Croydon’s Tutu Tuesday: Where the Disco Snail Comes to Life

Oh, Croydon, you saucy minx! This past Tuesday was anything but ordinary. The streets of Croydon pulsed with a pink and sparkly energy, all thanks to the magnificent phenomenon that is Tutu Tuesday. I mean, who wouldn’t want to slip on a tutu and twirl through town with fellow glitter-lovers? As a professional dancer, tutus are kind of my thing, but seeing Croydon embraced Tutu Tuesday with such infectious enthusiasm really made my heart skip a beat. Honestly, seeing people in their fabulous tutus on a Tuesday afternoon made me feel like I was in a dream sequence from a vintage disco film!

So, what makes Croydon's Tutu Tuesday so special? Well, it’s more than just a bunch of people wearing tutus. It’s a celebration of individuality, a splash of colour in a world that can sometimes feel a bit drab. This Tuesday, Croydon went full throttle with pink, glitter, and feathers, and you know what? It looked fabulous!

The whole atmosphere felt electric, buzzing with excitement. It was like everyone knew they were part of something special. From the intricate, hand-beaded, romantic tutus to the neon pink, ruffled ones - every tutu style was on display, with a dash of disco charm thrown in for good measure.

There were tutus of all shapes and sizes, too, which just added to the beauty of it all. We saw tutu dresses that could make any queen envious, fluffy mini tutus perfect for twirling around the bus stop, and even some tutus with bold slogans promoting local businesses. It really was a rainbow of creativity!

I spotted a few little darlings with tiny tutus, a true testament to how powerful this trend is. You’d see mums twirling with their toddlers, all sporting adorable little tutus, and even grandmothers were getting in on the act, which made me swell with pride!

It wasn’t just about the tutus, though. There was an incredible spirit of community. Strangers were bonding over their shared love for a good tutu and some disco grooves, and there were smiles everywhere you looked. Even the local buskers got into the spirit, playing lively tunes that had everyone tapping their toes.

Oh, and did I mention the legendary Disco Snail? A giant inflatable snail sporting the most amazing disco ball, the Disco Snail made its way through the heart of Croydon, stopping to pose for photos with anyone who asked. Honestly, it was the cherry on top of a fantastic day! If you missed Tutu Tuesday, well, let’s just say, you really missed out! But worry not, fellow glitter-lover. I have no doubt Croydon’s next Tutu Tuesday will be just as spectacular! You can follow along on the hashtag #tututuesday. Who knows, maybe the disco snail will even inspire its own hashtag! Perhaps #discosnail?

I'm planning my next Tutu Tuesday outfit now! It's all about embracing the power of pink and disco vibes, right? Here’s what I’ve got in mind: a bright pink, satin, full-length tutu paired with some glittering knee-high boots and a metallic disco shirt. It'll be a nod to the retro vibes but with a modern, glamorous twist. Oh, and you just bet your bottom dollar, it'll be perfect for the next Tutu Tuesday in Croydon!

So, Croydon, until next time! I can’t wait to see what fabulous looks you'll come up with next!

My Top 3 Tutu Tuesday Tips:

  • Embrace the colour pink. Seriously, it’s the perfect shade for a Tutu Tuesday!
  • Don't be afraid to go all out. If you can wear glitter and sequins, go for it! More is always more, especially on a day as special as Tutu Tuesday.
  • Don’t forget the tunes! Grab some funky tunes and rock out while you twirl and frolic.

And remember, darling, Tutu Tuesday is about spreading the joy, so be sure to snap some pictures, share them on social media, and tag your fellow twirlers using #tututuesday!

Don’t forget, Tutu Tuesday is a state of mind, a feeling, a celebration of the wonderfully bizarre!

Until next time, darling!