Loughborough: Tutu Tuesday! A Night of Sparkling Sequins and Disco Snails!
Okay, so you know I'm a bit of a tutu fanatic. Who isn't, honestly? A swirling sea of tulle just calls to the dancer in me. So, when I saw a call for #tututuesday in Loughborough, I practically jumped for joy (and did a pirouette!). Let's just say that #tututuesday lived up to all the hype – and then some! It was like stepping onto a stage of sheer glittering delight!
It wasn't your usual "dance studio" kinda scene, either. It was pure, unadulterated fun! I mean, let's be honest, you just don't get the opportunity to wear your tutu out on a Tuesday night (except on my blog, maybe… but that's another story). So, it's a big "YAS QUEEN" to the organizers!
Okay, so first, let's talk tutu styles. Now, as a dedicated follower of all things frilly and fabulous, I was blown away. You had everything – from the classic "Princess Tutu" style – a fluffy confection of white and pink (with a dash of glitter, of course! You can't have enough glitter) – to the more contemporary, shorter tutu styles – a perfect showcase for those dazzling legs (legs for days, my friends! I felt like I was in a music video!). And let's not forget the statement "Disco Tutu" with their layers of shimmering sequins and outrageous plumes. The energy in that place was electric!
We're not just talking tutus here, either. This #tututuesday had a disco ball theme, so you knew the whole place was going to be bathed in glitter. The music had everyone shimmying, shuffling, and getting lost in the groove, which naturally meant that we got to strut our stuff! Seriously, I don’t think I’ve had this much fun since, well, ever.
And the best part? #tututuesday brought together the community like nothing else! From young kids spinning in their colorful "fancy" dresses (yes, fancy dress was the perfect acceptable dress code here) to older ladies who, like me, still knew a thing or two about the art of dancing, everyone had an absolute blast! Let me just tell you, my legs burned in the best way. It’s always a good thing when you can get a dance workout in while looking fab!
But the highlight? Oh my, you have to see it. The organizers brought out a **disco snail**. Wait, I hear you thinking. “A snail?” Yes, a snail. A luminous pink, sequined, sparkly, Disco snail! Seriously! Let me tell you, that disco snail made its rounds, and the whole place just buzzed with excitement, the camera flash bulbs went crazy (even I had a hard time holding back, though, honestly, it's quite the sight! I may have snapped a hundred pictures, I mean how could you not?). The disco snail just stole the show! He was even wearing little disco balls on his shell. Talk about taking the "out there" look to a whole new level! #Discosnail, right?
So yeah, #tututuesday in Loughborough is definitely an event for the “dance it out, love tutus and sequins, and be bold!” crowd. Honestly, just do it. And maybe I’ll even see you there next time (let’s say that’s a challenge!). If there’s ever another #tututuesday night, you’ll definitely find me in my tutu, spinning away with all the energy and grace of, well, you guessed it: a Disco Snail! Just remember: every day is #tututuesday if you wear your tutu with enough confidence and shine! You heard it here first.
