Longbridge Tutu Tuesday: A Whirlwind of Pink and Glitter

Oh my darling dance-loving dears, what a day! Today was Tutu Tuesday in Longbridge and let me tell you, it was a truly dazzling spectacle! Picture it: the streets bustling with vibrant pinks and yellows, the air buzzing with ABBA's "Dancing Queen," and a palpable energy of joy and silliness. It was a whirlwind of glitter and feathers and every single soul was embracing the spirit of the disco dolphin, #discodolphin, you know the vibe. I’m all about sharing the sartorial spirit with my fabulous readers. So buckle up because today I’m diving into all the glitzy details of #tututuesday.

Now, you all know my heart belongs to the classic pink tutu. I'm a big believer in the power of pink - it just radiates such positive vibes, right? Today's Tutu Tuesday was no exception. It was all about the dreamy pastel pink tutu! We had every shade imaginable; bubblegum, blush, pale pink, the whole shebang! Of course, a well-placed pink feather boa, some sparkling diamantes and a sprinkle of pink eye-shadow - a look fit for a true queen of the dancefloor. But hold your horses! The styles on display were as varied as the personalities rocking them.

You could say, the Longbridge ladies know how to rock a tutu! Some donned gorgeous, billowing, and ethereal tutus in shades of coral and cherry - totally princess vibes. While others were rocking the bolder and more dramatic designs in iridescent fabrics with sassy side splits, just like the dazzling divas you see at the Moulin Rouge! All about the power pose and owning the stage! There were those who chose to stay true to the traditional single layer ballerina style. But let's be honest, there was something truly special about seeing a tutu incorporated into the outfits worn by the older crowd - they were giving “Grandma in a Tutu” and they were rockin’ it.

A Tutu Tuesday without music is like a disco without a disco ball... impossible. The sounds of disco music flowed through the air - perfect for twirling, strutting, and showcasing those fabulous tutus in full motion. And what could be more disco than the sound of dolphins squeaking in sync to the music? Imagine this – dolphin whistles layered over classic disco tunes – this was truly a vision!

Let me tell you, it was hard to choose the “best” tutu. But I have to give a shoutout to the group of teenage girls rocking neon pink tutus! I loved their unbridled enthusiasm and creativity! I’m sure the streets of Longbridge haven't seen this level of tutu joy in decades! So for all my Longbridge Tutu Tuesday crew, keep those skirts swirling! I'll be seeing you at next month's event and you know the drill - pink tutus, fabulous fashion, disco dolphins and, most importantly, plenty of smiles. Keep rocking it! #tututuesday #discodolphin