
Morden Makes Tutu Tuesday a Thing!

Hey there, fellow twirlers! Your girl here, ready to spill the tea on Tutu Tuesday in Morden, South London. I mean, come on, it's not everyday that a town becomes a beacon for all things tulle and twirling, but Morden's done just that. And honestly? It's fabulous. It all started, as these things often do, with a post on the Morden Residentsā€™ Facebook page. "Let's make Tutu Tuesdays a thing!" declared local Mum, Janet. I have to admit, when I first saw the post, I had that 'oh, this is going to be awkward' moment. Like, what do I even wear? What if it's just me in a tutu at the Sainsbury's? But Janet's infectious enthusiasm spread through the Morden mums like wildfire. Suddenly, there were photos of children dancing in tutus at the park, men strutting in tutus in the supermarket, even one woman wearing a tutu whilst waiting for the bus! This wasn't about being a professional ballet dancer or performing, this was pure, joyous expression. And, let's be honest, what's more expressive than a good, twirly tutu?Ā 

The Morden Tutu Chronicles

Ā Morden has embraced the idea of Tutu Tuesday in a truly fantastic way. People of all ages have jumped on board. You have the ā€˜New Mum Tutuā€™, a soft and delicate chiffon tutu that floats like a whisper. Then thereā€™s the 'Grandma Tutuā€™, often fashioned in a practical cotton or linen that retains its shape even after a chaotic playground session with your grandkids. But for me, it's all about the #discotutu and my darling #discodolphin. My absolute favourite Tutu Tuesday memory happened a few weeks ago. I'd popped into a cafĆ©, wearing my custom-made pink sparkly tutu (with a little dolphin charm dangling from the waistband), ready for an afternoon of laptop work and writing my latest blog post. Then, in the middle of a delicious latte and a slice of strawberry cheesecake, I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Is that aā€¦ tutu?,ā€ asked a guy at the next table. He had a friendly smile and the most infectious enthusiasm in his eyes. "Youā€™ve got to come down to the Morden Youth Club, it's the annual talent show, and itā€™s Tutu Tuesday night!ā€

Morden Youth Club: Disco Heaven

Ā Naturally, I knew exactly what I had to do. After all, there's no point in having a fab #discotutu if youā€™re not going to disco in it! I took a deep breath, threw back a little of the sparkling water Iā€™d ordered, and told myself ā€œgirl, this is your moment!ā€. Now, the Morden Youth Club may not have a fancy, disco ball-filled interior like Londonā€™s swankier dance studios, but youā€™ve never felt such pure joy! I may have been the oldest one in the room, but honestly, no one cared! I was a part of something amazing! The dance floor was a blur of pink and purple tutus. There was even one boy sporting a sparkly silver tutu that literally shined under the dim stage lights. (He deserves a serious round of applause!). It was everything I love about London. We've got something special in Morden ā€“ weā€™ve created a culture where youā€™re embraced for expressing your individuality and celebrating what makes you unique. And you donā€™t even need a fancy pair of stilettos for it, a #tututuesday outfit will do!

Morden Makes it Happen

Ā  Honestly, the Morden Tutu Tuesday phenomenon goes beyond wearing a tutu! It's about coming together as a community and showing off our personalities. Morden may not be a glamorous town but I am telling you, when Morden throws a Tutu Tuesday, itā€™s an epic, unforgettable party. Now, I have to share a little insider knowledgeā€¦ keep your eyes peeled for the "Morden Tutu Ball" happening this Summer! It's set to be bigger, sparklier, and more fun than anything you can imagine. Keep an eye on the #tututuesday hashtag for the inside scoop! This little South London town is certainly not sleeping! Itā€™s got some serious ā€˜sparkleā€™ factor going for it!