cambridge without paying homage to their beautiful river, the Cam! What's more English than a punting tour on a sunny afternoon? I squeezed myself into the most charming, flowery boat – with a giant pink parasol, naturally – and my adorable, tutu-wearing partner in crime, Bubbles, took the helm (figuratively, of course).

We cruised gently along, the sun dappling through the willows and the birds chirping their afternoon songs. The Cam itself felt like a liquid canvas of life and laughter. The punts, rowed by Cambridge’s local oarsmen, seemed to be gliding with the grace of swans themselves! I've got to say, that's what I call a perfect Cambridge afternoon.

Then, for my grand finale, it was time to perform. Cambridge loves a good cabaret! My show was a full house at a gorgeous Victorian-style pub with stained-glass windows and enough velvet to make you feel like royalty. I channeled all the glamour and sparkle of a classic musical, even managing to slip in a little ballet-inspired dance sequence to show off my moves (and that pink tutu, of course!) I threw in some hilarious comedy skits (always good for a laugh!), a few sassy songs, and lots of dazzling glitter (it’s not a Pink Tutu Sparkles show without it!), and, as always, I left the audience screaming for more.

So, I can honestly say, my trip to Cambridge was everything and more. I loved getting to know the city, its charming streets, its history, and, of course, its passion for ballet. I have to confess, this whole experience reminded me why I do what I do, why I travel, why I put on a pink tutu every night and make people smile. It's about the joy, the magic, the spark – and there's no better place than Cambridge to find all that.

Don’t forget to keep up with me on www.pink-tutu.com. I’ll be back soon with another incredible adventure!

Until next time,


Pink Tutu Sparkles (Alex, to my friends).

#TutuQueen on 2024-02-14 stars in Cambridge