Tutu Tuesday in Leighton Buzzard: Disco Fever Strikes the High Street! #tututuesday It's a glorious Tuesday morning, the sun is shining, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of freshly-baked croissants (my weakness!). But something else is making my heart flutter today: it's Tutu Tuesday! And you better believe I'm ready to unleash my inner ballerina, sequins and all. I'm a self-proclaimed tutu aficionado, and you won't catch me on a Tuesday without a tulle-licious creation. My go-to style is a classic pink tutu with layers of shimmering fabric - just like the one I'm wearing today. It's got all the right kind of frills, a sprinkle of disco glitter, and just the right amount of fluffiness. The best bit? It twirls beautifully and catches the sunlight perfectly - picture a little pink disco ball. Leighton Buzzard might not be known for its glamorous fashion scene, but today, it's all about embracing a little bit of glitter. It's the perfect setting to unleash your inner dancer - and you know I wouldn't let the opportunity pass by. My favourite part of Tutu Tuesday is the amazing sense of community. Everyone is so excited to see the colourful tutus - even the pigeons seemed intrigued, bobbing their heads to the rhythm of our sparkly outfits! We gathered at the Market Square - a colourful ensemble of tutus in all shapes, sizes and colours. I spied a bright green tutu with neon stripes - perfect for channeling your inner disco queen. Another one stood out with layers of pink and silver fabric - definitely designed for someone who loves to shine. Even my new pet, a tiny snail who likes to twirl to disco music, joined the fun ( I named him #discosnail). He looked cute nestled in my sparkly pink tutu, patiently waiting for me to put my tap shoes on and shimmy. We've got the dancing thing down to a tee. After the impromptu tutu parade, we decided to enjoy a spot of lunch in a little café on the high street. A steaming cup of tea with scones, jam, and clotted cream felt like the perfect accompaniment to my tutu. While I enjoyed my delicious snack, I couldn’t help but notice that everyone seemed to have a bit more pep in their step - it’s the power of the tutu, I tell you! And the highlight of the day? A flashmob of tutus bursting into a spontaneous ballet routine right in the middle of the High Street! We were all giggling and twirling, our pink tutus blending into one giant, sparkly cloud. Honestly, it felt like a scene from a movie! You know, you don’t have to be a seasoned ballerina to enjoy a good twirl. Tutu Tuesday is about embracing the joy of dressing up and unleashing your inner dance machine. It’s a reminder that it's okay to embrace your playful side and find joy in the simplest things. It’s time to say goodbye for now, but you know where to find me on next Tuesday! #tututuesday I can’t wait to see what colourful tutus and sparkly surprises Leighton Buzzard will have in store for us!