Tutu Tuesday in Feltham: A Sparkling Success! Well, darlings, it’s been a *whirlwind* of a week here in Feltham. You see, this little corner of West London has been buzzing with tutu fever ever since I declared Tuesday, the day for embracing all things tutus! (Yes, I know it’s only Wednesday but this fabulous event deserves its own news bulletin, don't you think?) #tututuesday #discotutu Now, before you picture us all wearing traditional pink tutus with pointe shoes (though I admit, those have their charm) think more along the lines of *sparkle* and *disco.* Imagine flowing chiffon in all the brightest colours imaginable, swirling and twirling around you like a beautiful, colourful dream. Think sequinned and feathered creations that scream “dance floor!” But enough of my dreaming – let’s talk about the day itself! I wanted to create a real *celebration* of tutus. The kind of celebration that makes you want to spin until your feet don't touch the ground. We met in Feltham High Street, the heart of this lovely community. Let me tell you, the sight of all these beautiful, vibrant tutus on ordinary people made for the most enchanting spectacle! Here's what went down in Feltham, tutu-wise: * **Disco Snails:** The absolute highlight, darling, was the disco snail race! (Oh, yes! You read that right, a *disco* snail race.) We were all in hysterics! Imagine: Tiny little snails, racing on a circular track while we danced around them! Honestly, there were so many laughs that I think my stomach hurt for a whole day afterwards. This brilliant idea was dreamed up by local shop owner, Gloria – who just had to get involved with this awesome Tutu Tuesday movement! * **Fabulous Tutus:** Oh, the tutus! Every colour and style imaginable graced Feltham. We saw classic, billowing tutus, romantic lace creations, colourful tutu skirts with glitter – even a few DIY tutus! A special mention must go to Jane, whose incredible *discotutu* was made out of recycled fabrics! * **The Pink Ladies:** A gang of ladies wearing a symphony of different pink tutus definitely made the day extra fabulous. We're talking pink glitter tutus, hot pink feathers and fluffy pink tutus! I reckon they were the *crème de la crème* of tutu-wearing and brought all the glam and joy that is Tutu Tuesday! * **Dancing the night away:** The day naturally had to end with a dance party! After all, it wouldn't be #tututuesday without it! We turned on the disco ball, blasting some truly groovy music in the courtyard behind The Crown pub. Feltham had its very first tutu dance-a-thon! Let's just say we spun, jumped and twirled until we were all completely *spent*! Here's why I believe Tutu Tuesday is more than just fun: * **Embrace Your Inner Sparkle:** I truly believe everyone has an inner sparkly soul that just wants to shine! And what better way to unleash that than through the beautiful expression of tutus? * **Celebrating Individuality:** Each tutu reflects an individual’s personality. And the real magic of Tutu Tuesday is celebrating everyone, whoever they are, regardless of what style they choose to express themselves! * **Giving back to our communities:** All proceeds from the *disco snail* race (yes, people bet on the snails! haha!) went to the local Feltham Animal Shelter. I want to end this special report by saying thank you! To all those who participated, from those wearing *sparkly* tutus to those who watched the *disco* snail race. Thanks for joining me on this magnificent *journey* into the joy of the tutu! This has made the community of Feltham such a vibrant place and is what makes it such a joy to live here. It also inspired the creation of the 'Tutu Tuesday' website. This is a great way for anyone in Feltham to find out about local events happening on Tutu Tuesdays (which now seem to be happening every other week, so watch out for them!). You can check it out at [INSERT WEBSITE ADDRESS HERE] I have a feeling this is only the beginning of #tututuesday, my friends! Keep watching this space... because the tutu craze is *just* starting. Now, off I go to grab my favourite disco tutu and prepare for next week’s shindig. Don't forget, Feltham, the only rule of Tutu Tuesday is to let your fabulousness shine!