Oh, darlings! It’s your fabulous TutuQueen here, back from a whirlwind trip to Deal, Kent! Honestly, the sea air, the charming harbour, and the delightful people – just everything was so perfectly pink!
This whole trip was such a joy from the moment I hopped on the train. Did you know Deal has its own station? Fancy! So after a quick but oh-so-necessary pitstop in the café for a proper cuppa and a croissant (gotta keep those energy levels up for all the dancing, you know!), I boarded a train towards my destination.
My first stop had to be the Deal Castle, obviously! You just can't visit Deal without paying homage to that stunning structure! And can you believe it? They were hosting a ballet festival! Right in the castle grounds! Honestly, you couldn't ask for a more magical setting. The costumes, the dancers, the whole atmosphere… pure magic, darlings! And guess who found herself taking centre stage? Me, of course! I had a little impromptu performance, naturally, and let me tell you, the locals loved it! The children especially! I can tell the future is rosy for Deal, if those adorable little faces are any indication.
Now, don’t get me wrong, my darling dears, Deal has so much more to offer than just historical grandeur and ballet, though honestly, those two things are a winning combination in my book! Speaking of winning, darling, did you know they have a massive shopping street in Deal? It’s packed with boutiques, vintage shops, and…wait for it… a PINK tutu shop! I mean, who needs Buckingham Palace when you have this fabulous, sparkly find? Naturally, I went a little crazy. One doesn't simply go to a tutu shop and not indulge in a touch of retail therapy.
For dinner, we went to a little gem of a place called The Sailor's Arms. And the seafood! Oh, the seafood! A feast fit for a queen, darlings, with fresh lobster, crab, and perfectly cooked prawns. The view from their outdoor seating area was breathtaking, with the sun setting over the water.
The next day, we explored the Deal Pier and watched the local boats coming in. You’ll never believe it, they had a street performer, dressed in tutus! And, darlings, I couldn’t let a fellow tutu-lover do her thing without giving a shoutout. It’s important to support each other, right? I mean, what’s more empowering than seeing another queen, dazzling the world with her pink tutus, all while showcasing Deal's stunning pier and those mesmerizing turquoise waves. I dare you to not feel a twinge of excitement as those waves break, carrying a cool breeze with them, the air salty and refreshing, bringing that vibrant energy to our beloved, sweet Deal!
And did you know that Deal has a beautiful park? It's just a hop, skip and a jump from the pier. There were kids running around, couples enjoying the sunshine and…you guessed it…people doing some ballet exercises! Clearly, Deal knows how to have a good time. We spent an hour or so soaking up the atmosphere, and then, because darling, one simply cannot be in a seaside town without embracing the beach vibes, we made our way down to the sands. Oh, darlings, those sun-kissed beaches, the salty air, the roar of the ocean! Simply divine!
My little journey to Deal had everything. Beaches, castles, dance, shops, food…and of course, the highlight? That beautiful pink tutu, tucked in my luggage, awaiting its grand unveiling on stage at my next performance.
Do you think we should try and convert Deal to pink tutus? It seems like a perfectly good plan, right? Because everyone looks good in a pink tutu. Just imagine all of Deal strutting around in them, a sea of shimmering pink tutus!
Let me know your thoughts in the comments! I always love to hear from my gorgeous readers.
And, until next time, keep sparkling!
Your TutuQueen, Pink Tutu Sparkles www.pink-tutu.com