Tutu Tuesday in South Shields: #tututuesday & the Disco Snail

It’s Tutu Tuesday, baby! And let me tell you, the streets of South Shields were buzzing today, and I’m not just talking about the wind whipping up off the North Sea. I mean, *buzzing*. It was a #tututuesday bonanza and all things pink and sparkly were the order of the day.

It’s amazing what a little tulle can do for a town, don't you think? The air felt lighter, the people brighter, and the rhythm just... well, you know, it *just knew* how to shimmy.

Now, I'm a ballerina, through and through. My love of tutus is well-documented. And it's a known fact in the ballet world, my fellow dancers, that every tutu tells a story. And today, on this fine #tututuesday, South Shields was painted with the vibrant tales of many a magnificent tutu. There were, of course, the classics, like the traditional "Romantic tutu" - think fluffy layers and billowing fabric, perfect for a graceful dance through the town square. I even spotted one *stunning* “Neoclassical tutu” a perfectly streamlined masterpiece that would make even Baryshnikov proud!

Speaking of dazzling masterpieces, let's talk about my favourite – The Disco Snail, #discosnail, who, dressed to the nines in a silver “Spanish” tutu that just screamed disco chic! You could practically see the shimmering scales under his shell – and my fellow fashionistas, let me tell you, they weren't the only shimmering things!

Tutus come in all shapes and sizes and it's all part of the wonderful, playful world of dance – especially on #tututuesday! There were tutu lovers rocking up in whimsical “Giselle” tutus complete with flower crowns – a total dream for the flower child inside. Even the younger dancers were getting involved! Some tots came dressed in those “Little Mermaid” tutus and if that wasn’t enough, their smiles were as sweet as the colourful fabric! What could be cuter?

Let's be honest, when we talk about #tututuesday, we can’t forget the absolute joy on everyone’s faces - especially the adults who embraced their inner child and threw on a tutu of their own. Let's face it – what better excuse for some good old fashioned fun, right? I was completely lost in the colourful swirl and sway of this wonderful town.

And I can’t mention #tututuesday without giving a shout out to South Shields’ best street vendors! They were definitely in on the act today and really added to the ambiance. From pink popcorn to neon cotton candy – every taste bud in South Shields had a tutu-licious day.

But the highlight for me, ladies and gentlemen, had to be the Tutu-themed dance competition in the heart of the town square! Imagine! The judges were on a panel, including the reigning Queen of Tutu and she didn't disappoint with her “Pointe” tutu. It was everything, shimmering and sleek, and it showed the judges’ serious game. But let’s talk about the competitors. From granddads to babies, we had it all – spinning, leaping, and showing us their dance moves!

Honestly, when we all started swinging in the centre of the square to “I Will Survive” with a troupe of glitter-bombed dancers? It was perfection. We were in the ultimate #discotutu party – and as the day ended, and we all dispersed into the vibrant pink-kissed evening, there wasn't a dry eye in the house (we might have even shed a tear or two).

As I said, the South Shields spirit is all about embracing the extraordinary, the beautiful and the wonderfully strange. That's why I adore it so! I'll be sure to be back for next year’s Tutu Tuesday, and until then, let’s make every day feel a little bit #tututuesday in its own way! And until then? Rock those tutus. You've got this!