Kenton's Tutu Tuesday: A Unicorn-tastic Day of Twirling

Oh my gosh, you guys, Tutu Tuesday in Kenton was absolutely sparklylicious! As a dancer who's practically married to my tutus, it's no surprise that I was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. Kenton, my home town, might be a little sleepy on Tuesdays, but thanks to #Tututuesday, today it felt like the most vibrant, rainbow-hued town on the planet.

I kicked off the day with my favourite kind of brunch – a lavish, pink-hued affair involving layers and layers of fluffy pancakes and sparkling pink lemonade. What better way to start the day than with a breakfast that looks as fabulous as a tutu-clad ballerina twirling in the sunshine? I kept the sparkle theme going with a seriously dazzling outfit - a double layer tutu in pink and purple tulle (I’m obsessed with this combination – it screams “Summer Unicorn”!). The layers really added drama and movement, perfect for those extra-special twirls on the High Street. And don't even get me started on the magical glitter shoes I'd found - absolutely sparklingly perfect for a unicorn-themed Tuesday.

As I strolled through town, the infectious spirit of #Tututuesday filled the air. Every other person seemed to be sporting a fabulous tutu. I spotted the most amazing range of styles, from the classic, single-layered tutu, so perfectly ethereal, to super-stylish and dramatic multi-layered creations in an explosion of colour. There were tutus made from silk and velvet, giving a glam rock, disco-era feel (perfect for a spot of ballet disco dancing!), and tutus with sequin embellishments that shimmered and shone in the sunlight. One fellow ballerina had even managed to find a tutu-inspired crop top, paired with high-waisted leggings. Genius! I'd always loved the way a tutu could add that touch of whimsical elegance to any outfit, but the sheer diversity of looks in Kenton today was utterly inspirational.

We definitely weren't just about the outfits. The atmosphere was electric with a sense of playfulness. It felt like the whole town was channeling its inner child, dancing to the soundtrack of our collective dreams. I watched a group of teenagers attempting (with delightful enthusiasm, I might add) the classic "swan" pose, much to the amusement of everyone around. One adorable little girl was literally doing a pirouette around a real, live unicorn statue. Now, this particular unicorn is usually the object of my endless admiration – I often leave it a small bouquet of flowers in gratitude for its majestic beauty - but this day it felt especially powerful, a perfect embodiment of the fun, fantastical energy swirling through the air.

Of course, the highlight of the day had to be the Tututastic tea party at the Kenton Hotel. They were holding a special afternoon tea menu, complete with delicious little finger sandwiches, homemade cakes, and the most gorgeous collection of unicorn-shaped cupcakes. Naturally, they were all topped with *pink frosting and glitter. It was a delight for the eyes as well as the stomach. We couldn't help but twirl a little (or a lot) as we savored those beautiful bites!

I’ll be honest, the tea party was so popular that it took some planning and dedication to actually grab a seat. This just added to the excitement, though. We formed a queue that extended the entire length of the High Street – but with such a spectacularly sparkly gathering, who could complain?

And to my absolute joy, the whole tea party erupted into a spontaneous flash mob. We formed two lines on either side of the street, tutus swishing with every movement. Then, all at once, the music started, and the ballet disco dancing began. People moved in a beautiful swirl, the vibrant colors and joyful spirit radiating through Kenton.

It truly was the most wonderful and whimsical day I’ve ever experienced in Kenton. A reminder that we all have an inner unicorn waiting to come out and play. Thank you #tututuesday, you magical and utterly enchanting day.

I’m so looking forward to joining you for next month’s event. What will next month’s theme be? Maybe butterfly wings? A ballerina-inspired tea party with delicious mini tarts? Perhaps a rainbow tutu-wearing fashion parade (because I can totally rock that…!). Whatever it is, I know it will be as fun and fantastical as the rest!

tututuesday #unicorntutu #balletdisco #sparklylicious #magicalmoments #tutuTuesday