Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2024-07-03 stars in Herne Bay

Herne Bay: Tutu Travels to the Seaside! (Blog Post #8951)

Oh, darling dears, what a glorious adventure this has been! This fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles has been on the road again, and today, I’m bringing you all along for the ride. Imagine a bright, sunny day. You can almost feel the salty breeze off the sea as you walk along the promenade. Now, picture me – in a sparkling pink tutu, naturally, adorned with shimmering seahorse charms. That, my lovelies, is Herne Bay in a nutshell!

My heart practically leapt out of my chest when I got the gig here. Herne Bay! It’s all about the sunshine, the sea air, and a dose of pure, unabashed fun. I knew I had to bring my most glamorous tutus for this seaside escapade!

Travelling in Style

I love the journey as much as the destination, especially when it involves train travel. Honestly, there's something about being whisked away on the tracks that brings out the inner fashionista in me. I must admit, I was quite the spectacle at the station, causing quite a stir in my sparkling pink ensemble! But that's what makes travelling so delightful - a chance to share a bit of magic and bring a smile to everyone's faces.

I don’t mind telling you, getting a pink tutu and all my showgirl gear onto a train can be a bit of a challenge, even with my trusty luggage trolley! The train carriages seemed to gasp in admiration (and perhaps a little shock!) as I settled in, making sure to leave enough room for everyone to spread out their newspapers, you know, the polite thing to do!

A Seaside Sojourn

The sea air always gets me feeling positively bouncy, darling. It's as if the waves themselves are telling me to twirl, twirl, twirl! And oh, the delight! I must confess, a little part of me lives for those sidelong glances and curious looks from passers-by as I shimmied my way down the Herne Bay promenade. This, my dears, is what drag is all about – bringing joy, sparkle, and a little bit of outrageousness into the everyday.

But this wouldn’t be a proper Tutu Queen travel adventure without a visit to the ballet! Herne Bay had an absolutely adorable local theatre hosting a fantastic performance of Swan Lake. Now, as you know, I’m a complete sucker for all things ballet. It's the perfect mix of grace, power, and emotion – and all with tutus! Can you imagine my delight? I swear, I nearly stood up and took a bow myself! I must confess I felt a little self-conscious wearing my pink sparkly tutu amongst all those classically-attired ballet enthusiasts, but who’s going to judge a pink tutu? Especially one adorned with sequined swan feathers.

Speaking of tutus, I did a spot of shopping on the promenade. It was practically destiny. There, nestled among the touristy trinkets, was the cutest little boutique, overflowing with frills and fancy frocks. And they had pink tutus! Imagine, darling – pink tutus on the seaside! A sight to behold, I assure you! They might not be the most conventional outfits for a seaside stroll, but I swear, the extra-large tutus were perfect for waltzing across the pebbles on the beach!

Sharing the Pink Love

Speaking of spreading the joy, you wouldn’t believe the kindness I received in Herne Bay. Even the most serious-looking seagulls seemed to smile at my pink tutu, and everyone seemed eager to get a photo. Oh, my darlings, the little ones! They couldn't believe their eyes. Some even danced with me! Now, that’s what I call spreading the Tutu Queen spirit!

It wasn’t all sequins and sparkles though, of course. Even in my dazzling, feather-trimmed pink tutu, I like to try and blend in a little, so I popped into a local cafe for a cup of tea. You would not believe what happened! The woman behind the counter was absolutely smitten with my pink tutu, telling me I should consider entering their annual fancy dress competition! It turns out she’d been a ballerina herself back in the day! And there I was, wearing a pink tutu at a seaside café, surrounded by cakes, and exchanging stories of pirouettes with a sweet lady named Maggie, and my dreams of converting everyone to wear a pink tutu seem to be happening, piece by sparkly piece!

Making a Splash

As the sun began to set on Herne Bay, casting a soft, golden glow over the water, I realised I'd been inspired to do something I hadn't done in a long while. What do I mean? I did a spontaneous drag performance right there on the beach! And let me tell you, the sea breeze was invigorating!

With the music blasting, the twinkling fairy lights of the beach lit my pink tutu as I performed a song and dance for everyone on the promenade. Honestly, the cheers and applause echoed across the bay. Even a couple of brave children dared to join me, spinning in their little princess dresses and fluffy tutus, joining the impromptu Tutu Queen dance party!

A Tutu-ful Memory

As I bid farewell to Herne Bay and boarded my train, I felt a warmth in my heart. More than just the beach and the sea air, I’d felt a sense of belonging. You know what they say, "You are never fully dressed without a pink tutu!" I left my little seaside town with a happy heart, but most importantly, I knew I had shared a little bit of Pink Tutu Sparkle magic.

So until next time, darling dears! You can catch up with me every day here at www.pink-tutu.com where I chronicle all my amazing adventures, in pink tutus and on the move, just waiting for the next magical opportunity to make someone smile!

#TutuQueen on 2024-07-03 stars in Herne Bay