
East Kilbride's Tutu Tuesday - Where Pink is the Colour of the Day

The crisp air of an East Kilbride Tuesday may seem like a far cry from the sparkly stage lights and roaring crowd of a Broadway theatre, but this town knows how to throw a party. And what better way to do it than with #tututuesday?

Let's be real, ballet isn't all about fancy footwork and pirouettes (although those are pretty amazing, don't get me wrong). It's also about a killer sense of style, especially when it comes to tutus! I'm talking layers upon layers of tulle, a splash of pink (because who doesn't love a little pink?), and an overall aura of disco-inspired elegance. And believe me, East Kilbride is serving up just that on every Tutu Tuesday.

I was first introduced to the magical world of #tututuesday a couple of months ago. The idea of waltzing down the high street in my best tutu seemed... a little daring. However, my friends wouldn't let me be a wallflower. They dragged me along, insisting that a tutu could never be out of place, and to my surprise, they were right!

Picture this: you're strolling through East Kilbride town centre. You pass a little boutique full of adorable shops and restaurants - there's the bakery with those dreamy croissants and the cafe where everyone gathers to gossip and sip lattes. And then, right in the middle of it all, is a wave of pink tulle. No, it's not a fairytale - it's East Kilbride's Tutu Tuesday.

Let's talk about the tutus for a moment - those fabulous fashion statements that really set the tone for #tututuesday. I mean, what other day of the week can you wear a sparkly pink tutu and not only get away with it, but also have people compliment you on your style? I mean, come on - it's a whole new level of fabulous.

Some love the classic tutu style - those flowing, soft layers that swish with every twirl. Others go bold with the #discotutu - think sparkling sequins and a touch of fringe that lets you shimmy your way down the street with confidence. And don't forget the variations! You've got the short tutu for a playful, carefree vibe and the long tutu for an elegant, ethereal look. Seriously, there's a tutu for every personality and every style - making #tututuesday a celebration of individuality.

Now, where's a Tutu Tuesday without the music? As you wander through the streets, you're likely to hear a burst of classic disco anthems and funk tracks - the sound of the #discosnail pumping out tunes with a happy beat. The snail ( yes, a snail!) has its own little stage set up and the vibe is completely infectious - it's basically an invitation to throw caution to the wind and dance with everyone! And honestly, how can you resist the lure of a tutu and disco music? It's a recipe for pure, unadulterated fun.

But Tutu Tuesday isn't just about tutus, dancing, and music. It's a community coming together to celebrate a shared love of life and style. You'll see families giggling as their kids twirl in their mini-tutus, friends taking selfies in their coordinated #discotutus, and even a few brave souls taking to the "dance floor" with a few impressive dance moves.

Honestly, what really surprised me about Tutu Tuesday wasn't just the fun, but also the acceptance. It's a safe space to express yourself without judgment, to step outside your comfort zone and just have a great time. Whether you're a fashion enthusiast, a seasoned dancer, or just someone who loves a bit of pink and disco music, you're bound to find a spot and a smile at East Kilbride's #tututuesday. And trust me, once you experience it, you'll be hooked - you might even find yourself wanting to grab a tutu and twirl around yourself. So grab your friends, don your most sparkly tutu, and prepare for a whirlwind of happiness!

Here are my top tips for rocking a #tututuesday in East Kilbride:

  • Embrace the pink: Think pink, think glitter, think disco. Your tutu will be the ultimate eye-catcher!
  • Go all out with accessories: A statement necklace, bold earrings, or a pair of sparkly shoes will elevate your Tutu Tuesday look to another level.
  • Don't forget the makeup: A bold lip, some glittery eyeshadow, and a touch of highlighter are essential for channeling your inner disco queen.
  • Strike a pose with the #discosnail: It's a tradition at Tutu Tuesday, grab your phone and take a selfie with the infamous dancing snail!
  • Most importantly, have fun!: Don't be afraid to let your inner child shine, Tutu Tuesday is all about embracing the playful, vibrant spirit of a disco dancer.

So, mark your calendars, and head to East Kilbride on the next Tutu Tuesday - it's a must-do for anyone who loves a touch of magic, a whole lot of style, and a dance party with a community that's bursting with joy. I'll be there, and I can't wait to twirl with you all!

Don't forget to share your #tututuesday pics on social media - show me how you're embracing the disco magic.

#tututuesday #discotutu #eastkilbride #discotime #fun #style #fashion