
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2024-06-21 stars in Bridgwater

Bridgwater: Pink Tutu Sparkles Flies In!

Hello darlings, itā€™s your favourite pink tutu queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and Iā€™m so excited to share another incredible adventure with you! Today, my gorgeous little darlings, I'm going to be giving you the inside scoop on my totally fabulous trip to Bridgwater.

This is blog post number 8939 (it never ceases to amaze me how much we manage to pack into life!), and as always, I'll be telling you all about my sparkling outfits, the latest dance moves I'm picking up, and of course, the totally fantastic people I met along the way!

Now, if youā€™ve been following along for a while, youā€™ll know that Bridgwater was high on my to-do list for quite some time. Thereā€™s just something so quintessentially British about it, isnā€™t there? I can imagine Jane Austen wandering its cobbled streets, all those years ago. The history and charm are just undeniable.

But of course, for a Pink Tutu queen, it wasnā€™t just the quaint atmosphere that called to me. No, this trip was all about the Bridgwater Carnival - one of the most legendary carnival events in the country. Can you imagine, my dears, thousands of people celebrating all through the night, dressed in amazing costumes and creating some of the most stunning, imaginative displays? Itā€™s something to behold!

This was, of course, a huge opportunity for yours truly to add to my ever-growing tutu wardrobe! You see, my dear little fashionistas, for Pink Tutu Sparkles, a good tutu is like a good book. It never disappoints. And there is no shortage of options to be found, in Bridgwater. Seriously! From local dressmakers with unique designs to charity shops bursting at the seams with pre-loved, oh-so-fabulous tutus. You name it, I found it, all within an afternoon of shopping. Talk about a magical discovery!

Oh, and did I tell you about the absolutely charming B&B where I stayed? "The Pink Parrot Inn". You canā€™t get more perfect, can you? My room had a balcony overlooking a quaint little garden. My, but that morning cuppa was positively divine, the aroma wafting up from the ground floor cafe like an enchanting greeting. And I just had to capture that moment with a few Instagram pics, just to make all you fashionistas out there a little jealous, wink.

Speaking of Instagram, you simply HAVE to follow me! Weā€™re taking a break from this post right now, but Iā€™ve added a quick slideshow so you can enjoy the scenery of Bridgwater with a splash of Pink Tutu Sparklesā€™ signature pink-tastic glamour. Go ahead, dear reader, grab your phone, letā€™s scroll through the photo carousel, but keep those pink tutus nearby, darling. We have lots more to discover on this adventure.

So, back to Bridgwater! Now, my loves, the highlight of my trip, without a shadow of a doubt, had to be the Bridgwater Carnival. My dear reader, it is truly something to witness. It is simply an explosion of colour, energy and sheer joyful abandon. From the brightly-dressed spectators to the meticulously crafted floats - and let's not forget the dazzling fire performances! - every single element of the carnival radiates vibrant excitement. Honestly, dear reader, it's more of a full sensory experience than just a simple carnival!

Now, let me tell you, getting dressed up for the Bridgwater Carnival was everything! It's not a simple matter of picking a pretty dress, dear, but creating an unforgettable Pink Tutu Sparkles look. Now, you know that I couldnā€™t go to a carnival without bringing the glamour, right?

And whatā€™s more glamourous, my darling reader, than a full pink ensemble? Thatā€™s right, weā€™re talking a shimmering, sequined, multi-layered, dreamy pink tutu, adorned with hand-stitched sparkling embellishments. Think feather boas, cascading, and a custom-made corset with a touch of playful sparkle! Oh, and I did NOT forget my trusty pink gloves, my dears! Gotta stay chic while mingling with the crowd! It was a fashion show in itself, the whole Carnival, I tell you! And let me tell you, my outfit went down a storm! The locals seemed so excited to have a drag queen at their Carnival, my dears, so I danced and twirled to my heart's content. Every passerby was praising my outfit. Itā€™s funny, you know? Even with my everyday looks Iā€™ve learned, it's not just about the fashion; it's about the confidence and joy you bring to a situation.

And for all those of you wondering how I managed to stay on the move while adorned in such glorious splendor, letā€™s just say the train journey back was an event of its own, a story to be told for another blog. And maybe even a YouTube video, with that kind of adventure. The sheer thrill of zipping past charming country lanes, waving at people enjoying a good cuppa, while sitting regally in my outfit, well, it felt truly special, darling.

For all the tutu enthusiasts out there - you must see the sheer, unbridled creativity of the costumes worn at Bridgwater Carnival. If I wasnā€™t so excited about my upcoming journey to Canterbury, my dears, Iā€™d just pack my bags and head straight back! And to all my dance lovers out there ā€“ take it from yours truly ā€“ the carnival atmosphere gets you grooving even if you havenā€™t been on the dancefloor for years! You just can't help but move and shake along with the energy! But remember, dear readers, whatever outfit you wear, be sure to put safety first, particularly with fire performers!

The following morning I awoke, sparkling after a whirlwind of a night, my dears. What an incredible memory this is! Iā€™ll never forget Bridgwater and itā€™s magical carnival, and all those gorgeous tutus. But enough about Bridgwater. That was just a stop on my journey! My travel-obsessed readers, we're heading to Canterbury! Stay tuned for more pink tutu goodness and captivating travel tales as Pink Tutu Sparkles explores this historic city with the grandeur and spirit it deserves. After all, youā€™ve gotta put the ā€œglamourā€ back in travel, don't you think? And what better way to do so than with a dash of pink tutu magic?

Catch you all next time, my little angels! And remember: wear pink, spread the glitter and most importantly, never forget your pink tutu!

P.S: Check out PinkTutu.com and donā€™t forget to follow me @PinkTutuSparkles on Instagram and Tik Tok! Let me know if youā€™d like to catch one of my performances at an event near you!

#TutuQueen on 2024-06-21 stars in Bridgwater