
Longbridge Lights Up for Tutu Tuesday: A Rainbow of Sparkle & Unicorns!

Alright, darlings, grab your glitter and your best smiles, because itā€™s Tutu Tuesday in Longbridge, and weā€™re about to take this town to a whole new level of fabulous!

As a ballerina who lives for tutus and disco balls (the bigger the better, you know!), I was practically born with a tutu-shaped halo. So when I saw the hashtag #Tututuesday popping up everywhere, I knew it was time to unleash my inner unicorn.

Longbridge, with its sunny disposition and vintage charm, felt like the perfect canvas for our rainbow of tutus. From classic, flowing romantic tutus to sassy, modern ones that could only be described as "Tutu-tastic!", every tutu style imaginable was on display. It was a symphony of sequins, tulle, and pure joy - just the kind of spectacle I crave!

Letā€™s talk about the unicorns, shall we? Well, letā€™s just say they were a force to be reckoned with! Glittery horn extensions, shimmery wings, rainbow tail streamersā€¦ every unicorn accessory imaginable was flaunted, and we loved it! It was like the whole town was living out a fantasy in pink, purple, and all things sparkly.

Now, itā€™s not every day you see a gaggle of ballerinas prancing down the street in tutus, so we naturally attracted a crowd! The giggles and the gasps of delight were music to my ears. Itā€™s honestly inspiring to see people of all ages letting their inner princess shine.

One little girl in a frilly pink tutu and unicorn headband had a look of pure wonder in her eyes. ā€œAre you a real unicorn?ā€ she asked me, and I had to admit, I kinda felt like it at that moment.

The joy of sharing the magic of tutus and unicorns with others is truly rewarding, and this event definitely reminded me of that. I canā€™t wait to see how Longbridge will top its own fabulosity next #Tututuesday. But, until then, letā€™s just savour the sparkle and embrace our inner fairytale queens!

Here are some of my favourite moments from the day:

  • The tutu dance-off: This wasn't planned, but as soon as the first few beats of "Disco Inferno" played from a nearby cafe, a spontaneous tutu-tastic dance-off erupted in the park. Honestly, it was pure magic. We had twirling, leaping, and even some impressive cartwheels! The energy was infectious.

  • The unicorn parade: With the sun on our faces and the tunes of ABBA pumping through our hearts, we took a spin through Longbridge High Street. There was no shortage of smiles, waves, and even a few requests for selfies. Everyone wanted a piece of the unicorn magic, and honestly, who can blame them?

  • The "Tutu Time Tea Party": No celebration in Longbridge is complete without a spot of afternoon tea. The local cafe, ā€œThe Little Bakehouseā€, did an incredible job transforming their patio into a whimsical tea party with tutus hanging from every nook and cranny. I opted for the ā€œPink Sparkle Tea Setā€ ā€“ it came with delicate pink sandwiches, mini cupcakes with sprinkles galore, and of course, a steaming cup of tea (served in a teacup as pink as a unicornā€™s horn, naturally).

  • The tutus for a cause: One of the most heart-warming moments was the "Tutu for a Charityā€ stall. For a small donation, you could choose from a wide selection of gently loved tutus, all in fabulous condition, of course. It was a great way to extend the joy of Tutu Tuesday to a worthy cause.

This whole #Tututuesday experience was truly inspiring, darlings! We've officially turned Longbridge into a sparkling, tutudrenched haven for unicorn lovers and dreamers of all ages. It's just a reminder that a little bit of magic goes a long way, and sometimes, you just need to twirl your worries away.

Stay tuned for more fabulous adventures and #Tututuesday fun, my lovelies!