Islington’s Tutu Tuesday: Where Ballet Meets Disco Fever

 Tutu Tuesday in Islington has become a fabulous, sparkly, and downright dazzling affair, a day where tutu-clad angels descend upon the cobbled streets and transform the usually bustling neighbourhood into a whimsical wonderland. I, for one, am absolutely in love with it, and I reckon everyone should get on board. Forget your usual Tuesdays, ditch your grey office attire, and let’s talk **#tututuesday**. The buzz started last year when a small group of us ballet dancers, who’d been attending a dance workshop at the Dance Academy in Islington, decided to jazz up our Wednesday evening drinks. And boy, did we jazz it up! We grabbed our trusty tutus, threw on a bit of glitter, and decided to make a proper splash (think iridescent scales and shimmering pink!) while sipping our mojitos in the sun at the Highbury Fields pub. Little did we know that our impromptu glitter bomb would explode into something rather spectacular. People passing by couldn’t help but smile. “What are you girls up to?” someone shouted. “Just spreading some joy and tutus!”, was my quick-witted response. And boom! The Tutu Tuesday movement was born! Since that first dazzling Tuesday, the initiative has gone wild and we’ve been joined by an army of Tutu Angels who share our love of tulle, sunshine, and everything glittery. This past Tutu Tuesday was even more spectacular. Every street in Islington became a glittering, tulle-filled, disco-infused spectacle. And let me tell you, there were tutus galore! We had classic *Romantic* tutus floating down Islington Green. Those traditional-style tutus are always my go-to for Tutu Tuesday, they are light, airy and a little bit flirty. It’s not just ballerinas joining the fun – fashion bloggers are sporting the trend too! I spotted *Bell* tutus paired with chunky boots and oversized sunglasses on the high street. If you’re feeling a little more rebellious, why not go for the daring and edgy *Pancake* tutu and feel like you're in your own mini performance of Swan Lake in the middle of Islington Green! Let's be honest: the key ingredient that makes Tutu Tuesday in Islington truly epic is the vibe. You'll find fellow tutu enthusiasts – both ballet professionals and people who have never put on pointe shoes in their lives – rocking out to the disco sounds pouring out of every pub in the area. Imagine a bunch of dancers wearing colourful tutus shimmying and swirling to classic 70s disco hits. Seriously, it’s enough to melt even the most stoic heart! And yes, this includes those who thought that disco died out with the 80s (spoiler alert: it's very much alive and kicking!). This brings me to my favourite part of the Tutu Tuesday event: **#discodolphin**. We’re all united by a love for dolphins, disco music, and all things colourful and sparkly, so we made #discodolphin the hashtag for the movement. Yes, this might seem random at first glance, but there’s a very special meaning behind it. To us, the dolphin symbolizes a sense of community and togetherness. They’re known to be incredibly intelligent and social creatures, and we think that's something we should celebrate! Our love of disco reflects our joy and positive energy that we try to bring to the event and spread around. Tutu Tuesday in Islington is not just a fleeting fancy – it’s become a movement. You know it’s about spreading the good vibes. Here are just a few ways we do it: * **We Dance, We Celebrate:** The biggest thing that binds us on Tutu Tuesday? You guessed it - we dance! We break free from everyday routines, spin, and swirl our tutus around. Imagine being surrounded by people dancing to iconic disco tracks and soaking up the good vibes. * **Tutu Donations for a Cause:** On every Tutu Tuesday, we gather a pile of pre-loved tutus to donate to a local children’s charity. We want to ensure everyone gets the chance to experience the magic of wearing a tutu – regardless of their background or circumstances. So, next time you find a tutu hiding at the back of your wardrobe, why not give it a new lease of life? * **Sparkle is Mandatory!** Let's be honest – every Tutu Tuesday event is bursting with glitter and sparkle! The brighter the sparkle, the more vibrant the event! From sparkly eye shadow and body glitter to shimmering jewellery, we embrace the opportunity to add a little extra sparkle to our everyday looks. Tutu Tuesday is about more than just dressing up – it’s about celebrating life, embracing joy, and spreading some sparkly magic! So, why not ditch the office attire, dig out your finest tutu, grab your best friend (and maybe your favourite pair of glitter-covered platform shoes) and join the Tutu Tuesday revolution. Whether you’re a ballet fanatic, a disco lover, or just looking for an excuse to get your glitter on, Tutu Tuesday in Islington is the place to be! You’re invited to come join us and see just how much joy can be spread by a tutu and a dash of disco spirit! Don’t forget to keep an eye on social media, hashtag #tututuesday and spread the disco dolphin love, **#discodolphin**. You never know, you might be inspired to unleash your inner ballerina and make Islington even more magical!