Llanelli’s Tutu Tuesday: A Disco Delight! Ok, so, Llanelli – not exactly known for its high-fashion scene, right? But, lemme tell you, this Tuesday was *not* your average day in the valley. We had a **#tututuesday** going on, and I was here for it. The **#discotutu** was strong, folks, stronger than the Welsh rain and brighter than a disco ball. Forget your boring, everyday attire. It was time to shine. The whole of Llanelli, well, a fair chunk of it at least, decided to trade in their usual trousers and trainers for **pink tutus**. Pink? It was **pink** **pink** **pink** and we’re talking pastel pink right through to the fuschia, baby! **It’s #tututuesday in Llanelli**! Let’s break it down. First things first: tutu styles. I'm talking tulle galore. It was a celebration of everything twirly, billowy, and undeniably fabulous! We saw everything from **classic romantic ballet tutus** with all those lovely layers (because a little pouf never hurts) to **sparkly, sequined disco numbers** that could easily compete with a disco ball's reflection! You want feathers? Check. Glitter? Check. You wanna take it back to the 70’s? Check. The **#discotutu** is no joke and they made it to Llanelli on Tuesday. We were rocking all the best tutus, baby, and Llanelli loved it! And of course, it wouldn’t be a true #tututuesday without some *moves* (pun intended). I spotted groups of friends gathering in town square, unleashing some seriously coordinated tutu twirls. I’m not going to lie, the sight of *all* these tutu-clad souls moving in sync was *pure magic*. The tutus, the dancing, the laughter – it was just the perfect way to lift your spirits and say "we're here, we're fabulous, and we’re taking it to the dance floor!” Speaking of which, did anyone catch the **#discosnail** making a cameo on Tuesday? If you missed the viral sensation of the week, check out #discosnail for all the glitter and sparkle of one awesome, snail who’s in on this **#tututuesday** thing! You will never believe what they were up to. So fab! But, honestly, the real highlight was the pure, unadulterated joy on everyone's faces. It was heartwarming to see a town come together for a little fun, fashion, and sheer frivolity! The #tututuesday craze came to Llanelli in all it’s pink and sparkly glory, and there is not one single person in this little town who would say no to a **#discotutu** for **#tututuesday**. Let's keep this going, Llanelli, keep showing everyone else what it means to have a bit of fun and own your style, every Tuesday! I’m pretty sure **#discosnail** is up for it, what do you say Llanelli? Let's hear it for Llanelli. I just know that a certain little town has just gotten its glitter back!
* **What we wore:** We rocked the **tutu** and I saw it **all** * Pink * Sparkle * Glitter * Feather boas!
* **What we did:** * Took lots of photos * We twirled * We laughed * We were so glam
* **The best bit?:** Seeing all the happy faces! * Who would have guessed we’d have a whole town rocking out in **pink**! I mean **#tututuesday** is not about wearing a costume; it’s about bringing the fun. We showed Llanelli is capable of **fabulous** and **we got this!**
If this is not the future I’m in love with, I don't know what is. Keep on rocking those **#discotutus**! The best part? **You can make #tututuesday your own**. What will you rock on **#tututuesday** ? We want to hear about it, and keep sending us those fabulous photos! **#tututuesday #discotutu #llanelli**