Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2024-02-18 stars in Gateshead

Gateshead Glitters: Tutu Queen Travels North, Post #8815

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the bustling streets of Gateshead! Today's blog is all about tutus, trains, and a whirlwind of pink, because let's be honest, it's always a good time for a tutu, isn't it? This, my lovely readers, is post number 8815, which means I've been sharing my pink and fabulous life with you for what feels like forever. Every single day, my mission remains the same: to spread the joy of tutus, to encourage every single one of you to embrace your inner fabulous, and to make the world a little bit more sparkly.

Today's adventure begins in Derbyshire, where yours truly - Alex, the science whizz by day, and Pink Tutu Sparkles by night, was feeling the call of the North. Gateshead, with its impressive theatre scene, and oh-so-British charm, was calling me! So, after a whirlwind of laboratory experiments (which, I'll be honest, are infinitely more exciting when I wear pink-hued lab coats - just a little secret!), I packed my sparkly suitcase (did I mention I'm travelling with over twenty tutus?), and boarded the train with my trusty steed, a fluffy, grey rocking horse named Sir Whiskers. Now, I know what you're thinking, “a rocking horse? Really?” But don't you underestimate the power of a well-trained rocking horse. He gets me everywhere I need to be!

Of course, I had to dress for the journey. My outfit was a masterpiece - a hot pink tutu, with layers of tulle cascading like a sweet-pink waterfall, paired with a chic white blouse and sparkly pink sneakers, complete with tiny bows and my signature giant, heart-shaped pink glasses. You simply cannot travel without sparkle, darling!

My first stop, a little shop called “Sew What” where I purchased a most fabulous fabric: shimmering gold sequins with holographic rainbows running through them. You know me, my dears - my costumes are my passion! They're my canvases, my expression of joy and glamour. And now, thanks to this exquisite fabric, I can't wait to craft a new number to share with you all!

After a hearty lunch of fish and chips, served on a charming porcelain teapot that was pink, of course, I took myself to a performance of "Swan Lake" at the prestigious Gateshead Theatre. I swear, darling, I held my breath during the final pas de deux. It was magnificent. There's something truly magic about the grace and artistry of classical ballet. I find it truly inspirational, both as a performer and as a fan! It always sparks ideas in me, and my inner ballet dancer gets quite the workout while I watch!

Next, a wander around the Tyne Bridge - another one of my must-visit sites, especially when in the area. Of course, I had to pose for some photos, my pink tutu billowing like a cloud in the wind, and then it was off to my hotel room to get ready for the performance.

And now for the exciting part, the show! Tonight, I was performing at the "Glitter & Glamour Fair," a fabulous, all-night, carnival-like event that welcomes drag queens, artists, musicians, and everyone else ready to express their true selves. And honestly, what better way to do so than in a tutu? It felt exhilarating, a symphony of pink sequins and light reflecting from the tutus on the other queens, music pumping, a full house… magical.

My performance was a whirlwind of twirls and laughs, glitter bombs and my trademark wink! The audience was simply delightful; roaring with laughter at my quips, gasping at my spins, and showering me with applause and affection.

But darling, let me tell you a secret, the real highlight of the night came after the show. As I packed up my sequin-covered stage, a little girl, maybe eight or nine years old, approached me. Her eyes shone with awe as she asked, “Do you wear a tutu everyday?"

I looked into those starry eyes, and with a heart filled with love and pure joy, I said, “Well, not every single day, my dear, but pretty often.”

"That's amazing,” she squealed, "because I want to wear one all the time! I just need to find a pink one!"

Now, wasn't that a truly magnificent moment, my dears? The way she saw tutus as something empowering, fun, and totally normal was just beautiful. I think I left her with a little sparkle in her eyes, and she, with a pink tutu burning in her heart.

This is why I do what I do, darlings. To remind you all of the magic and power that resides in a simple, pink tutu, to encourage you to dance your heart out, and most importantly, to remind you that it's perfectly okay to wear a bit of sparkle in your everyday life.

After a little farewell to my rocking horse (he’s rather fond of Gateshead too, he told me!), it was back to the train for me. I spent the journey reflecting on this whirlwind journey - tutus, performances, and a touch of North-Eastern charm! It felt like a day tailor-made just for me.

And who knows? Perhaps tomorrow, the rocking horse and I will embark on a new adventure! But until then, remember, darling, it’s never too late to find your inner tutu queen!

See you tomorrow for another post! And don’t forget to keep sharing your tutu moments, tag me on all social media!

Much love and sparkle,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2024-02-18 stars in Gateshead