
Tutu Tuesday in Islington: A Disco Dream in Pink! Okay, fashionistas, get ready to twirl! Islington was ablaze with colour and a whole lotta love today, all thanks to the magic of Tutu Tuesday. And you know I couldn't resist joining in on the fun! Now, I may be a seasoned ballet dancer, but even I was taken aback by the sheer variety of tutus strutting down the streets today.
We're talking classic, voluminous, fluffy affairs in the softest pinks imaginable. But it wasn't just about the traditional tutus! Some were embracing the quirky and contemporary. Picture this - bold geometric patterns in electric shades, tulle skirts layered with vintage band tees, even a couple of sparkly ones with strategically placed pockets! Because, let's face it, who doesn't need a place to stash their glitter, right?
Speaking of sparkle, the whole day was basically a disco explosion, and I'm not even exaggerating! My bestie and I were channeling our inner Donna Summer in our matching bubblegum pink tutus with extra-fluffy embellishments, twirling and swaying to the beat of our own disco anthems, played loud through our boomboxes. Yes, you read that right, boomboxes! What better way to add some retro charm than with some 80s-style music?
Now, if you think the fashion scene was captivating, you should have seen the smiles! Seriously, everyone was radiating happiness, sharing the love with impromptu impromptu disco dance battles in the middle of the High Street. The energy was electric, contagious even. And of course, no Tutu Tuesday would be complete without the legendary #Discosnail. Imagine a snail adorned in tiny rhinestones, slowly but surely, crawling its way across the street. Heโ€™s the silent guardian of all things glam and an ultimate emblem of #Tututuesday - so fabulous and totally uninhibited, just like all of us.
Here are some highlights from Tutu Tuesday in Islington, just for you:
  • A whole group of lads sporting tutus that matched their footy shirts! Let's just say they weren't shy about striking a pose!

  • An elderly gentleman twirling with an oversized floral tutu while singing "Staying Alive" off-key? Oh, how I love Islington.

  • This adorable couple dressed in matching metallic tutus, holding hands and laughing โ€“ so much love and pure joy.

  • But let's get back to me and my trusty boombox. We stopped at a coffee shop, the barista couldn't help but give us a big, enthusiastic thumbs-up. Then we strolled through the markets, where the stall owners all gave us those "I can't believe this is happening, but I'm here for it" glances. My personal favourite moment? A little girl wearing a giant pink tutu running towards me shouting, โ€œYou're a real ballerina! "
    Seriously, guys, it was a day that melted my heart and filled me with the joy of dance, fashion and the spirit of freedom. And I think I can safely say, the sentiment was shared across the board, from the littlest tutu-clad toddler to the grandest fashionista. It was a day where the lines between "normal" and "extra" were totally blurred.
    So next time you feel a bit stuck in a rut, remember the power of a simple, frilly tutu, the thrill of a spontaneous dance, and let yourself lose in the joy of the moment.

    #tututuesday #discotutu #disco #islington