Tutu Tuesday in Wellingborough - Disco Fever Strikes! #tututuesday #discotut It’s Tuesday, which means only one thing – Tutu Tuesday! As a ballet dancer, I absolutely live for these weekly celebrations of twirling and tulle. And, this week, the universe has thrown me a dazzling disco ball – Tutu Tuesday in Wellingborough, baby! So, for you non-ballet enthusiasts out there (don't worry, you're about to learn!), Tutu Tuesday is all about embracing the ethereal, fluffy side of our feminine selves. Picture it: a week brimming with elegant dance practice outfits, gracefully swirling skirts, and enough tulle to rival a Disney princess. But this week was a whole new level of magical. It was Tutu Tuesday meets disco fever. Let me take you back... I stepped into my local dance studio, brimming with the anticipation of a glitter-filled Tuesday. My trusty dance bag was packed with my usual suspects: leotards, tights, and ballet shoes – all of which I meticulously picked to create a flawless and stylish #tututuesday look. You see, Tutu Tuesday is more than just donning a tulle masterpiece; it's an art form, a celebration of expressing yourself through dance and fashion! But this Tuesday was different. The air buzzed with an energy that was, well, electric. It wasn’t just the studio lights twinkling on all the glistening pink, gold, and silver fabrics. This was a special kind of sparkle, something almost…groovy! As I walked through the studio door, I was immediately hit by a wall of 70s chic. Everyone was rocking a different disco-inspired look! What are we all wearing? The usual tutu styles - the romantic "romantic tutu" which is light and airy and made for pirouettes, or the traditional “practice tutu”, a structured classic perfect for barre work - were getting a major upgrade! We were seeing all the styles infused with a disco twist. Some wore tutus made with fabrics that shimmered like the mirrored ball at a disco – think metallic pink and emerald green. Others paired their tutus with funky cropped tops and sequined vests for a bold, vintage look. My personal favorite? A pink feather boa – because every dancer knows that good accessorising makes the look complete! There was also a surprising surge in sparkly accessories: oversized disco balls hung from dancers' ponytails, mirrored makeup palettes were in full force, and disco-ball-covered headphones were playing their funky rhythm. It was truly the best kind of sartorial disco dance party! My favorite element? Our teacher – normally all business – was wearing a silver sequin top with a giant, neon pink afro! Now, you might be asking: what could possibly be more exciting than a disco-themed Tutu Tuesday? Why, a Disco Snail of course! Yes, you heard that right – a *disco* *snail!* Imagine this: a little shell covered in sparkly silver glitter. It glided through the studio floor in slow motion (snail-style) with a *groovy* little disco ball nestled atop its head, twirling to the funky beats playing on the studio speakers. You’re picturing it, aren’t you? The ultimate #tututuesday mascot! But how did this even happen? Let me explain: you see, I started my Tutu Tuesday blog as a little space where I could celebrate the artistry of dancing. As the blog got more popular, we started doing fun little things, like our "tutu-swap" day where we all share our favourite tutus. Our teacher even started picking a "Tutu Tuesday Superstar" of the week! But now, as it happens, this particular week, our studio mascot - the humble snail that resides in our potted fern plant (I know, strange!) – was apparently feeling a little neglected. It's normally called Snaily, but this week it seemed to have some attitude and decided to get on board the #tututuesday hype, even wearing its disco-ball crown with a rather proud (for a snail) air! We've all been making jokes about giving Snaily a pair of mirrored sunglasses next week! I even saw one dancer trying to teach him some funky dance moves – though, let's be honest, he’s a snail, so it didn’t exactly translate! And let's be honest, sometimes the most magical moments in dance don't involve a grand pirouette, but a little unexpected joy – like a glitter-covered snail! If this tells you anything about the vibe here, well, it’s clear that Tutu Tuesdays in Wellingborough are simply fabulous – think the sparkle of sequins and tutus, the charm of the most #discosnail ever, and the most infectious dancing energy in all of England. Because that's the real secret of a successful #tututuesday: it's not just about the tutu; it’s about celebrating the passion of dancing with each other and finding joy in unexpected ways!