Ramsgate's Tutu Tuesday: Where Disco Dreams Meet the Sea

Let’s get real: there’s something magical about a tutu. Whether you’re a seasoned ballerina like me, or you’ve just got that *inner child* wanting to spin, a tutu just radiates pure joy. It’s the ultimate statement piece, a whirlwind of tulle that screams, "Let's party!" So when I heard about a new movement happening in Ramsgate, #Tutuesday, I had to jump on board, even if my dancing shoes were dusty from last night’s gig! It all started with a simple idea – to create a space where people could come together, embrace their inner disco queen, and celebrate everything fabulous about the world of dance, but more importantly to have a right old giggle. It quickly caught on! The streets of Ramsgate were overflowing with people sporting all manner of tutus, from the classic romantic pointe tutu to the fun, playful mini tutus perfect for a twirl in the pub garden! I saw everything from fluffy pinks and bold blues to classic black and even some **totally** daring leopard-print designs! It felt like an explosion of sequins and sass, and trust me, I was here for it! The best part of Tutu Tuesday in Ramsgate, you ask? Well, I can tell you that the energy was absolutely electric! The air hummed with that joyous energy you only find when everyone is unafraid to be their own unique, wonderful selves! We danced like nobody was watching! In fact, some people didn’t even *need* to watch – they were so caught up in their own personal dance parties that they didn't notice me trying to get them to do the can-can (always wanted to try it!), but we were having a right good time nevertheless. I met a real mix of people – young and old, men and women. I even saw some couples getting their tutus on – seriously, how sweet! It was wonderful seeing people of all shapes and sizes twirling and shimmying together, embracing the playful spirit of the day. The whole event had a sense of community and joy, all set against the backdrop of Ramsgate’s beautiful beach. But it wasn't just about tutus! We had a live band that took us right back to the glory days of disco. It’s *amazing* how much we forgot how awesome disco truly was. There were so many singalongs and air guitars that even the seasoned DJ at my local club couldn't hold a candle to this lot! They belted out hits from ABBA to the Bee Gees and it was literally electric! Everyone was in the zone, moving and grooving as if they were born to be disco divas and dancing kings, and, trust me, they rocked it. A whole group of people danced around with a banner that proclaimed the virtues of disco with some sassy disco dolphin graphics on it – oh yes, the #discodolphin had clearly made an appearance. I must admit, I was instantly taken by it - the dolphin was, like, the *epitome* of disco energy with that snazzy attitude - pure #tututuesday inspiration. It's no surprise that the banner ended up winning "Best in Show!" Later on, we gathered for a picnic under the sun - sandwiches and sparkling cider, oh how delightfully English. It's something about being on the seaside that makes picnics feel a little bit more magical, don't you think? Even more magical with tutus! I have to admit I made friends for life over those juicy, delicious cucumber sandwiches and shared an adorable (if somewhat blurry) Instagram photo of the moment that I have to credit to a new friend - a lovely lady called Maisie, who just so happened to be a *total* #tutuesday expert. You have to admire that girl – her style was spot on! As the sun began its final descent over the Ramsgate sky, we all felt that lingering sense of happiness that you only get when you’ve spent the day being a little bit silly and doing something just for fun. Everyone seemed to be buzzing, chatting away about their day, planning for next week. Let’s be honest - a bit of #tututuesday in my life sounds perfectly alright. This isn't just an event, it's a community, a vibrant space for people to let loose, twirl, and just be themselves! Here are a few key tips for enjoying a perfect #tutuesday in Ramsgate (as taught to me by my new friend Maisie – she even had the #tututuesday rules printed on cute mini notepads!): 

What to Wear: - **Choose your weapon of choice**: The tutu, of course! You've got the traditional fluffy ballet tutu that you might associate with a young swan (classic!), the more casual mini-tutu that can be *perfect* with a cute pair of combat boots or some bright trainers for some street-style vibes (you'll look awesome for dancing on the promenade), and the more *dramatic* and daring, *show-stopping* dance floor tutu with lots of sequins - you'll *definitely* shine. You really can’t go wrong, and let's be real, what’s *more* iconic? Don't be afraid to experiment. - **Don’t be afraid of the sparkle**: It’s Tutu Tuesday, baby! Unleash your inner disco diva – and bring on the sequins! Let’s go big, let’s go bold - get ready for that ultimate shine! - **Accessorize to impress**: Hair, shoes, accessories – this is where you can get truly creative. Maybe your favourite glittery hair clips or a disco ball hair clip, a sparkly choker - or some amazing big hoop earrings with rhinestones for added extra disco-diva flare. Don't be afraid to add some attitude with a colourful belt and a cute little handbag (always stylish) – think disco queen meets 21st Century chic, because that's how you roll. - **Comfortable is key**: The dancing can be intense (or you can simply just twirl on the seafront), so wear comfortable shoes that you can actually move in – flats, sneakers, or cute little ballet shoes will all work. Remember that less is more for this kind of fun and comfy dancing! - **Think Colour**: Bright pink, shimmery blue – if it shines and sparkles you've hit the #tututuesday spot.


 Important Tips for Maximum Fun: -

 **Leave your inhibitions at the door**: Nobody’s judging here! It's all about feeling good and having fun! The whole event encourages the letting go of the self-consciousness we carry, so wear what you love, dance like no one's watching (well, maybe someone’s watching…and maybe you can join them for a dance!) - **Bring your dancing shoes**: I cannot emphasise this enough! Be prepared to get your groove on and dance to all the amazing disco hits. It’s going to be intense! - **Prepare for laughter**: Expect to see the most hilarious moves. Seriously! Laughter and silliness are what make #tututuesday so unique – we were all howling with laughter. You won't be able to resist the joy and contagious good cheer, no matter how stiff you are! - **Embrace the Disco Dolphin!**: The #discodolphin was, like, a #tututuesday icon, embodying the entire energy of the event. He’s cool, he’s quirky, and he definitely gets the message - a fabulous dolphin with an awesome sense of *style* and a groovy beat to boot! - **Make new friends**: There’s nothing like shared silliness to connect you with fellow twirling enthusiasts. Here’s why #tututuesday is so fabulous: - **A true community**: I have to say it again, the sense of community at the Ramsgate event was something special. There’s a feeling that everyone’s just glad to be there - embracing each other's personalities. - **A break from reality**: It's fun, silly and utterly frivolous - exactly what we all need sometimes. I’ll admit to going through a *very* serious phase for a little while - everyone needs a break from that! #tututuesday helps you just switch off. - **It celebrates every body type**: It is a wonderful reminder that dance and fun are for everyone, not just professional ballerinas! (Seriously - even the “Queen of Disco-Dolphins” on the banner could have stepped into one of our classes in a heartbeat. You got to love that spirit). - **A little bit of whimsy and imagination**: Let's be honest – we all could do with some more of that in our lives, right? We all need something fun that brings us back to a time when it was cool to simply laugh, be ourselves, and, you know, have fun. So if you're looking for something fun and different, be sure to add Ramsgate's #Tutuesday to your to-do list - you can thank me later. It's a night you won't forget (because there’s something magic about a tutu and the sea that makes it all feel *amazingly* special).