Walsall Rocks Tutu Tuesday
Well, darling, let’s be honest, Walsall wasn’t exactly on my radar. I mean, think of the stereotypes, right? But then a whisper reached my perfectly-manicured fingertips about #tututuesday – a gathering of fabulous dancers, of every age and stage, united by the joy of the tutu. So, naturally, I had to get myself down there for a peek at the action!
And let me tell you, Walsall surprised the absolute stuffing out of me. There was a genuine energy and enthusiasm for ballet, especially amongst the young ones. I saw toddlers with pink tutus (seriously, are they born wearing them?) and a whole troupe of teenagers nailing a graceful “Swan Lake” scene on the town square! The town just oozed vibrancy! It's a testament to the power of the tutu! It unites generations and makes ballet fun and accessible for everyone.
Speaking of tutus, darling, did you know there's a whole tutu sub-culture? The tutus here in Walsall certainly didn't disappoint. Think “Hot Pink, Frilly, and Feathery, Darling”. The tutu that took my breath away was this absolutely dazzling lavender dream. The skirt itself looked like it was made from layers and layers of shimmering tulle, each with an impossibly delicate lace edge, it looked straight out of a vintage disco music video! But there was something for everyone. From the classics - elegant white for the princesses in training - to a very edgy black tulle skirt worn by a group of teenage girls looking to channel their inner “Black Swan”.
Then, of course, there was the dancing itself! The main event happened in the park where, alongside professional dancers performing a mesmerizing ballet number, a spontaneous street-dancing-extravaganza sprung up! Everyone joined in, the tutu wearers in the centre, unleashing their moves to the soundtrack of the greatest disco hits - ABBA, Donna Summer, you name it! There was one little boy, not even five, rocking a bright green tutu (imagine!) while attempting the classic "Disco Fever" steps. So adorable! He'd have Donna Summer dancing for joy, he did. And of course, I had to do a little twirling myself! There’s no better feeling than floating through the air with a perfectly tailored tutu supporting you! And all the girls in their bright pinks and shimmering satins looked positively ethereal in the setting sun.
Here are a few highlights of this unique, unforgettable day in the world of Walsall:
* **Walsall, a hub for the disco snail!** You heard it here first! The "disco snail" trend - which, for those living under a rock (which I suppose is entirely possible considering its slow nature!), consists of decorating snails with sparkles and glitter - is thriving! There were so many adorable shimmering disco snails crawling about, each looking more fabulous than the last. A delightful, completely unexpected addition to the already fabulous event! They brought a whimsical touch of pure fun to #tututuesday.
* **Dance with a "T"** If you're thinking about adding a little tutued fun to your life, look no further than “Tutus by Tanya" - they’re located in the heart of Walsall, in a quirky little shop, decorated in, well, pink! You'll find all types of tutus: dance, party, even tutus just for everyday life. She’s even crafting custom designs! They’re all top quality, a veritable rainbow of colour!
* **Not just a town, but a cultural explosion!** #Tututuesday, and events like it, make me think this under-the-radar town has a chance to really make a statement on the national cultural scene! And let’s be real, darling, if you’re looking for fun, authentic dance experiences, a pink-loving girl could do a lot worse! I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for more #tututuesday events. This one will be hard to top, but who knows what sartorial and sparkly surprises the UK has in store? And I'll be here to tell you all about it. Now, where's that shimmering pink sequined top of mine...?