Tutu Tuesday in Royal Tunbridge Wells: A Splash of Pink and Disco Delight!

  Oh my goodness, you guys, Tutu Tuesday in Royal Tunbridge Wells was absolutely **epic!** The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the air was buzzing with excitement as everyone donned their finest tutus and danced the day away. I mean, come on, who doesn't love a bit of twirling in a fabulous tutu? As a ballerina and blogger, I have to admit, I was completely in my element. Seeing all the different tutu styles was a joy to behold! There were classic tutus, romantic tutus, and even some seriously fun, modern designs. Some were even bedazzled, covered in sequins, and embellished with all sorts of amazing details. I spotted a few pink ones that I just had to snap a photo of, as you know pink is my all-time favorite color! It really brought a touch of magic and sparkle to the day.

So what exactly was going on in Tunbridge Wells?

 Tutu Tuesday started with a "Tutu Parade" through the town center. Everyone gathered in the main square, a symphony of swishing tulle and giggles filling the air. You wouldn't believe the energy – it was absolutely contagious. It's amazing how putting on a tutu just makes you feel so light, free, and carefree! We danced down the high street to a funky disco beat, making our way towards the Town Hall where the main event was taking place.

 It was a real blast from the past with DJs spinning disco classics like “Staying Alive” and "I Will Survive,” making it practically impossible to resist moving your feet. I must say I can’t help but feel a little obsessed with 70s music lately and how it pairs so well with tutus. It's like a match made in fashion heaven.

  There were dance workshops too, perfect for those who wanted to learn some fancy twirls and dips. Let me tell you, my own dance moves were put to the test! But honestly, the most fun was just getting involved and having a good time with everyone. It wasn't about perfecting our moves - it was all about unleashing our inner ballerina, even if it meant a few clumsy steps here and there. It’s a celebration of dance and movement, regardless of whether you’re a professional dancer or simply a tutu enthusiast! But the highlight of the day was without a doubt, the Disco Dolphin. Yes, you heard me right, a **disco dolphin**! The Town Hall square had a huge, inflatable dolphin wearing a pink sparkly disco ball – Talk about an awesome party prop! Honestly, I'm pretty sure the disco dolphin is my new spirit animal - they really know how to rock a dance floor! People were dancing and taking pictures with the dolphin all day. What could be better than that?! #discodolphin #tututuesday It was an unforgettable experience. We danced, we laughed, we embraced the joy of twirling. Tutu Tuesday was a reminder that it’s okay to let loose, embrace our playful side, and have a good old-fashioned fun! I cannot wait for next year’s Tutu Tuesday! What a great day to have fun, be expressive, and dance! #tututuesday