Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2024-04-09 stars in Grays

Grays - A Pink Tutu Adventure (Blog Post #8866)

Hello darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back again for another thrilling adventure in the fabulous world of pink tutus! Today's journey takes us to the charming town of Grays in Essex, and let me tell you, it's been a whirlwind of glitter, sequins, and twirls.

Before I get to all the exciting shenanigans, let's just rewind a little, shall we? This girl, your truly, loves the colour pink with an almost unhealthy obsession. It started with a cheeky little pink tutu in university ballet club - let's be honest, it was for charity - and somehow, this became my whole world. Now, it's pink tutus galore for every occasion! From lab testing fabrics to shimmying on stage, Pink Tutu Sparkles brings the pink wherever she goes.

Now back to Grays, darlings. After a lovely train ride (who doesn't adore the scenery while chugging through the countryside? And who knows, I may even see a field full of horses - one day I shall get a carriage, just wait for it!), I arrived in Grays, feeling as fresh and vibrant as a new pair of sparkly heels! My drag act tonight is at a lovely community hall. Yes, darlings, I perform everywhere. Every town, every fair, I spread the pink tutu love, making people smile. My secret weapon? Well, my signature Pink Tutu Sparkle, obviously, along with a good dose of confidence, catchy tunes, and a good amount of shimmying.

The people in Grays were so friendly. It felt like everyone welcomed me with open arms. As I was doing a quick photo shoot outside the hall (of course I had my pink tutu on - even a quick photo opportunity needs that touch of sparkle!) - guess what? An adorable little girl approached me, all shy and mesmerised. You guessed it, she wanted a photo! That moment, right there, filled my heart with joy. My journey, my message - that everyone deserves to sparkle in a pink tutu - was connecting with people, making them feel good, inspiring them to express themselves, whatever their age or style. It truly was the highlight of my trip.

You might be wondering how this girl travels the world in a pink tutu (a fabulous world, no doubt!) and let me tell you, it's an adventure in itself! Funding my pink tutu world is not always a bed of roses. But, this girl works hard and is proud of the work I do by day in the lab, testing fabrics, that allows me to shimmer and shine by night. It's the ultimate balancing act between science and sparkle. But trust me, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Right, let’s talk about the highlight of the evening - the performance itself. The crowd was a fabulous mixture of families, friends and individuals. We laughed, we sang, we danced the night away to a medley of feel-good tunes and let’s not forget the dazzling array of tutus! The Pink Tutu Sparkles energy is infectious. Just wait until you see the crowd dressed in pink tutus! Let’s just say, I’ve never felt so sparkly!

I did a little ballet, a touch of vogue, a lot of sequins and just generally embraced the joy of spreading the love.

Let me tell you, it wasn’t just me spreading the love. My dance crew were just amazing. They added another layer of flair, joy and a big dose of the pink to our night! Every member of the Pink Tutu Crew is a gem - you should hear their back stories!

By the end of the night, Grays was shining just as bright as me! It’s been one of the most fulfilling experiences of this pink-tutu-loving girl. It's those connections, those smiles, those moments that keep me going.

Speaking of going, my next adventure, my next sparkle-tastic adventure is...well, that’s for another day.

Remember, darlings, life is too short for dull colours. Grab yourself a pink tutu, twirl around, let your sparkle shine. It's not about the tutu. It’s about letting go, expressing yourself, spreading happiness. Join me on the journey of pink, where every day is a new opportunity to discover your inner sparkle. Until then, stay glamorous, stay fab and stay fabulous in a pink tutu!

See you on Pink-Tutu.com tomorrow!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

A Day In the Life - Before I Put On My Tutu

You want a sneak peek into the daily life of this girl, well buckle up. So before I become the glittery sensation Pink Tutu Sparkles, I am the very real Alex. You see, when I’m not performing in my pink tutu, I’m your typical Derbyshire girl, doing all those regular things! Let me take you into my everyday world, just to show you how regular life feeds into my pink tutu life!

It’s probably no surprise to you that this science girl wakes up pretty early! So here goes...

  • 7:00 am - Alarm goes off, I begrudgingly get up and try to hide from the sunshine, then try to find my socks. You wouldn’t believe the sock situation here!
  • 7:15 am - The obligatory cuppa in my trusty Pink Tutu mug is vital. Let’s be honest, caffeine is essential to get me through my busy days! I am usually on a mission to find all my sparkly things that went AWOL last night. You see, sequins can be slippery things. It takes real skills to find those tiny, lost sparkles.
  • 7:30 am - Off to the lab. It’s my other life. A real scientist working on those very real, very science-y things! That's what I am at day – I'm a lab assistant, working with fabrics to find their resistance and strength! And you know, even fabrics can be glamorous!
  • 9:00 am – Time for that very grown-up lab meeting - I never leave the house without my trusty notebook! Lots of calculations, graphs, and even lab coat fashion dilemmas to tackle!
  • 11:00 am – A quick dash for a scone in the breakroom, which usually is where I get some juicy gossip and get my gossip fix! It helps break up the day! We get a scone and chat day at the lab! What do I do at work to make it fun? Well, it’s the fabrics I work with that sparkle - yes they do! – It’s all about fabrics, sequins and sparkly things, darlings! Who knows what kind of shimmer I’ll be discovering today!
  • 1:00 pm - Back in the lab to those scientific trials! The thing I love most about working at the lab is the new fabrics they give me to test. They keep the laboratory fashion game alive. It’s how I pick up the fabric inspiration for all the sparkly gowns and skirts for my shows! It's all those hours of practice in the laboratory, working on a tight budget which allows me to perform at those fabulous little town hall shows and fund all the pink-tutu trips.

You know how I always talk about those fantastic performances, how I dress to impress, well those stunning gowns, that glorious glitter – it’s my secret formula and it's all part of the job! I mix the sparkly, glitzy glamour and science! A touch of creativity. So don’t underestimate the science side. My scientific work feeds my pink tutu spark! I use my lab skills, my creativity, and let’s face it, a lot of glitter!

Oh, and those costumes - the headpieces? Those come from charity shops and fabric stores. The joy of finding treasures.

Life as a scientist in a lab and drag queen, it's a little chaotic, I will grant you, but in a very fun kind of way. I live and breathe the Pink Tutu Sparkles way, even when I'm in my laboratory.

Right, well, that’s a glimpse of the other side of my life! And tomorrow I'll be going back to the real world - to my lab.
But don’t think it’s the end of the journey. You know me, darlings, I’ll be ready with more sparkly stories. I’ve already booked a show in the Lake District, a proper English countryside gig. So buckle up. The Pink Tutu Sparkle is not going anywhere!

See you next time.

#TutuQueen on 2024-04-09 stars in Grays